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Dear Colleagues,


Accreditation self-study graphicI want to take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation to each of you within the IPFW community for all of your work to make our Higher Learning Commission visit a success. The visiting team was very impressed by the quality and maturity of our institution. They especially cited our strong and clear sense of mission, our community engagement, and our collaborative spirit. Their positive comments are a reflection of each of you and your contributions to this campus.

Special thanks to those of you who helped write our self-study, those of you who met with team members, and everyone involved with the planning and scheduling of the visit. We will not know the visiting team's final recommendation until January, but all indications were very positive at the exit meeting on Wednesday.

Thank you for everything you do to make IPFW the excellent university it is.

With thanks,

Chancellor signature 

Mike Wartell

Inside IPFW is published by University Relations and Communications. Please send your department or office news to inside@ipfw.edu.
 IPFW is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access University