Welcome to the May edition of New(S)olutions, our monthly newsletter.
In this edition, we will tell you about two recently completed projects, focus on how to help you face these tough economic times, share some humor, update you on the state of our industry and give you some helpful business tips.
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Custom Components Company
"Your Custom Solutions Provider" |
Custom Components Company Completes Sunrise Public Safety Building - Sunrise, FL
Custom Components Company recently completed a project to supply custom  stainless steel and glass railing and handrails for the newly constructed Sunrise Public Safety Building in Sunrise, FL. The project was a $30 million, 109,000 square foot facility for the city of Sunrise. The building houses the city's police and fire service headquarters. The project also includes a 17,850 square foot fire station and 4,900 square foot central energy plant adjacent to the new Public Safety Building. The public safety complex unites police and fire rescue administration in a facility that meets their unique needs. It will serve as the city's  emergency operations center. The new building replaces a former city facility that was demolished several years ago. Since then, the police and fire departments have been operating from temporary offices in th e city's utility headquarters. The architect for the project was Architects Design Group of Winter Park, FL and the general contractor was Stiles Construction of Fort Lauderdale, FL. Custom Components supplied and installed nearly 200 linear feet of monumental glass bridge in the main lobby consisting of stainless steel point mounted glass railing and hand rail. This also included an exterior glass railing system at the main water feature at the entrance to the building. This is one of several projects that Custom Components has collaborated with Stiles Construction. Others include interior office front projects with the AL Tech™ line.
Contractors Focus On Business Development To Compete In Tight Markets - FMI Special Report
FMI releases special report: Survey of Construction Industry Business Development Practices. Raleigh, NC, May 6, 2011 - FMI, the largest provider of management consulting and investment banking to the engineering and construction industry announces the release of the special report. Despite encouraging signs that the the economy is improving, new projects remain hard to find for contractors. In better times, the majority of contractors did not focus a great deal on business development, but that is changing as backlogs dwindle to historical lows and competition is tougher than ever. In response to this heightened interest in business development, FMI decided to launch an intensive study of business development practices in the U.S. engineering and construction industry.
Some of their findings include:
* 73% of contractors surveyed were spending more resources (either in the form of time or money) on business development now than they were in the economic downturn.
* Only 62% of construction executives think their investments in business development are achieving the desired result.
Click here to see more findings
Some Good News! US Manufacturing Continues To Expand
The ISM Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index was broadly covered in the media with most sources mentioning manufacturing's key role in helping the U.S. regain its economic footing. It was also noted that April's expansion marked a slight decline from March, due in part to higher input costs, but that overall the results, and the outlook for the sector, are very good. The impact of a weak dollar was also noted.
The AP (5/3) reports, "The nation's manufacturing sector has expanded this year at the fastest pace in a quarter-century, boosted by a weak dollar that has made US goods cheap overseas." The strong manufacturing sector "could help the economy rebound after experiencing weak growth in the first three months of the year," although other industries such as construction are still struggling, and raw materials prices remain a concern. "The Institute for Supply Management said Monday that manufacturing activity expanded in April for the 21st straight month." Although the reading of 60.4 represents a decline from 61.2 in March, it still indicates manufacturing growth.
Boost Your Business Profits Even In Tough Times
With revenues shrinking and costs rising, it's easy to get upside-down in the profit column, With credit markets just starting to thaw, it may be difficult to get the cash needed to continue operations. And tight-fisted customers aren't going to let you sell your way back to profitability. How is it possible to boost profits without increasing sales? The easiest way is to downsize your costs.
Ever notice how some companies seem to thrive in economic downturns and blow past their competitors? Wouldn't you like to be one of them?
You can! There are hidden gold mines in your day-to-day business operations that you've been unable to tap using common sense, gut feel and trial-and-error. Across the ordering, billing, purchasing, payments and fulfillment processes, your customers may experience 6-12-18% error rate - an error rate that is devouring your profits.
In a recession, you can't market or sell your way out, because customers are tightening their purse strings. You can't innovate your way out, because customers want proven solutions, not new, untried ones.
You can, however, systematically improve your mission-critical operations - eliminating defects, delay and waste that translate into immediate profits. No waiting! And best of all, your processes are totally within your control - you don't have to rely on anyone else to achieve your goals.
Article source: ezinearticles.com |
How To Choose The Best Supplier
One of the toughest business decisions you can have is choosing the right (or best supplier) for a product or service. There are literally hundreds, or more, potential suppliers out there, no matter what it is you are looking for. That number also seems to increase markedly during tough economic times. The answer is quite a bit more complicated than who has the lowest price. In fact, it is a very bad business decision to make your selection based on price alone, even during good economic times. As the old saying goes, " The stench of poor quality lingers long after the allure of low price fades."
Here's a better way: Evaluate your potential suppliers on the total value proposition they provide. From recent surveys we have conducted, here are the most important characteristics of a good supplier (in order of importance):
* Meeting design intent/project requirements
* Quality
* Responsiveness
* On time delivery
* Problem resolution
* Price
The message, keep all of these in mind when searching for the best supplier and don't be fooled by low prices. Search, ask , get references and you will end up with the best supplier for your specific requirements. |
Custom Components Company Supplies Railings For Care First - Cumberland, MD
Custom Components Company recently completed a project to supply custom glass railing and stainless steel hand rail for Care First - Blue Cross/Blue Shield Insurance in Cumberland, MD for their new two story office building. The architect for the project was VOA Associates and the general contractor was Carl Belt, Inc. The client was looking for something that was simple and functional, yet elegant. Custom Components worked closely with the design, construction and installation teams to achieve those goals.
