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Co-op Connections Card Business of the Month | |
Parents, now that the kids are back in school, are you in need of a massage to help overcome your stress? Show your Card and receive 10% off all services.
Click on the business name above to visit their site or call 678-213-4266.
For an up-to-the-minute look at outages in your area, click on the link below and bookmark the address on your phone. |

For additional information, call 770-370-2436.

*App may not work on all smart phones/devices.
Fun Fact of the Day
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The first baseball caps were made of straw.
Learn More
We hope you have found this information both useful and informative. Stay tuned each month as we introduce new information to you while having a little fun in the process. Let us know what you think. Send us your suggestions and we will see how we can include them in E-Link.
Be sure to adjust your spam settings which could prevent you from receiving future newsletters. Simply add us as a 'safe sender' and you will be ready to go!
Amanda Busby E-Link Editor Public Relations & Communications Specialist GreyStone Power *Please note: Spacing issues are a result of the email program or browser used to view this email. |
Together We Save - Tip of Month
Look to your windows for energy savings. Use weather stripping on old windows, and, if you can, add storm windows. In hot climates, add solar film screening to west-facing windows to catch heat. For new units, consider double-glazed panes; in cold climates, "low-e" coatings on glass can help reduce heat loss. Find more ways to save at TogetherWeSave.com.
Source: Touchstone Energy Cooperatives
Big No-No
Please don't post on power poles
Think of all the times when you have driven down the road or sat at a red light and saw a sign nailed to a power pole. Was it for a garage sale? How about a 'For Rent', or more recently a political sign? As innocent as it may seem, posting signs of any kind on a power pole can result in a dangerous situation.
Staples, nails, tacks and other objects posted on poles can present a danger for utility workers. These objects can snag or puncture protective gear, gloves and clothing, making linemen vulnerable to slips, falls, cuts and even electrocution.
For the safety of our employees, we ask that you find another location to place your signage, birdhouses, basketball nets, satellite dishes, deer stands or any other miscellaneous objects that you initially wanted to place on a power pole. Our linemen would greatly appreciate your cooperation!
Any items found attached to power poles will be removed by the co-op for safety reasons.
Summer Heat | We are in the dead of summer and our electric bills are showing it! Though the past winter was mild, the summer heat has been far from it.
With recent days reaching 90 degrees or more, the increase in energy usage has soared as members try to stay cool. As a result, we have had to bring on additional generating facilities to supply the demand, which in turn comes with an additional cost. As this occurs, we alert you through Facebook and our website so that you can help us keep the costs down. By conserving energy during specified times (typically 3 - 8 p.m.), we are able to reduce the amount of demand and need for additional power generation, thus reducing your costs.
Remember, you can maintain a more manageable bill by keeping your thermostat set to 78 degrees. Summer rates are in effect through October, so now is the time to put your energy saving tips into practice and watch your bill go down. These higher rates are necessary to fund additional power plants brought on to generate more electricity. When days are at their hottest, we will continue to advise you through our website and Facebook so you can help reduce the load by cutting back all excessive energy use. With your help, everyone saves. To learn more ways you can save, visit togetherwesave.com or check out the Home Energy Calculator.
Learn more about |

