If you haven't voted yet - You've got 4 hours left!!!!
IT's a very close race!
Paint it Forward 2010
As you may know, A.Allbright Painting is set to give away another $7500 worth of painting services for the 6th time and we would like your help.
Please cast your vote for one of the nominees below after reading each story. In order for your vote to count, we need to hear back from you by Tuesday, December 14th, by 5:00 p.m.! We will calculate the total votes and announce the winner on Thursday, December 16th.
You too can help "Paint It Forward"!!!!
Feel free to forward this to your friends and family to vote.
Ann Mugi & Family:
Nominated by her friend Kory Ramelli. This August 19th, 2010 Ann Mugi received a call no mother ever wants to receive. One of her twin sons, Jackson, had drowned in the neighbor's pool, he was on life support and was being flown to Children's Hospital. Little Jackson was close to his third birthday, but sadly passed away while in the hospital. The financial strain on Ann and her husband is enormous between the hospital bills and funeral expenses for little Jackson. Unfortunately, soon after the death of her child, Ann also lost her job and is currently in need of knee surgery. Through it all, Ann and her husband John have been strong in their faith and have the support of friends and family, but Kory feels that this event could lift the spirits of the Mugi family and really bless them.

Hoge Family: Nominated by their friends Karen Meyer, Clare Macaulay, Sarah Swinford, Stephanie Karsoyan and Cheryl Hooker: Earlier this year Amy Hoge was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer. Along with her husband Phil and their three children, she has battled this illness through a mastectomy, radiation treatments and different medications, all of which have been physically difficult and financially crippling. Through it all, the family's faith has stayed strong and they have stayed active in the community. Their house has not been updated in 27 years and this event could help boost the family's morale during these trying times.

Keri Ross and her son Josh: Nominated by their friend Michelle Davidhoff: On May 2nd, 2010, Keri Ross's husband suffered a massive heart attack at their home and passed away at Henry Mayo Hospital. The death came as a complete shock to all as her husband, Brad, was a healthy and energetic 42-year-old man. Keri is left to raise their young 7-year-old son alone and has not been able to return to work full time as a result. Her friend feels that a fresh coat of paint would help lift their spirits in the wake of this tragedy.

Santa Clarita Valley Food Pantry: Nominated by Carol Morton: The Santa Clarita Valley Food Pantry's mission is to alleviate hunger throughout the Santa Clarita Valley. The SCV Food Pantry was established in 1986 and moved to their current location on Railroad Avenue in Newhall in 1992. They are a volunteer-based 501 (C)(3) nonprofit organization with more than 90 regular volunteers. Clients are referred to the SCV Food Pantry from schools, churches, local social services and word of mouth, and all services are provided free of charge. Thanks to amazing community support, the Pantry has endured the hard times of the past few years and continues to reach out and help families in need. A fresh coat of paint could help brighten the day for the volunteers and the clients that pass through the Food Pantry doors on a daily basis.
Exclusive Holiday Gift Idea
Paint 3 rooms or your home's exterior trim and receive a Paint-for-a-Day gift card to give to a family member or a close friend!*
This holiday season, give someone a gift that will enrich their home and treat yourself as well! Contact us before December 22nd and schedule painting for your own house, and we will give you a gift card for our Painter-for-a-Day program, a $495 value! Present our gift card to a loved one this Christmas and spread the joy of the season.
*Includes materials and labor to have a professional painter come to your house and spend 8 hours on the projects of your choice. To qualify, call us to schedule an estimate and secure the project proposal before December 22nd, and schedule the project for completion before January 31st, 2011. The purchased project must meet one of the following minimum requirements: three complete rooms or your exterior wood trim. 
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