We hope this e-newsletter finds you well! Please read on below for updates from Christ's Church Fleming Island.
Christ's Church Fleming Island Staff
Come out for a night of family fun including FREE carnival games, bounce houses, live music & fireworks! Don't miss Fleming Island's largest fireworks display ever! Share this event with your family and friends!
JULY 1st
TIME: 7:00 - 9:30 PM
Fireworks begin at 9:00 PM or dark
Parking with shuttle service from Fleming Island H.S. available from 6:30-10pm (or until everyone is returned to the H.S. )
Handicapped and Special Needs parking available at Christ's Church Fleming Island
There is additional parking with NO shuttle service available from the Business Park located on Town Center Blvd. (walk is approximately .02 miles)
Be sure to stop by the music stage to sign up for fantastic prizes & give-a-ways
Food Prices:
JULY 8, JULY 15, JULY 22
WEDNESDAY NIGHTS - 6:30 - 8:30
Optional Dinner - $5 per person
Chick Fil-a or Pizza
6:30-7:15: Family Worship
Kindergarten - Adult
7:15-8:00: Study Time
Elementary, (K-6th grade)
Students (7th-12th grade)
Childcare for Nursery and Pre-K available from 6:15 pm- 8:00pm
8:00-8:30 Fellowship & Free Ice Cream Treats
Summer Spectacular Kids Scripture Songs
All scripture songs being taught during Summer Spectacular are available for purchase and download at for just 99 cents. Search iTunes For: "Seeds Family Worship" Week 1: "Crushed" Week 2: "Young" Week 4: "Servant of All" Week 5: "If God is For Us" Week 6: "Go" These are great worship tools for the whole family. Parents get your copy today and you and your family can begin hiding God's Word in your heart while rocking out in worship as a family! |
All men are encouraged to attend the Men's Breakfast at 7:00 am on Saturday, August 22nd. Come and enjoy a time of food and fellowship with the other men in the church. SMALL GROUPS Several Small Groups have recently started up or are in the process of starting. If you are interested in joining one of these groups please go to the Small Groups table in the Atrium for more information or contact Marla Newman Small Groups Coordinator at 904.874.8299 or
NEEDED: A host home in the FI area able to meet in the middle of the week for ages 40-50. A Small Group leader is ready to teach this group all you need to do is open your home. No children to attend the group. Please go to the Small Groups table and let them know you would like to open your home for this group. WORSHIP Has God given you a special musical talent that you want to use for His glory? Do you have an interest in the tech world? The CCFI Worship Ministries are in need of vocalists (men and women), band members, and tech team members. If you are interested in serving the Lord and plugging into this ministry team please pick up an application today at the atrium welcome center. Or if you have any questions please call or email Dave Prentice at 904-644-0322 / |
SUNDAY MORNING PROGRAMING CORE is a Bible Study for 7-12 Grades which meets in the Coop at 9am. Students are encouraged to attend the 10:30 service in the sanctuary or serve in an area within the church during that time if they attended the 9am Bible Study in the Coop. ROUTE 56 is for 5th and 6th Grades. The Small Group for this age meets at 9am in room 105 for Bible Study. There is a Worship service at 10:30 in the Coop
SUMMER SPECTACULAR FOR STUDENTS Wednesday Nights - Huly 8, July 15 & July 22
5:30-6:30 - Optional Dinner available for a fee
6:30 - 7:15: Family Worship K-Adult in the Sanctuary
7:15-8pm: Study Time: 7th - 12th Grade in the Coop
8:00-10pm: Youth Group After Party
Wednesday nights from 6:30 - 8:30 for students 7 - 12 grades. Large Worship - Games - Prize Give-a-ways & Contests.
AUGUST - 12, 19 & 26 Pizza is $1 a slice. Encourage your kids to be there and bring a friend.
For more information about Student Ministry please contact Tim Gray - Student Minister at 644-0313 or |
Virtue of the month: Forgiveness - deciding that someone who has wronged you doesn't have to pay.
Memory Verse: Forgive the things you are holding against one another. Forgive just as the Lord forgave you.
