Winter Header Show
In This Issue
VPA Expressions
New Faces, Places
Campus Closed 1/16
Scholarships Made EZ
ENS Test Thursday
FF Schedule Change
Supervisor Training
National Spotlight
Discover IPFW
Happiness project
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IPFW Events Calendar



 This week on CATV


Departmental Newsletter3
College of Visual and Performing Arts December newsletter  
New Faces New Places
Melinda Haines, assistant to the dean for community engagement for the College of Visual and Performing Arts

Andreas Tolk, associate director of the IPFW Center of Excellence in Systems Engineering

Amanda Barcus, bursar clerk for Bursar and Student Finance  
Martin Luther King Jr
Campus Buildings Closed
In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, all buildings will be closed at 11 p.m. on Sunday, January 15, and will reopen at 7 a.m. Tuesday, January 17. Should any staff or faculty need to be in their offices and do not have a building key and office key, they must contact Vice Chancellor Walt Branson,, for permission. 
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Inside IPFW
One-Stop Shopping for All Scholarship Applications
In an effort to make it easier for students to apply for scholarships, the Financial Aid office at IPFW is now using an online Common Scholarship Application Form. Please urge students to submit scholarship applications as soon as possible, as the deadline for preferential consideration is February 1.

This is a student service initiative, as evidenced by the number of applications already received----an average of about 100 every day. Visit the Financial Aid website to find the application form; academic departments may wish to include the link on their home pages. Read the story...
ENS Test Thursday, January 12
IPFW will test its Emergency Notification system tomorrow, Thursday, January 12, at 10 a.m. The test message will be sent vial telephone, e-mail, and text messages.

Be sure to sign up for text messages and list an alert phone number. Sign in to myIPFW and click on the edit button in the Alert Phone Number pod on the right side of the screen. 
Change in Featured Faculty Lecture Schedule
In order to accommodate an invitation to present at an international conference, the order of presentation for the 2012 Featured Faculty Lectures has been changed:
  • February 3: John Hrehov, professor of fine art, "From Inspiration to Image: The Artwork of John Hrehov"
  • February 10: Talia Bugel, assistant professor of Spanish, "Foreign Languages, what Can We Do with Them?"
  • February 17: Todor Cooklev, associate professor of wireless communication, "Modern Wireless Systems"
  • February 24: Yifei Pan, professor of mathematics, "On Solvability of Partial Differential Equations"
Training Opportunity Starts Soon
Supervise for Success graduatesRegistration is now open for the Supervise for Success training program. The 10-week training and development program starts this month and offers two cohort clusters that meet Tuesday and Thursday. Seating is limited. The series provides faculty and staff with tools, information, and insight to effectively lead and inspire employees.
Register or learn more... 
In the National Spotlight
The following article contains corrected and additional information.
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs George S. McClellan is writing a series of articles for The Chronicle of Higher Education about career issues in student affairs.
Read December article...  Read past articles...
This Week on Discover IPFW
Discover IPFW Logo
This week's guests on Discover IPFW will join Chancellor Wartell to discuss Student Affairs, specifically Career Services and Student Life. Scheduled to appear are George McClellan, vice chancellor for student affairs; Jim McAtee, director of career services; and Krissy Mieszcanski, associate director of student life.

Tune in to WFWA-DT PBS 39 every Thursday at 7:30 p.m. 
Initial Assessments Underway for IPFW Happiness Project
Happiness project The IPFW Happiness Project is a lifestyle change program to help you Create a Healthier U in 2012. Weight loss, better fitness, nutritional eating, or stress management----choose your personal path to happiness.

Thursday, January 12:

Noon--1 p.m., Walb Union, Rooms 114-116; 6:30--8 p.m., Student Housing Clubhouse  


Friday, January 13 

9--10;30 a.m., Kettler Hall, Room 118


Contact Jen Roherty at 481-6746 or rohertyj@ipfw to schedule a private Happiness Project initial assessment. Registration form (pdf)... Online registration... 

Inside IPFW is published by University Relations and Communications every Wednesday.
Please send your department or office news to  
by noon on the preceding Tuesday. 
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 IPFW is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access University