Welcome to the July edition of New(S)olutions, our monthly newsletter.
In this edition, we will tell you about some new project awards, spotlight one of our divisions, focus on giving you some helpful business tips, ask some questions, share some humor and update you on the state of our industry.
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Custom Components Company
"Your Custom Solutions Provider" |
Custom Components Company Announces New Project Award - Lynn University - Remembrance Plaza
Custom Components Company announces the award of a new project in Boca Raton, FL, the Lynn University Remembrance Plaza. The new structure will tell the story of four university students and two professors who lost their lives on January 12, 2010 when a 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti. The students and faculty were part of a group that went to Haiti in January of 2010 as part of the Journey of Hope - one endeavor in the university's tradition of service. Remembrance Plaza will be a place of remembrance and reflection... a place of inspiration. Using elements of light, water, and trees, the memorial plaza will feature: six triangles/prisms of light, representing each of the lost individuals; a waterfall cascading from the roof of the memorial flowing onto six steps and into the lake; a bas relief map of Haiti including the story of the Journey of Hope; a royal palm - the national tree of Haiti; benches for students and other guests to reflect, study and visit. The memorial is designed by Sousa Architecture of Miramar, FL and Gerrits Construction, Inc. of Boca Raton, FL is the general contractor.
Custom Components Company is supplying the glass and railing requirements for the project, including the structural laminated glass prisms and stainless steel cable railings. The glass prisms will be made from nearly a quarter of a million dollars of Narima™ dichroic color effect glass from Schott North America, a unique glass that produces dazzling variable color effects. The glass is being sent to TriView Glass Industries, LLC (City of Industry, CA) for lettering, fabrication, laminating and tempering.
Click here for larger images
Another Reason To Use The EZ Access™ Sliding Door System
Al Tech's EZ Access™ Sliding Door System is the newest architectural design, saves floor space, is quiet, smooth and easy to operate, and improves access to offices. But now, there is another advantage: It makes it easier to accommodate ADA requirements. According to the requirements, accessible doors must have a minimum of a clear opening width of 32-in., measured from the face of the door opened to 90 degrees to the surface of the latch sided door stop. Accessible doors can be either sliding or swinging. A sliding door requires similar approach distances from the front or side as does any other door opening, but by using a sliding door, the designer does not have to accommodate the area of the door swing. Swinging doors need more clear floor area than sliding doors. Consequently , by using the EZ Access™ Sliding Door System the architect can meet ADA requirements, while gaining design flexibility.
Click here for details and specifications
So...What Business Are You In?
What business do you think you're in?
Do you think Lexus and Hyundai are in the same business? What about Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts? What about Rolex and Timex, are they in the same business?
Let's review, Lexus & Hyundai - they both build cars so they are in the same business, however they sell to a totally different client! Lexus sells status, luxury and performance. Hyundai sells price point, value, and assurance. They both know their client base and do a great job of marketing to that base.
Starbucks & Dunkin Donuts, they both make coffee with some differences. Some might call Starbucks," Fivebucks" because of the cost of their coffee. Dunkin Donuts sells very little in the way of frills, but they still make a great cup of coffee. Starbucks sells atmosphere and "the experience." Dunkin Donuts sells value & donuts. Most people who frequent Starbucks would not be caught dead in a Dunkin Donuts, and if you are loyal to Dunkin Donuts, you would not want fu-fu coffee in a "venti" cup! Why can't they just say large?
Rolex & Timex both make a watch that tells the exact same time, same number of hands, with 12 numbers. Timex sells reliability, and a price point. Bottom line, Rolex sells Jewelry. Make no mistake about it, Rolex knows you can buy a more reliable time piece, but it's hard to make a fashion statement with a Timex.
Knowing what business you are in is paramount to the success of your company! Read more
Originally posted by John Rovi at http://rovi.usglassmag.com
Construction Whodunnit?
A workman was killed at a construction site. The police began questioning a number of the other workers.
Based upon past brushes with the law, many of these workers were considered prime suspects. They were a motley crew:
The electrician was suspected of wiretapping once, but was never charged.
The carpenter thought he was a stud. He tried to frame another man one time.
The glazier went to great panes to conceal his past. He still claims that he didn't do anything; that he was framed.
The painter had a brush with the law several years ago.
The heating, ventilation and air conditioning contractor was known to pack heat. He was arrested once, but duct the charges.
The mason was a suspect because he gets stoned regularly.
The cabinet maker is an accomplished counter fitter.
So who did it?
Click here for the answer
Source: www.contractorcity.com |
Product Spotlight
Our US Sunguard™ division has a diverse selection of off the shelf and custom sun control products that provide a decorative means to manage the flow of  natural daylighting and limit the use of artificial interior lighting, offering sustainable environmental solutions. Specific products include sunshades, light shelves, awnings trellises and canopies. Custom design and fabrication is also offered for a number of building and architectural needs. A variety of profiles, sizes, finishes, and colors are available to meet your functional and aesthetic requirements.
Sunshades provide both sun control functionality and aesthetic quality allowing varying amounts of light to enter the building. In doing so, they contribute to a reduction in energy consumption while providing an architectural statement for the building.
Light Shelves
A light shelf is an architectural element that allows daylight to penetrate deep into a building, providing uniform and natural distribution to significantly reduce energy light costs.
Manufactured of high quality aluminum, an awning is a secondary covering attached to an exterior wall of a building used as a shelter against direct sunlight and other weather elements.
Trellis & Canopies
Architectural trellis and canopies create a distinctive and functional look for any building, or can be free standing. Manufactured of high quality aluminum with optional glass elements, they can also provide sun control, as well as contribute to an overall stylish and unique look.
