December 2007
The View from Birch Corner
Aligning Purpose, Passion and Performance through Coaching
In This Issue
Healing the Planet One Person at a Time
I Agree to Live My Mission
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Do you ever wonder why you're here?  Have you thought about your purpose in life?  Have you written down your answers?   These are worthy questions to ponder and act upon, especially in this month of holidays filled with gratitude and reflection.


In the first article of this issue Peggy shares her answers to the question, why am I here?  In the second article we continue our series on Marian Head's inspiring book, Revolutionary Agreements, highlighting the theme: I agree to live my mission.


At this season we send you wishes for love and healing, and we celebrate the reasons that you are in our lives.

Yours in new beginnings,

Peggy and Bob MacArthur


Healing the Planet

One Person at a Time

Peggy MacArthur

Do you ever wonder why you're here?  Have you ever asked if there's any more to this life than "You're born, you live, and then you die?"   Would knowing that you were put on the planet for a reason make any difference to you?  If so, how would you go about identifying your life's purpose?  The answers are different for each of us.

Being an introspective type, I've pondered these questions for years:  Why am I here?  What is my mission?  Does my speck of a life make any difference in the grand scheme of the universe? 

Whether the timing of these answers comes naturally in our later decades or I'm just a slow learner, I'm not sure.  But just a couple of years ago I began to find clarity when I set the intention to discern my life's purpose.  I felt compelled to find words that would describe what my head and heart were beginning to recognize; words that would portray an inner knowing that was emerging.

Continue reading


I Agree:

To Live My Mission *




First say to yourself what you would be;

And then do what you have to do.




Do you wake each morning with enthusiasm for what the day will bring?  Is there similar excitement for what you will bring to the day? 


When the task of juggling the commitments in your busy life seems overwhelming, how do you keep your focus?  


In the moments when you do get lost on your path, as each of us inevitably does, do you know how to orient yourself to get back on track?


Here is a way to help you get your bearings, to align yourself to your magnetic north.   Make this commitment: I agree to live my mission.  It's simple to say and energizing to do - once we figure out what our mission is.


*  This is the second article in a series that highlights Marian Head's book, Revolutionary Agreements.  For more information go to   To read the first article see the Oct-Nov Issue of The View from Birch Corner in the archives.

Birch Corner Associates, LLC 
P. O. Box 269
Center Sandwich, NH 03227
(603) 284-7783
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