We supplied our Series 700 glass balustrade railing with custom stainless steel hand rail, utilizing 1/2" clear tempered glass. The design features custom stainless steel glass clips for the glass returns at the top of the stairs. The base shoe was wrapped in architectural wood. Glass Services of Cumberland did an excellent job on the project.
Click here for more project photos |
Construction Activity Update
The latest federal government figures on construction spending have been released showing March 2011 construction spending estimated at a seasonally adjusted $768.9 billion annual rate, 1.4% (+ or - 1.6%) above the revised February estimate of $758.6 billion. The March figure is 6.7% (+ or - 1.8%) below the March 2010 estimate of $824.0 billion. During the first 3 months of this year, construction spending amounted to $161.2 billion, 7.8 percent (+ or - 1.4%) below the $174.8 billion for same period in 2010.
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Top 10 Ways To Guarantee Losing A Sale
Or put it another way, if you don't do any of these, you have a chance to earn a sale based on the pricing, quality and reliability of your service. Keep these in mind during your next visit with a customer!
10) Show up late for your initial appointment or walk-thru.
9) Answer your customer's questions with made up answers, hoping they will never check on you.
8) Forget to put your phone on vibrate or answering your phone while talking to a potential client.
7) Walk into a client meeting with a cigarette lit, or eating something.
6) Tell a potential client they "are wrong" instead of suggesting alternatives positively.
Click here to read all 10
Originally posted by Paul Bieber at http://usglasspaul.blogspot.com/ |
About Custom Components Company
Custom Components Company is the premier manufacturer, fabricator and supplier of architectural engineered products, including interior and exterior railing systems, interior aluminum office fronts, stile and rail doors and sun control devices. For clients interested in custom engineered products, Custom Components' Engineered Services Division offers full design, engineering and fabrication of one-of-a-kind architectural elements. Through a national network of independent architectural representatives and an in-house staff of engineers, Custom Components offers the highest level of technical and product assistance to building and design professionals.
For any project large or small, if we don't already have what you need, we will build it for you and make your vision come alive.
For more information, give us a call or visit our website at www.cc-aep.com.
Custom Components Company "Your Custom Solutions Provider" 13902 Lynmar Boulevard Tampa, Florida 33626 1-800-516-9474
RACO's Gone. We Have Frames and Doors!
 Al Tech™ is fully prepared and positioned to the supply the needs of the marketplace created by the closing of RACO Interior Products. We offer the building and design professional an extensive line of high quality standard and custom aluminum frames, doors and office fronts.
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Website Visit our website to view our complete product offering and capabilities and to download our corporate E-Brochure.
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New Products Added!
Visit our e-commerce website/online store that provides 24/7 ordering capability of an extensive line of interior and exterior railing products, interior door and framing products and accessories in a safe and secure shopping environment. Check out our new base shoe, glass clamps, standoffs and wedge gaskets, and check out our User Guide below.
Dynamic Architecture
The Dynamic Tower (also known as Dynamic Architecture Building or the Da  Vinci Tower) is a planned 1,378 ft. , 80 floor moving skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, designed by architect David Fisher. The tower is expected to be architecturally innovative for several reasons: Uniquely, each floor will be able to rotate independently. This will result in a constantly changing shape of the tower. Each floor will rotate a maximum of 20 ft. per minute, or one full rotation in 90 minutes. Originally expected to be completed in 2010, construction has not yet started. Interesting concept, though. Click here to see the tower in motion |
"The difference in winning and losing is most often, not quitting."
- Walt Disney
Trivia Question
 Why was the White House painted white?
Visit Our Blog
Come view our new blog. We created it to help our customers and potential customers improve their businesses.
Cocktail Napkin Sketch Contest - 2011
If you are a licensed architect or related professional who practices in the United States, you can enter this remarkable contest. All you need is a white cocktail napkin and pen to demonstrate that the art of sketch is still alive.
Click here for details
This article originally appeared on http://archrecord.construction.com |
Six Phases Of A Construction Project:

1) Enthusiasm 2) Disillusionment 3) Panic 4) Search for the guilty 5) Punishment of the innocent 6) Praise and honors for the non- participants Source: www.contractorcity.com
Bungling Robbers Foiled By Bullet-Proof Glass
Two would-be robbers brought a hammer and a gun to break into a jewelry display at an Hawaii store - but ended up leaving empty handed.
Article source: usgnn.com |
Turning Your Business Around Through Change Management
All companies have their ups and downs; it's the nature of being in business. From a management perspective there is not a business in the world that hasn't experienced issues when managing their business. Sometimes, a business needs to change the way it does business to align itself once again with changing markets and customer demands.
Article source: Ezinearticles.com |
Our Corporate Presentation
 Take a look at our corporate presentation. It will give you a detailed understanding of our company, our experience and our capabilities. It also includes an overview of our products and services, our project resume and photos of some of the projects we have worked on. Click here to view the presentation |
EZ Access™ Sliding Door System To Appear In US Glass Magazine's New Product Guide
Our Al Tech™ division's EZ Access™
sliding door system will be appearing in US Glass magazine's New Product Guide that will be published shortly. This revolutionary new system saves floor space , compared to conventional swinging doors, while providing easy access to offices. Watch for it!
Click here for detailed specs
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