Colossians 3:13
MARK YOUR CALENDARS WEDNESDAYS IN JULY - MOVIE DAYS Every Wednesday in July is MOVIE DAY at Christ's Church Fleming Island. Join us in the Rooftop at 10am for a different movie each week. JULY 30-AUGUST 3: BASIC TRAINING CAMP This camp is for incoming 3rd & 4th graders. See the Summer Camp section in this newsletter for more info. AUGUST 3-7: CAMP DYNAMITE This camp is for incoming 5th & 6th graders. See the Summer Camp section in this newsletter for more info. If you have any questions please contact Donna James, Director of Children's Ministry at 644-0312 or
July 30-August 3 - Basic Training for upcoming 3rd & 4th graders at Epworth by the Sea in St. Simon Island, GA. Early Registration: (5/10 - 5/31) $155 Regular Registration: (6/1 - 6/28) $175 Late Registration (as available): (after 6/28) $200
August 3-8 - Camp Dynamite for incoming 5th - 8th grade students...St. Simon's Island, GA. Early Registration: (Through 6/28) Cost $225, Regular Registration: (6/29-7/19) $275, Late Registration (as available): (after 7/19) $325
Registration are due with a $50 non-refundable (applied to full registration fee) deposit beginning May 17. Balance due by July 19. |
Sharing Tree Fleming Island only has a few openings available for our 2009-2010 school year. We currently have space in our two-year old, 2 & 3 day programs. We also have openings in our VPK with Brain Boosters program. We have a waiting list available if you are interested in our other classes. Please contact the school office at 886-8211 for more information. |
The Helping Hands Ministry is a Ministry based on assisting church members who may be experiencing hard or difficult situations. We can help with meals, run errands, or provide other types of relief to make difficult times a little more bearable. Sometimes an extra hand is all that is needed to make it through those occasions, and we are ready to provide that support! Contact:
SHOE DRIVE It's shoe drive time! Bring your gently used shoes that you do not need or want and we will donate them to people who need them. There will be a box in the Atrium through the month of July.
JULY UPDATE 2009 Your continued faithfulness is enabling us as a church family to reach out locally and globally, both financially and through participation. GLOBALLY:
Earl and Ruth Anne Haubner, whom CCFI supports will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary and 40 years as missionaries in Brazil on Saturday, July 25th in Georgetown, Ohio. Barbara Miller will represent CCFI and asks that over the next three Sundays......July 5th, July 12th, and July 19th, you help share your good wishes and appreciation for their faithfulness to God in one or more of the following three ways and that you drop it/them off in the basket provided at the Missions Table by Sunday, July 19th to be presented to the Haubners on July 25th. Thank you for your loving support.
1. A card congratulting them on their 40 years of serving Christ through their missionary work in Brazil and on their 50th wedding anniversary.
2, A message to them including some of the following points: A. 50 years of marriage B. 40 years as missionaries in Brazill C. Their work in Brazil including the Amazon Boat Medical ministry D. Baptisms and bringing othrs to Christ E. Helping raise up missionary/ministers from villages, towns, and & cities F. Planting seeds through new churches G. Encouraging the development of Project Greenhouse (growing vegetables) and Project Phoenix (wood carving) H. Encouraging Marlon and Yara Brito to follow their hearts in Christain leadership through ProjectGrow (soccer ministry) and teaching children I. Their love of the Lord and His children J. Their faithfulness, determination, and devotion to the Brazilian people.
3. A financial contribution in any amount for the Central Brazil Mission-New Amazon Medical Boat Project (Money is currenty being raised by supporting churches to help build the badly needed boat to enable the Amazon Boat Medical ministry to grow and to serve more people on each trip).
Your donation is tax deductable and......checks can be made payable to: Central Brazil Mission, P.O. Box 420, McCoy, VA 24111: (tagged for New Amazon Medical Boat Project)
There is currently a drive on to raise funds by being part of the 1,000 people giving $1,000 each or any other amount, with no amount being too little as every penny will help them toward their goal. Construction has begun and will progress according to gifts received. (You can learn more by logging onto their website at: then look for information related to New Medical Boat Project).
You can ask one of the Mission Team for more details at the Mission Table any Sunday. All cards, notes, and dnations will be givn to the Haubners at their 50/40 Anniversary Celebration in Georgetown, Ohio on Saturday, July 25th.
On Saturday, August 8th, Henderson Haven will have their second fund raiser of the year. There is going to be a BIKER RIDE SCAVENGER HUNT sponsored by Adamec, Coca Cola, and one other . Look for details on the flyers soon to be seen at CCFI.
1. You can help by making cookies or brownies. If you by signing up at the Mission Table beginning Sunday, August 5th. Helping Hands and the Youth are also getting involved.
2. Drop off location: CCFI Drop off time: By 1 p.m. on Friday, August 7th.
The Youth have been collecting "Cans for Kids" throughout the month of June. Look for an update on their ingathering next month.''
