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   Lessons I have learned and Resources
   I have Discovered ...               
Winter has mostly past and spring is upon us.  For me, living in the northeast, it always feels as if there is a special rush in the air this time of year as I look to complete my obligations just a little earlier so I can get out and enjoy some wonderful spring air.  This issue will focus on some different ways to look at Time Management and some useful tools and strategies for making the best of each moment.  Also be sure to check out the new links on my website highlighted on the right column of this newsletter.  Be sure to join my PTS Coaching Facebook page where I post current events, news articles, and active discussion.  Enjoy!  


What I learned about Time Management from Running and a Tomato

Life lessons often come from places you least expect.  Now before you become concerned that I am going to preach the virtues of running or changing your diet, no worries - that's not my agenda...

 Click here to read my article
The Pomodoro Technique Pomotoro


We often approach work with no plan in mind for staying productive during this time.  Breaks in concentration often occur for distractions, exhaustion, or plain boredom.  This article explores ways  to increase overall productivity while reducing the overall time we spend at work.

Click here to read the article
 mom and boy
Join me for a 7-Session
Parent Coaching Workshop Series


Calm and Connected...

       Parenting Your Child with ADHD


 Click here to download a flyer  


Is your child struggling in school or with homework?


Do you find yourself repeating the same lectures?


Have you tried the typical structure and routine and still

        you find you are living in stress and chaos?


This workshop addresses the unique education and strategies that are valuable when parenting a child with ADHD.


During the Seven Sessions we will examine how ADHD truly impacts your child's development based on the most resent research, and help you develop the tools necessary to create a calm environment where compliance and growth can occur.


Topics include:

  • Establishing lasting structure that will reduce chaos and defiance
  • Creating a calm environment so listening and learning can occur
  • Teaching effective decision-making and collaboration skills
  • Improving your child's focus, attention, and self-advocacy skills.
  • Reducing homework stress for you and your child. 

Upcoming Session Dates and Locations:

Club Mom,Huntington,NY  ( 

Mondays beginning May 2nd, 7 - 9 pm 

Tuesdays beginning May 3rd, 10 am - 12 noon  


Hallowell Center,NY,NY (

Thursdays beginning May 5th, 7 - 9 pm 


Fee: $675/person  $300/spouse

Includes 1-Hour Individual Coaching Session


To register call 516-802-0593 or email



About Cindy...

Cindy Goldrich, Ed.M., is a Parent and Teen life coach, specializing in working with families who struggle with ADHD, Executive Function issues, and the challenges of the teen years. She holds a master's in Counseling Psychology from Columbia University, has completed certified coaching coursework with a specialization in ADHD Coaching, and has trained with Dr. Ned Hallowell and Dr. Ross Greene. She aims to create understanding and hope for those who are affected by ADHD through workshops, lectures and consultation for nonprofit and private institutions. Using education, support and coaching she provides clients with the resources they need to build effective organization/time management skills, develop successful study habits, and negotiate healthy parent-child relationships. Services offered include individual Parent Coaching, individual Teen Coaching, support navigating the school system, and presentations for staff development.  Coaching is available in person on Long Island or via phone nationwide.

Volume 2, Issue 1
Did you know... 
Research has shown that people with ADHD commonly have difficulty accurately estimating the passage of time compared to the general population.   

Parenting Tip
of the Month

Asking your child to come inside after 20 minutes might be difficult for them to do without concrete assistance.  Give them a timer or watch with an alarm so they can be responsible themselves.  Then they will learn to keep better track of time on their own.  Think "Build Skills"
Do you have a tip to share? Please email me at:

Upcoming Free Presentations
Top Ten Strategies to Arm you Child with ADHD for the Road Ahead 

Parent Coaching Skills 

Time Management - It's a Family Affair!



for dates and locations

Recent Articles 

Does ADHD have to lead to Oppositional Defiant Disorder? 


 Time Management - It's a Family Affair!  


New Resources added to website...

Google Docs  

Create and share your work online with fellow students and colleagues for free.  Allows you to edit live while online with co-workers.

Onion Mountain Technology 

A great resource for a wide variety of tools to make learning and working easier and more accessible for all students.


Make your own math drill sheets for free!  Simply select the type of problems and a worksheet will be created to our specifications, ready to be printed for use.  


Quote of the Month 

"The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand." Coach Vince Lombardi


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Cindy Goldrich, Ed. M.

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Cindy Goldrich, Ed.M.