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Volume 1, Number 13 December 2011
Georgia DOT Winter Weather Information

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Fun Fact
Winter Rates
$1 Million Saved
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Now  that we have your attention with E-link, get connected with our other forms of social media! 

Here's what you will learn about:
  • Co-op Connections Card Business of the week
  • Energy saving tips
  • GreyStone News
  • GreyStone Programs and Services
  • 'How To' videos to help manage your energy usage.
  • And more!!!
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Fun Fact of the Day

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Electric lights for trees were first used in 1895. 
Georgia EMC
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SurgeMaster Plus
We hope you have found this information both useful and informative. Stay tuned each month as we introduce new information to you while having a little fun in the process. Let us know what you think. Send us your suggestions and we will see how we can include them in E-Link.

Be sure to adjust your spam settings which could prevent you from receiving future newsletters. Simply add us as a 'safe sender' and you will be ready to go!


Amanda Busby

E-Link Editor

Public Relations & Communications Specialist
GreyStone Power 






*Please note: Spacing issues are a result of the email program or browser used to view this email.

Just a reminder that our Call Center hours will change effective Jan. 1 in an effort to keep electric costs down. The new hours will be 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Automated phone service, website and outage reporting services will remain available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Holiday Health and Safety
ChristmasHoliday parties are now in full swing as Christmas day quickly approaches. I would venture to guess that the vast majority of you have successfully adorned your living rooms and the outside of your houses with Christmas lights and decorations. Perhaps you have spent a great deal of time in the kitchen preparing food for parties or to give as gifts, all for the sake of the holiday spirit.

Have you stopped to think during any of your preparation time about the health and safety risks involved? By now you know that there are risks in everything we do. Think about it... When you prepare the food, your hands and surfaces should be clean. Foods should also be cooked at the right temperature and not cross-contaminated with other foods. When you decorate the house, you should take precautions when using ladders and electrical cords. It is also important to make sure that your Christmas tree stays watered.

This time of year is very busy for our local fire departments and hospitals. Electrical problems and Christmas trees are the leading items which are first ignited in holiday fires. Falls are also a risk. A study found that approximately 5,800 people were treated at the hospital each year for falls associated with holiday decorations.*

When it comes to safety, you can never be too cautious. Accidents can be prevented by taking the time to do things right. It's important to know and to teach your children (especially by example) how to do things with safety in mind.

I would like to encourage you to take a few more minutes to learn more about holiday safety and how you can incorporate it in your household this year by clicking on the following links:
Holiday Health and Safety Tips 
Christmas Trees and Safety Tips 

Just for fun, I've included this holiday rendition of The 12 Days to help you remember the basics for a healthy and safe holiday season. The kids will like it too! Enjoy!
The 12  Ways to Health Holiday Song 
The 12 Ways to Health Holiday Song
*J.A. Stevens and M. Vajami. "Fall-Related Injuries During the Holiday Season-- United States, 2000-2003," MMWR Weekly, December 10, 2004, 53(48); 1127-1129. 
Co-op Connections provides Cash Back

My VIP Savings With Christmas just around the corner, I bet you will be getting a gift card or two this year. The after-Christmas sales will be calling your name, so don't you want to be prepared?

Before you start shopping online, be sure to take advantage of our newest benefit to you! is an Internet Mall where you can enjoy the convenience of shopping online with exciting savings from more than 1,000 national merchants, including Gap, Old Navy, Target, The Home Depot, Dell, Sears,, and more! Plus, you can receive CashBack dollars on every qualifying purchase! Look for deals of the day and double cash back specials.

In addition, the savings goes beyond online shopping. By printing coupons through to your favorite grocery, health or beauty items, you can experience in-store savings at your local grocery or drug store.

After you have surfed our Internet Mall, take a few moments to unwind in's Game Room. Instead of playing against yourself, you can enter a competition and play against others!

So, after reading all of the new benefits, are you ready to join the Co-op Connections club? Call to request your card today and take advantage of these fabulous deals and benefits. Be sure to visit the site frequently to see what new features have been added. We just keep coming up with more ways for you to save!

Order your card by calling 770-370-2383 or you can email us at   


Prescription & Healthy Savings Discounts 

Check Prescription Cost 

Mobile siteConvenience. That's the word of the day. "Why put things off until tomorrow that can be done right now?" Ever had that thought?

I am quite guilty of such impatience at times. It's comforting to know that when it comes to paying my bills, I can do that any time I want thanks to today's technology.

Here at GreyStone, we have a team that has worked very hard to develop ways for you to access your account at your convenience through the web or by calling in to our Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. Self-service is no longer the "wave of the future;" rather, it is the here and now.

Our self-service features allow you the opportunity to inquire about your account and pay your bill. By using the mobile version of our website, you can also contact member services, apply for new service, request e-billing or view a map of our location.

It is our goal to provide the best customer service for all of our members, and allowing you these self-service features is just a step in that direction. If you would like more information about any of our self-service features, or if we can assist you in any other way, call us at 770-942-6576 or reach us via email at
college student
Times are tough for most families these days, and the thought of having to pay for college can be a bit overwhelming. So much so, families may not even be able to send their children at all.

If you are wondering how you are going to afford it, let me offer a suggestion-- scholarships!

We offer a couple of different scholarship opportunities for our members. The Walter Harrison Scholarship program awards $1,000 scholarships to eligible students that demonstrate exceptional academic performance from across the state, representing 42 electric cooperatives. The scholarship pays tribute to the late Walter Harrison, a pioneer in the rural electricity movement. Applications for The Walter Harrison Scholarship must be received by Jan. 31, 2012. Winners will be announced on or before April 1.

The GreyStone Power Foundation awards five $3,000 scholarships to GreyStone members or their children who are currently or will be enrolled in college for the fall of 2012. Applications must be received by April 13, 2012.

To learn more about either scholarship and eligibility requirements, visit

Download Scholarship Applications:
Copyright � 2011 GreyStone Power Corporation.
Business Telephone: 770-942-6576  /  Outage Telephone: 1-866-GREYSTONE; 770-949-7880; 770-942-6576