AUGUST: For BRAZIL.....Light weight shorts and t-shirts for children (boys and girls) and adults (men and women) to gathered Sundays through August. For BRAZIL.....#5 Soccer Balls for Project Grow (We're looking to provide 2 dozen soccer balls for this part of their ministry). Three have already been donated. For HENDERSON HAVEN......In need of flash cards and board games. They can be dropped off at the Mission Table anytime.....this is an ongoing need.
For QUIGLEY HOUSE......In need of paper products (toilet paper, paper towels) and toiletries (soap, shampoo, lotions, etc.).
Due to relocation of some of team, the Missions Ministry is looking for a couple more of you who may be called to serve in this ministry. If interested, please call Barbara Miller at 284-5692.
Thank you all for your giving nature and continued support. Please continue to GIVE, PRAY, GO, and SERVE.
Food Pantry
Our church refers folks who are in need to the Green Cove Springs Food Pantry. You can help by dropping of any non-perishable food items and placing them in the marked tubs in the church Atrium during the work week or on Sunday mornings. Thank you!
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CCFI Summer Events Calendar
Take home calendars are available at the Welcome Center
July 1 - Movie Day 10am-12pm (all ages) in the Rooftop.
July 1 -Freedom Spectacular 7 - 9:30pm on the church grounds.
July 8 - Movie Day - 10am-12pm (all ages) in the Rooftop.
July 8 - Summer Spectacular 6:30 - 8pm
July 11 - Men's Bowling - Details coming soon
July 15 - Movie Day - 10am - 12pm (all ages) in the Rooftop
July 15 - Summer Spectacular 6:30 - 8pm
July 17 - 5th & 6th Grade Game Night 6:30 - 8:30 in the Coop
July 22 - Movie Day - 10am-12pm (all ages) in the Rooftop
July 22 - Summer Spectacular 6:30 - 8pm
July 29 - Movie Day - 10am-12pm (all ages) in the Rooftop
July 29 - Outlet - 6:30 - 8:30 in the Coop - grades v7-12 grade - CIY Highlights
July 30 - Aug 3 - Basic Training Camp for upcoming 3rd & 4th grades
Aug. 2 - Growing Strong - 9am Rm 204
Aug 3-7 - Camp Dynamite for 5th - 8th Grades.
Aug. 12 - Outlet - 6:30 - 8:30 - grades 7th -12 th grade in the Coop
Aug. 19 - Outlet - 6:30 - 8:30 - grades 7th - 12th Grade in the Coop
Aug. 22 - Men's Breakfast - 7-9am
Aug. 26 - Outlet - 6:30 - 8:30 - grades 7th - 12th grade in the Coop
Fleming Island Info.
Sunday Morning Service Times:
9:00am & 10:30am
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday 8am - 5pm & Friday 8am - 2pm
Office Contact Info:
Tom Moore
FIRST IMPRESSIONS This ministry is the "first impression" our guests receive upon entering the church building. We have teams that help with parking, greeting, serving Communion & offering, ushering, and assisting at the welcome center. If you have a smiling face and want to welcome people, then this ministry is perfect for you. SMALL GROUPS Small Groups is where relationships begin, and spiritual growth expands. Small group volunteers consist of host homes and group leaders. We encourage every member to participate in a small group. ATRIUM CAFÉ If you love to eat donuts and coffee, then you'll love serving them! This ministry is a favorite of their "customers"! WORSHIP/MUSIC Music is a vital part of our worship experience. This ministry seeks to provide the best worship experience possible through Vocals, Instruments, & Technical. FAMILY MINISTRY This ministry takes care of children and students from 8 weeks old to 12th grade. Family ministry seeks to teach our children a Biblical foundation that they will keep with them forever. This ministry also allows parents to worship, serve or attend a class while being confident in the care their children are receiving. Included in this ministry is Family Guest Services, Nursery, Early Childhood, Elementary (K-4th grade), & Student (5th-12th). ACCESS JUNCTION Access Junction is a ministry designated to children and families with special needs. We have the privilege of offering such a unique ministry that allows children to be paired with a buddy so that they can attend age-appropriate programming while the parents have an opportunity to worship. MEN'S & WOMEN'S MINISTRIES These 2 ministries are vital in building relationships among Christian men & women. They arrange events and activities to bring our people together.
If you have questions about any of the ministries at Christ's Church Fleming Island or would like to get plugged into one of these vital areas of service please contact the church office at 644-0311 or | |