Optimus Prosthetics
News and Notes for MEDICAL PROFESSIONALSNovember 2010
In This Issue
MyoBock Lab and Dynamic Arm
Upper-Extremity Statistics
Optimus Academy Update

Our Calendar


12:00 - 5:00
"Compass Smart Pyramid" training @ Optimus

Beth to OPIE Boot Camp
Ft. Lauderdale, FL

John to MyoBock Course Orlando, FL

11/25 & 11/26

for Thanksgiving

Scott to C-Leg Course Orlando, FL

Completing the
second course
'Transtibial Prosthetics'
this month:
12:00 pm
Miami Valley Hospital

12:00 pm
Cypress Point

Completing the

third course
'Transfemoral Prosthetics'
this month:

12:00 pm


12:00 pm

Covington Care Center

Completing the

fourth course
'Amputee Mobility Predictor' this month:


12:00 pm
Good Samaritan Hospital


Hillspring of Springboro

8:00 am

Koester Pavilion



Heartland of Miamisburg






Miami Valley Hospital

Would you like to schedule a course?

Call the office at 937-454-1900

Quick Links

Optimus Prosthetics
on YouTube
Accredited by:
The American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics.

ABC is the national certifying and accrediting body for the orthotic and prosthetic professions. The public requires and deserves assurance that the persons providing orthotic, prosthetic, and pedorthic services and care are qualified to provide the appropriate services.



Only a year ago, we expanded our space here at Optimus Prosthetics, in order to accommodate our growing practice.  Now, with 7 full-time employees, and a still-growing patient base, we find ourselves ready to expand again! 


 More details will be coming in future eNewsletters, but it seems fitting to take a moment this month to express our gratitude to everyone who has made this growth possible.  We sincerely appreciate the support and referrals we have received from you, and will continue to do everything possible to merit that support. 

Please don't ever hesitate to contact us if there is anything we can do for you.  And, during this Season of Thanks, allow us to say, "THANK YOU!"

If you've got any suggestions, compliments or feedback - we'd love to hear it!  Call us at 937-454-1900 or click here to send us an email!


John Brand_Scott Schall
Optimus Prosthetics * 8517 N. Dixie Drive * Suite 300 * Dayton OH 45414

PS - Missed an issue?
Click here to view the Optimus Online archives

Introducing: The MyoBock Lab and Dynamic Arm

In September, we introduced you to two patients who have suffered high-level, upper-extremity amputations; Ted, who had a transhumeral amputation, and Marvin, who suffered a shoulder disarticulation. 


To prepare for these challenging fittings, Scott Schall attended the latest MyoBock course in Minneapolis and then Scott, John Brandt, and Ted attended Otto Bock's "Dynamic Arm" course 3 weeks later. 

 Scott Myobock

In this picture, Scott has 2 electrodes held in place on his forearm with the blue band. 

One electrode is positioned on his extensors and the other

is positioned on his flexors. 

Scott's muscle activity is recognized by the electrodes which then operate wrist rotation and/or the SensorHand SPEED.


Twice as Fast and Even More Responsive

With a dizzying 300mm per second opening/closing speed and enhanced EMG signal processing, the new SensorHand™ SPEED has unmatched speed and responsiveness. In addition, the unique AutoGrasp feature keeps held objects from slipping by monitoring and changing grip force as needed.


Scott video


There are many ways to program the wrist and hand.  In this video, Scott has selected a program in which slow wrist extension will open the hand while quick wrist extension will supinate the wrist.  And conversely, slow wrist flexion will close the hand while quick wrist flexion will pronate the wrist.  In this program, opening and closing the hand is non-proportional (constant speed) while supinating and pronating the wrist is proportional to the strength of the muscle contraction.


Dynamic Arm
Dynamic Arm

Don't miss the next issue... it will feature both Ted and Marvin with their finished upper extremity prostheses with the Dynamic Arm!


Upper-Extremity Amputation Statistics

  • 50,000 new amputations every year in USA based on information from National Center for Health Statistics
  • Ratio of upper limb to lower limb amputation is 1:4 (4)
  • Most common is partial hand amputation with loss of 1 or more fingers, 61,000
  • Next common is loss of one arm, 25,000
  • Existence of 350,000 persons with amputations in USA, 30% have upper limb loss.  Of this, wrist and hand amputations are estimated to make up 10% of upper limb population
  • Transradial amputations make up 60% of total wrist and hand amputations which means 70% of all persons with upper limb amputations have amputations distal to the elbow
  • In US 41,000 persons are registered who had an amputation of hand or complete arm
  • 60% of arm amputations are between ages 21 and 64 years and 10% are under 21 years of age

Causes leading to amputation

  • Reasons for amputation include cardiovascular disease, traumatic accidents, infection, tumors, nerve injury, and congenital anomalies
  • Most frequent causes of upper limb amputation are trauma and cancer, followed by vascular disease
  • Right arm more frequently involved in work related injuries
  • Congenital upper limb deficiency has an incidence of approximately 4.1 per 10000 live births (4)


Causes of Upper Extremity Amputation (in percent)

Congenital . . 8.9%

Tumor. . . .. . 8.2%

Disease . .  . 5.8%

Trauma . .. .. 77%


Reminder:  The 8th course in the "Prosthetics for Therapists" series will cover Upper Extremity Prosthetics.

Optimus Academy 'Prosthetics for Therapists' Update
by Scott Schall

There is still time to earn Continuing Education Credits before the end of the year!  Schedule your course today!

Quarterly Course Listing


  1.  Prosthetic Overview
  2. Transtibial Prosthetics
  3. Transfemoral Prosthetics
  4. Amputee Mobility Predictor
  5. Transtibial Gait Training and Deviations
  6. Transfemoral Gait Training and Deviations
  7. Partial Foot / Symes / Knee Disarticulation / Hip Disarticulation
  8. Upper Extremity Prosthetics
  9. Computer Alignment System (COMPAS)
  10. Microprocessor-Controlled Knees

Call the office at 937-454-1900

New staff photo At Optimus, we're here for you!

Please don't hesitate to contact any of us with questions, comments, concerns, or compliments.
Click here to email us or call the office at 937-454-1900.0