Construction Activity Update
The latest federal government figures on construction spending have been released showing May 2011 construction spending estimated at a seasonally adjusted $753.5 billion annual rate, 0.6% (+ or - 1.6%) below the revised April estimate of $757.9 billion. The May figure is 7.1% (+ or - 1.8%) below the May 2010 estimate of $811.2 billion. During the first 5 months of this year, construction spending amounted to $285.1 billion, 6.3 percent (+ or - 1.4%) below the $304.4 billion for same period in 2010.
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Custom Components Company Announces New Project Award - COC Conference Center - San Diego, CA
Custom Components Company announces the award of a new project in San Diego, CA, the County of San Diego COC Conference Center. The new structure will be built on a 38-acre site that is being redeveloped into a modern, efficient campus with approximately 900,000 square feet of office space, built to LEED Gold Certification. The center will be developed in three phases. The first phase consists of the central plant, two office buildings and a conference center. The second phase is comprised of two additional office buildings, a cafeteria and an additional parking structure. The final phase will add two more office buildings to the campus. The center features sustainable design incorporating a variety of energy efficient and green building technologies. The project is designed by RJC Architects of San Diego, and Roel Construction of San Diego is the general contractor.
Custom Components Company is supplying Series 700 glass railing and stainless steel handrail to Rossin Steel of San Diego, who will handle the installation.
About Custom Components Company
Custom Components Company is the premier manufacturer, fabricator and supplier of architectural engineered products, including interior and exterior railing systems, interior aluminum office fronts, stile and rail doors and sun control devices. For clients interested in custom engineered products, Custom Components' Engineered Services Division offers full design, engineering and fabrication of one-of-a-kind architectural elements. Through a national network of independent architectural representatives and an in-house staff of engineers, Custom Components offers the highest level of technical and product assistance to building and design professionals.
For any project large or small, if we don't already have what you need, we will build it for you and make your vision come alive.
For more information, give us a call or visit our website at www.cc-aep.com.
Custom Components Company "Your Custom Solutions Provider" 13902 Lynmar Boulevard Tampa, Florida 33626 1-800-516-9474
RACO's Gone. We Have Frames and Doors!
 Al Tech™ is fully prepared and positioned to the supply the needs of the marketplace created by the closing of RACO Interior Products. We offer the building and design professional an extensive line of high quality standard and custom aluminum frames, doors and office fronts.
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Website Visit our website to view our complete product offering and capabilities and to download our corporate E-Brochure.
Watch For Our New Website - Coming Soon!
Coming soon on the Internet near you, Custom Components Company's new website! We have completely redesigned our website to make it more user friendly, more informative and easier to navigate to find what you need. Watch for it!
Visit our e-commerce website/online store that provides 24/7 ordering

capability of an extensive line of interior and exterior railing products, interior door and framing products and accessories in a safe and secure shopping environment. To find out how easy it is to navigate our site
check out our User Guide below.
Updated! Awarded And Completed Projects
We have just updated our awarded and completed project files to reflect our recently completed and awarded projects. Included, in addition to photos, is information about the architect, the general contractor and the products we are supplying. Have a look.
Completed projects
Awarded projects
"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Trivia Question
What famous French landmark is named after a German city?
Visit Our Blog
Come view our blog. We created it to help our customers and potential customers improve their businesses.
Good Contractor - Bad Advertising
In his latest column, Richard Broudy of Contractors Business School takes up the issue of local advertising. While agreeing that memorable commercials can help contractors stand out from the crowd, he reminds his clients that being remembered is good only if the impression left with the audience is positive in nature.
Read more
This article originally appeared on:
designandbuildwithmetal.com |
What City Tops Your Best Architecture List?
If you had to pick which city on the planet has the best overall 
architecture, which would it be? Chicago, New York? What about Tokyo or Dubai? The debate rages on. Be part of the debate. Voice your opinion by clicking on the link below.
Originally posted on McGraw-Hill Construction Community |
Architects Need A Slogan
From Jody Brown at www.coffeewithanarchitect.com: I've got it! Sure we've been a struggling profession lately. Yeah, the economy  has hit us hard. People have needed to re-think their priorities, and Architecture hasn't made the list. But I think all we need is a good ad campaign. Am I right? A snappy slogan could be just the thing we need to revitalize this profession. We don't need to restructure the profession to adjust to changing times. All we need is a good catch phrase. Am I right? I think I am. Get on this American Institute of Architects.
Our Corporate Presentation
 Take a look at our corporate presentation. It will give you a detailed understanding of our company, our experience and our capabilities. It also includes an overview of our products and services, our project resume and photos of some of the projects we have worked on. Click here to view the presentation |
5 Steps To Whipping Your Small Business Into Financial Shape
Good financial management can be a challenge for small businesses. With the passion and creativity that small business people bring to their work, the nuts and bolts of exploiting revenue streams and controlling costs often take a back seat Here are five quick tips for better money manage-ment.
1. Recognize your limits
Don't let enthusiasm for your field get the better of you. Energy, passion and love for your work are great (and necessary) virtues for the entrepre-neur. But leave them to their own devices, and you can quickly get in way over your head. I've seen it happen. Before you know it, your business may start looking more like a hobby - - an expensive one. To keep track, spend a few minutes taking stock of your financial and human resources. How much money do you really have? What can you realistically expect from your current receivables? How about tangible assets? A positive attitude can be a double edged sword: great when it forces you to take on challenges that push the boundaries of what you think is possible, but potentially undermining to a realistic assessment of your capabilities. And that's when big money can start to fly out the door. That's money you can't afford to waste as a small business. Recognize your limitations, accept them and then push on them responsibly without breaking the bank.
Read more
From www.manta.com
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