News and Views USA, Inc. recently announced that we will team up with the magazines to hold a year-long contest on Facebook, awarding over $10,000 over the course of a year to lucky winners. The "Together We Win" contest will begin on Monday, Aug. 27.
"Together We Win" celebrates Chapel Hill News and Views (CHNV) reaching 10,000 Facebook fans, and GreyStone's commitment to building a better community by working together for a better tomorrow, illustrated by our Facebook game, Co-op Square.
Each Monday morning, a weekly prize of $200 will be awarded. The money will be divided equally between an area resident and an advertiser for the CHNV or Villa Rica News and Views which has been nominated based on a good experience the resident has had with the business.
You may enter the contest each week, one time, in four different locations, giving you four chances to win weekly. Only one entry at each site per week is allowed. For entry information and contest rules visit Chapel Hills News & Views.
FREE weather app (limited time offer for 2012 Storm Season)
*App is available for iTunes and iOS platforms only.
How many times have you been asleep and awoken to the sounds of a horrible storm over your house and wondered if you needed to take cover? Have you ever wished you could be personally notified of a tornado or severe thunderstorm warning for your area?
Well, now you can! For a limited time, we are offering our members the chance to download one of the top-rated weather radio apps from iTunes for free! By using the redemption code listed on our give away card, you will be able to waive the $9.99 charge through Oct. 31, 2012!
The objective of the app is to support our local media by providing communication of warnings to you and hopefully save lives. So, how does the app work? When there is an alert, the phone will wake up automatically, beep and then speak to you. You will receive alerts for your current location, as well as the five locations you have the option of setting.
In addition, GreyStone will also be able to send out special alerts to you, such as peak energy alerts, as well as notifications through social media networks (Facebook/Twitter). You will also have the ability to view real-time streaming video of the local television feed, and the interactive maps will provide situational awareness. The text and audio text-to-speech reading of the watches/warnings for drivers and the visually impaired add to its features.
Redemption give away cards can be picked up at the front desk in Douglasville or with a cashier in Dallas. Limit two per member-household. You can also request yours by mail by calling 770.370.2273. For additional information about the app, visit imapweatherradio.com or call 770-370-2436.
*ONLY 1,000 REDEMPTION CARDS ARE AVAILABLE. They will be given out on a first-come, first-serve basis. When they are gone, they are gone.
*App available for iTunes/iOS platforms ONLY.
*Offer ends on Oct. 31, 2012. Redemption codes must be used and app downloaded prior to Oct. 31, 2012 in order to be eligible. A $9.99 charge will apply to download after October expiration date. App is only available for iTunes and iOS applications.
Let the competitions begin!
Are you competitive by nature? Do you like a little friendly competition? Take Co-op Square to the next level by engaging those around you!
You can earn points and bragging rights by competing with friends to complete daily tasks, all while making a difference in someone's life.
Have you not played yet? What are you waiting on? Like us on Facebook and start playing today! Don't forget to share your story by telling us what you have done. We want to hear your results!
To learn more about Co-op Square, visit co-opsquare.com and get ready to make a mark on your community!
Change happens with a ripple effect. Let Co-op Square be the wave to get you started.
Biz Appreciation

With appreciation and a sincere heart, we recently invited all of our participating Co-op Connections Card businesses to join us for a special evening celebrating their partnership with us in bringing value to our members.
The program included an address by GreyStone's President/CEO, Gary Miller, an overview of the program and the benefits available to each of the participating businesses, networking opportunities, success stories from local businesses, a great dinner and door prizes.
"This banquet has revitalized and re-energized our batteries to shine brighter and move forward. We want to be more active in the program," said Andre Smith, owner of the UPS Store in Hiram.
I have to say, that not only were our guests revitalized about the program, but I was as well. The value that is offered to you, our member, is outstanding. There are so many different ways that you can save daily with this one-little-card.
If you are new to the program or it has been a while since you used your card, be sure to check out all of the new features that are part of the Co-op Connections Card. Use it for a month and you will be amazed at your savings. To search for discounts or to find out more about your card, visit connections.coop/greystonepower. You can also call us at 770-370-2273 or email ccc@greystonepower.com with any questions.
With the Co-op Connections Card, together we can save even more.
Mr. Electric of West Atlanta
Hiram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 770-222-2225 $30 off services. 12% off for a minimum of three hours. Good for database creation/ maintenance, website maintenance and e-newsletters. Dallas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 770-443-1821 Plumbing: $60 off any $100 or more plumbing repair: $100 off the purchase of a high efficiency water heater. Heating & Air: 50% off standard service call; 10% off repairs; $100 off complete systems. Available 24/7 for your emergency. Enterprise Rent-A-Car Douglasville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 770-947-1218 5% off retail rates. Certified Air Care, Inc. Douglasville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 770-577-4167 Maxwell Furniture Repair Lithia Springs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .770-941-020110% off all orders over $100.Lucien ConsultingDouglasville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 770-847-688730% off normal prices for logos, database, graphics and photography.Stars and StrikesDallas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-389-1585$30 off a booked birthday party. Buy one game, get one game of bowling free (shoes not included). Douglas County Sentinel Douglasville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .770-942-6571 $1 per week subscription to the Sentinel for 52 weeks. Emerald Pelican LLC (beachfront condo) Winston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .770-313-1994 Stay six nights, get one free! Affinity Investments, Inc. Douglasville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .770-944-2969 Free one hour consultation for 401k or IRA rollover calculations on how much is needed for retirement or portfolio allocation review.
If you have additional questions about the Co-op Connections Card or the many benefits the program offers, you can visit us online at connections.coop/greystonepower or call us at 770-370-2436. To request a set of stickers (needed for the Healthy Savings program) or to request a card, call 770-370-2383.

Can't remember all of the benefits offered in the program? No worries! Get your cheat sheet here!