April 2008
The View from Birch Corner
Aligning Purpose, Passion and Performance through Coaching
In This Issue
What is Working
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From our porch we hear the woods in muted roar as the hillside drains.  The brooks wash over their banks in cyclical spill.  Patches of snow remain but the sun is high, the crocuses have appeared and the animals are on the move.  The land awakens with a loud and sustained yawn.

Marian Head's fourth Agreement is also a wake up call.  What is working in our lives and what isn't?  As we explore the answers, Peter Block introduces another question of great import.  Are we working on what really matters? 
On the one hand, the season invites us to open the windows, let in the fresh air and clean house.  On the other hand, it beckons us to get outside and experience directly the rebirth of the land.  Either way, we have the opportunity to renew our spirits and our commitments.
Yours in new beginnings,

Peggy and Bob MacArthur


What is Working, What Isn't and

What Matters?

Bob MacArthur

In her book, Revolutionary Agreements, Marian Head presents twelve commitments that can transform our personal lives, our relationships and our communities.  The fourth Agreement is this: Keep doing what works and change what doesn't. (1)

What is Working?

What is working for you in your life at the moment?  If you can't answer right away, it might be worthwhile to make a list.  What are ten things that you are doing that work well for you?  Knowing what is working is the first step, and making a list is a good reminder.  It makes us aware.
The next step is to acknowledge what is going well.  One of the most surprising aspects of my coaching is the number of people I encounter who do not honor the things they do well.  When we deny our gifts, we take away our own power.
When we acknowledge our strengths, we can leverage them to make the changes we choose to make.
(1)  This is the fifth article in a series that highlights the Revolutionary Agreements by Marian Head.  For more information go to www.revolutionaryagreements.com.  Also click on the Newsletter Archives button on this page to read previous articles about the Agreements.
Birch Corner Associates, LLC 
P. O. Box 269
Center Sandwich, NH 03227
(603) 284-7783
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