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Dr. Ming Wu's Real Vacation  

Three Day Chan Sitting Meditation

                                           by Dr. Ming Wu


In March, I took a 3 day retreat in Newton, MA with Chan Buddhism Master Ding Yuren, Chan Buddhism Master Shi Zao, and Chan Buddhism Master Joey Wu.  


Four weeks before, I had gone to a local fish market in Maynard, MA and bought 1lb. of fish eggs. The guy at the market said this was the first time they had them and the fish body you cannot eat but the eggs are okay. We were guinea pigs. I ate 2 oz. of fish eggs and 2 people that ate the fish eggs got sick with vomit and diarrhea. I broke out in a rash on my arms, stomach, and chest. It was gradual how it progressed. It was very itchy and red. I did not call the family doctor because they usually prescribe steroids to help stop the itchiness and rash. But that only covers the symptom and suppresses the immune system. The rash is the body's reaction to allow the immune system to clean out the toxins from the body through the skin. If I had taken a steroid, I would feel better right away, but when I stop the medication, the problem can come back as a chronic condition for many years.


I chose to take an herbal formula in tea for one week to detoxify myself (Rhubarb Root, Licorice Root, Wild Ling Zhi, Cicada Shell, and Snake Skin). I also applied Ku Shen salve to cool the heat from the rash. With the herbs and salve the rash was 80% gone after a few weeks. After going to the retreat for 3 days, the itchiness disappeared and the rash was 100% gone. I feel total relief and this was the best way to heal my body. Patience is needed for things to come; a quick fix is not the answer. Going inside ourselves taking time, the answer comes.


The retreat is a Body, Mind, Spirit vacation, nourishing the soul. Cleansing the internal body by Pi Gu fasting is the best detoxification. Organs get to take a vacation too. One or two days a month is good to give your body a rest. My mother did Pi Gu every two weeks for physical and spiritual health on the 1st and 15th day of each month. She did this all of her life, did not see a doctor and lived healthily until she passed away. A saying from the old TCM book is that 70% is the patient's job, 30% is for the TCM practitioner. The patient's 70% includes diet, lifestyle change, and meditation.

A Healthy Mind    
Meditation Retreat

by US-China Chan Culture Exchange Association  


Much time is put into organizing the vacation but they forget to organize their life. Going away can be too busy and they may need a vacation from their vacation. This Real Vacation will help you to get into the center to bring awareness to yourself. Putting down one angle you go to the center to see many angles.


People often pay a lot of attention to the health of their body, but they don't know quite what to do to improve the health of their mind. For example, when weather report says that it will rain tomorrow, we can be prepared by bringing an umbrella when we go outside. When we know we will be traveling next month, we can be prepared by booking our tickets ahead of time. However, do you know what mood you will be in tomorrow night? How do you keep calm when the boss tells you that there will be lay-offs next month? We modern people have more and more control over our environment; however, does it really bring more peace to our mind? We pay all our attention to the outside world; how much time do we leave to ourselves? Have you ever spent time being with yourself?          


 Do you know how to be with yourself? Stop focusing outwards, no books, no phones, no TV, no housework...stop any activity that uses your brain or your body, just to be with yourself. Please spare even just a small fraction of your time and energy that you give to the outside world, and turn it inward to focus on your heart and mind! Be with your heart; meet your true self, which is truly what needs your attention the most in life. Your true self is calling for your return.  


Among traditional spiritual practice methods, meditation retreat is the one many sects recommend. It is often used in Buddhism, Christianity and Islamic practices. The disciples arrange themselves in a special undisturbed environment, secluding themselves from the miscellaneous world, just staying with their heart. For the purpose of helping everyone feel the wonderful inner world, our association provides meditation retreat courses periodically, providing 24-hour and 72-hour group retreats.  


Note: Wu Healing Center will announce dates for upcoming retreats once they are scheduled. 

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