Optimus Prosthetics
News and Notes from optimus February 2010
In This Issue
Haiti Update
Optimus Academy
Rudy Finishes the Ironman
Our Calendar
Tuesday 2/2/10

2/2/10 (7:30am) Maria Joseph Rehabilitation and Nursing Center
'Prosthetic Overview'

2/4/10 (8am) Koester Pavillion, 'Prosthetic Overview'

2/11/10 (Noon) Dayton Rehab,
'Prosthetic Overview'

2/25/10 - 2/26/20
Scott and John to visit Otto Bock's engineering team (Salt Lake City, UTAH)

Ohio Orthotics and Prosthetics Association Annual Spring Meeting
Columbus, OH

Ohio Chapter, American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists (AAOP) Annual Spring Technical Meeting
Columbus, OH

Would you like to schedule a course?

Call the office at 937-454-1900

Quick Links

Optimus Prosthetics
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Accredited by:
The American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics.

ABC is the national certifying and accrediting body for the orthotic and prosthetic professions. The public requires and deserves assurance that the persons providing orthotic, prosthetic, and pedorthic services and care are qualified to provide the appropriate services.


It's hard to believe that we're well into February already!  And for our Dayton subscribers, we hope that you were able to dig out of the snow drifts from last weekend.  And we still haven't heard if the ground hog saw his shadow or not last week.  Just keep in mind that Spring is right around the corner! 
Since this is the first Optimus eNewsletter issue since the Haiti earthquake, we have provided some insight from the prosthetic industry to include an update and links to the involved organizations that you may be interested in following.
On a more inspirational note, check out Rudy Garcia, the 1st bilateral AK amputee EVER to complete an Ironman Triathlon.  And make sure you read the Optimus Academy update! 
If there is anything else that Optimus can do for you, please let us know. If you've got any suggestions, compliments, complaints or feedback on our email newsletter or on Optimus Prosthetics - we'd love to hear it! 

Call us at 937-454-1900 or click here to send us an email.


John Brand_Scott Schall
Optimus Prosthetics * 8517 N. Dixie Drive * Suite 300 * Dayton OH 45414

PS - Missed an issue?
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Haiti Update
Haiti Relief
Our thoughts and prayers go out to those devastated and in need in the nation of Haiti.  If you would like to know how you can help, we recommend visiting the Amputee Coalition of America  and click on 'How You Can Help' for a complete list of 18 organizations that are involved.
Since January's massive earthquake and powerful aftershocks devastated the nation of Haiti, there has been an intensive response to the structural and personal needs of the country and the victims of this horrible disaster. In recent days, there has been a huge, and very diverse, outpouring of concern and commitment to assist with the treatment and rehabilitation of survivors. In particular, there are many Haitians who survived the earthquake, but not before losing one or more limbs. Estimates of amputations have varied dramatically - from a few thousand to more than 110,000, according to agency reports. There's no reliable count amid the chaos so far, but even the most conservative disaster workers say more than 75 people a day have lost limbs since the quake, either because of initial injuries or because of secondary infections and gangrene.

"It's still too early for earthquake victims to receive artificial limbs," said Pat Chelf, a board member for the Amputee Coalition of America, an education and advocacy group. "Under the best circumstances, amputation injuries take a month or more to heal, and the conditions in Haiti are anything but the best."
Optimus Academy
Course #1 for 2010, 'Prosthetic Overview' Going Strong!

This course covers demographics and a broad overview of both upper and lower extremity amputation levels and their typical modalities. 

For a sneak preview of a video showing a confident above-knee patient using a microprocessor knee on a hiking trail, click here

For a sneak preview of the iLIMB hand, click here.
If you haven't taken this course yet and you haven't been scheduled, give us a call! 937-454-1900
Rudy Garcia-Tolson became the first double above-knee amputee to finish an Ironman Triathlon when he completed the Ford Ironman Arizona on Sunday, November 22, 2009 in Tempe.

"The Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) has been fortunate enough to watch Rudy grow up right in front of our eyes for the past 14 years," says CAF Vice-President Bob Babbitt. "When he was eight years old, he told us that he was going to win a Paralympic Gold Medal in swimming one day. So far he has won two, one in Athens and another in Beijing. Nothing this young man accomplishes surprises any of us. There are certain athletes that are special and Rudy is definitely one of them."
Garcia-Tolson, who lives in Bloomington, California, attempted the Ford Ironman World Championship in Hawaii on October 10th, but when he missed the 5:30 pm bike cutoff time by eight minutes, he knew that he had to give the event another shot. "I know it's a challenge to try and ride 112 miles without the use of quads or hamstrings and then to get off the bike and try to run a marathon," says Garcia-Tolson who is a spokesperson for both CAF and Ossur Americas, "but I knew that to change the perception of what someone with a disability can accomplish, finishing the Ironman under all of the time cut-offs was a huge step not only for me, but for all of the kids and adults who are out there dealing with limb loss and other challenges."

Garcia-Tolson has spent most of his 21 years pushing boundaries to show that there really are no limits to what he or any other challenged athletes can accomplish. "For me, having my legs amputated at the age of five was the best thing that ever happened to me," he continues. "For the first five years of my life I was in a wheelchair and wasn't able to play with my friends. But after the amputation a whole world of activities opened up for me and today I'm a surfer, skateboarder, runner, cyclist, swimmer and triathlete... and now, an Ironman finisher. Sport is a great equalizer."

In Tempe, Arizona, Garcia-Tolson completed the 2.4 mile swim in 1:00:42, the 112 mile bike in 8:44:45 and the 26.2 mile marathon in 6:00:22 for a total time of 16:06:27. His next goal? He has a little bit of unfinished business in Hawaii. "I would like to go back to Kona next October to give the Ford Ironman World Championship another shot ,"he admits, "and in 2012 I'd like to go to London and swim in my third Paralympic Games."

Garcia-Tolson has raced on triathlon relay teams with Robin Williams, won the Casey Martin and the Arete Awards and been showcased on national television shows ranging from Oprah and Nightline to the Disney Channel. A large amount of his time is spent speaking to fellow amputees- and their parents- about what the future holds.

"Rudy is amazingly inspirational," continues Babbitt. "The crowds in Arizona were chanting for him all day long. He is someone who touches every life he comes in contact with."

"Reaching this goal has been a dream of mine for years now and I couldn't have done it without my network of supporters including the Challenged Athletes Foundation, Ossur Americas (who makes my advanced prosthetic running feet), PowerBar, my coaches, the fans and most importantly, the next generation of challenged athlete kids that look up to me" says Garcia-Tolson. "To lead by example and show others that the sky is the limit motivates me to continue to push boundaries."
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