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In This Issue
Erin's House
New Faces, Places
Visiting Writers Series
Featured Faculty
The BIG Event
Military Transition Fair
Diversity Library
Extension Service
Discover IPFW
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IPFW Events Calendar



 This week on CATV


Norman is New Board Member for Erin's House
Eric Norman 
Eric Norman has been appointed to the 2012 board of directors for Erin's House for Grieving Children. Norman is the dean of students at IPFW.
New Faces New Places
Andreas Allcock, veterans administration certifying official for the Registrar

Rhonna Kananen, transfer to computer technician for Visual and Performing Arts/Mathematics

Ron Lewis, academic specialist for Upward Bound in Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs

Carolyn McNicholas, operations coordinator-Warsaw Center for Continuing Studies

Andre Patterson, CTE/STEM student outreach coordinator for Diversity and Multicultural Affairs 
Inside IPFW
Spring Visiting Writers Series
The Department of English and Linguistics will feature two poets as part of its Visiting Writers Series this spring. 

Jan Clausen The first, Jan Clausen, will read from her work Thursday, February 23, at noon in Walb Union, Room G21-G21A.
The recipient of fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts (fiction) and New York Foundation for the Arts (poetry), Clausen has taught creative writing at Eugene Lang College and NYU and is currently on the faculty of the Goddard College Master of Fine Arts in Writing program.

Toi Derricotte Toi Derricotte
will read from her works Tuesday, March 27, at noon in Walb Union, Room G21- G21A. She has been honored with numerous literary awards and received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Guggenheim Foundation, and the Maryland State Arts Council. Derricotte is a professor of English at the University of Pittsburgh. Read the details ...
Featured Faculty Lecture Series
Yifei Pan IPFW's Featured Faculty Lecture Series continues Friday, February 24, when Professor of Mathematics Yifei Pan presents "On Solvability of Partial Differential Equations." Pan's research on the solvability of nonlinear partial differential equations could open up new ideas and new research for many disciplines of science.

Every Friday in February, students, faculty, staff, and the public are invited to meet the Featured Faculty and learn more about their outstanding work. Lectures are from noon to 1 p.m. on the second floor of the Helmke Library.  All attendees can enjoy free pizza and sodaRead about the lectures ... 

BIG Event Coming to IPFW
Big Event Logo Hundreds of IPFW students, faculty, staff, and alumni will spread out over Fort Wayne Saturday, March 24, to take part in the first BIG Event undertaken by a college or university in Indiana. The BIG Event is the largest one-day student-led service project in the nation, with more than 75 colleges and universities taking part. Read the story, volunteer ... 
Military Transition Fair
Ivy Tech-Northeast and IPFW hosted a Military Traisition Fair last Friday at Ivy Tech's Student Life Center on their north campus. The free event was for veterans, active military members, and their families. Workshops covered topics such as job search, interviewing, and networking, and provided a one-stop place for information, social agencies, and colleges that are geared toward military families. 
Northeast Indiana Diversity Library
Northeast Indiana Diversity Library The Northeast Indiana Diversity Library (NIDL), located in the lower level of the Walter E. Helmke Library in Room B 41, houses the oldest GLBT collection in Indiana. Over 5,100 items are in the circulating collection. The presence of this specialty library on the IPFW campus is the result of a partnership between IPFW and NIDL to augment gender studies resources on campus and in the wider community.

Library hours are Tuesday and Friday from noon to 3 p.m. and Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 7 to 10 p.m. For more information, contact Scott Mertz at scott@nidl.info.
NIDL website ... 
Extension Office is Ready for Spring
Allen County Extension Service employees are gearing up for spring!
  • Master Gardener seminars will be offered at the Fort Wayne Home and Garden Show at the Memorial Coliseum March 1--4. Let the experts answer your garden questions.
  • Garden hotline. Call 481-6826, opt. 2
  • Sick plants? Bring your ailing plant samples to the office for diagnosis. $2 fee 

Learn more ...

This Week on Discover IPFW
Discover IPFW Logo Discover IPFW will feature the College of Engineering, Technology, and Computer Science this week, February 23. Host Susan Alderman will talk with two ETCS alumni about how their senior design projects helped them in their careers. Tune in to WFWA-DT PBS 39 every Thursday at 7:30 p.m.
Inside IPFW is published by University Relations and Communications every Wednesday.
Please send your department or office news to inside@ipfw.edu  
by noon on the preceding Tuesday. 
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 IPFW is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access University