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Terri Stephens

Terri Stephens, CPO, CRTS

Certified Professional Organizer�
Certified Relocation & Transition Specialist�




(678) 513-6585

Creating an Ideal Environment
Ways We Can Help
How Feng Shui Works
Feng Shui for the Office
Feng Shui for the Bedroom
Feng Shui for the Car

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As a part of our practice, Real Order Professional Organizing offers Interior Environment Coaching.


Organization is one of the key components of creating an ideal interior environment - which basically involves easy access to what you need when you need it. Another key component in having a house you love coming home to is home d�cor - creating a space that is comfortable, functional, and aesthetically pleasing.


As a Certified Interior Environment Coach, we can help you identify your wants/needs, create an action plan, and help you implement it. To learn more about how we can help, visit us online or give us a call at 678-513-6585.

Real Order & Decor



You can save money. You'll know what you already own, eliminating the need to buy duplicate items. A professional organizer can help you find the perfect organizing products for your space and lifestyle, so you stop wasting money on things you don't need or won't work.


You can become more productive and efficient. A professional organizer can create order and structure out of chaos. You'll receive systems that work for your dominant learning style, your lifestyle, your needs, your challenges, and your dreams.


You'll have a positive self-image and ditch the shame. Once your home or office is neat and tidy, you won't feel embarrassed to have guests visit. The guilt will fade away as you take pride in your surroundings.


You'll have a healthier environment. Physical and emotional clutter obscures your surroundings. An organized home and office is more easily cleaned. Lose the clutter and cut down on time spent moving piles of paper and stuff around.


Your stress level will decrease dramatically. When you can find what you need, are on top of your to-dos, and arrive on time, you'll feel calmer and have more peace of mind. No more feeling overwhelmed by life -- you'll be the one in control.


You'll discover more time for yourself. When you're organized, your days go as planned, and you get a lot more done. That leaves more time to indulge in a little "me time."


Your energy will shine. Clutter is a mask and a professional organizer can help you take off that mask. Once the clutter is removed, you can showcase your talents, skills, and personality and have the life you deserve.






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Faithful Organizers



July 2012



This month's newsletter has helpful Feng Shui tips for getting organized. Not sure what Feng Shui is? It's the ancient Chinese art of placement (furniture, accessories, artwork, etc.) in particular spots and literally means wind and water.


Feng Shui's objective is to create harmony and balance in our environment - at home, at work, and in our communities - so we feel comfortable and supported in our lives. Its purpose is to balance the energy of humans with the energy of the environment for greater health, wealth and a multitude of other beneficial effects.


To learn more, read on...


Until next time,  

Terri Signature



Terri Stephens, CPO, CRTS

Real Order Professional Organizing, LLC
(678) 513-6585




Feng ShuiThe principle force of Feng Shui is ch'i (pronounced chee). It's the energy that flows through everything - our homes, our bodies, and the earth. Acupuncturists use needles to eliminate blockages in life-giving energy so ch'i can move freely through the body. In a similar way, Feng Shui practitioners use various techniques to aid in the flow of energy in our living environments.


Imagine ch'i like a light breeze or a gently flowing stream, with nothing to obstruct it. Ch'i travels through an area in much the same way as people do. A common impediment to ch'i in our living spaces is CLUTTER. If it's difficult to move through a space, it feels stagnant and unhealthy, both physically and emotionally. Extreme clutter often results in dirt and disrepair as spaces become hard to access - resulting in confusion, irritability, depression, as well as health problems. Energetically, everything emits vibrations that "talk" to us.


Feng Shui practitioners can often tell a great deal about which areas of our lives are stable and balanced and which are unsettled and incomplete simply by walking through our home. They believe that the home is an outer representation of the inner state and expresses what is going in inside of us.


Keep reading for more info about Feng Shui and the value of clearing clutter.


An organized office helps you think clearly and make decisions more quickly. Here are some helpful tips: 

  • Declutter and remove piles from desktop and floor
  • Clear objects directly in front of desk for the free flow of energy to accomplish your goals - remove piFeng Shui Office les of paper, decorative items, and unnecessary furniture
  • Get rid of out-of-date reference books and catalogues on bookshelves
  • Clear out old/dead files from file cabinets and on the computer
  • Group computer documents into as few folders as possible - set up subcategories instead
  • Position desk so it is facing the door (but not directly across from it), with your back toward the wall for symbolic support - you need to easily see if someone enters the room
  • Place equipment, machines, and furniture around the perimeter of the room, rather than directly in the center of the room
  • Add good overhead and task lighting to avoid eye strain
  • Use live plants in office d�cor to reduce stress


Our bedroom should be our personal haven, a sanctuary of peace and rest where we feel nurtured to be our best selves. Here are some tips to make that a reality:

  • Clear the floor and top of furniture of clutter
  • Get rid of clothing you no longer wear and put away off-season clothing as soon as Feng Shui Bedroomyou stop wearing it
  • Resist throwing junk under the bed - it becomes stuck energy and can affect your health
  • De-junk cosmetics clutter - leave only fresh products you use regularly
  • Pastel blues, greens and lavenders are calming and create a feeling of serenity in the bedroom
  • The bed should be easily approachable from both sides and not be in a direct line with the door
  • Have two bedside tables (one on each side) of the bed
  • A bed shared with a long-term former partner will still have their energy - either replace the bed/mattress or at least buy new sheets
  • Remove, or at least cover at night, televisions, computers and exercise equipment


Feng Shui CarSo much of our time is spent in the car driving to and fro, so it's important that our vehicle be a place where we can focus and be safe. Nothing will block the flow of ch'i more than a car that is a trash can on wheels! Here are some tips to make you love your car: 

  • Clean out your car, including the trunk and glove compartment - put clothes, toys, sports equipment, etc. in their "homes"
  • Every time you leave your car at the end of the day, do a quick check and immediately remove litter and miscellaneous items that belong elsewhere
  • Put jumper cables, tire pump and other car accessories in a sturdy plastic box with a lid, or use a net designed to fasten in your trunk to keep things from sliding around
  • Organize CDs in a padded zipped case for easy accessibility
  • Organize loose change in a coin holder for tolls and parking meters
  • Add a simple car aromatherapy diffuser - choose different essential oils for different moods - peppermint and lemongrass are energizing and help keep clear focus, while lavender or sweet orange will be soothing and calming



 Energy is the essence of life. Every day you decide how you're going to use it by knowing what you want and what it takes to reach that goal, and by maintaining focus.  

-Oprah Winfrey




DiningMost of us recommend restaurants, movies or mechanics to our family and friends. When you recommend Real Order for professional organizing, we want to thank you with a $25 gift card to Red Lobster or Olive Garden - it's your choice. A minimum of four hours of organizing services must be purchased to qualify. To redeem your gift card, simply notify us of the family or friend you are referring to us. Bon appetit!


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