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The SADDvocate

MARCH 2010

In This Issue
Chapter Spotlight
Programs and Resources
SADD Speaker Series
Contests and Grants
SADD Conference
SADD Store
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SADD Calendar

Mar 7-13 - National Sleep Awareness Week
Mar 14-20 - National Inhalants and Poisons Awareness Week
Mar 21-27 - SAMHSA Town Hall Meetings on Underage Drinking
Mar 22-26 - National Youth Violence Prevention Week
Mar 27 - Earth Hour

All Month - Alcohol
Awareness Month
All Month - National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Apr 22 - Earth Day
Apr 23-25 - Global Youth
Service Day
Apr 30 - Arbor Day

All Month - National Youth
Traffic Safety Month
All Month - Mental Health Month
May 5 - National Day to
Prevent Teen Pregnancy
It's Time to Register!

We ask ALL chapters to register/update their information once each school year.

Please update your information now by clicking here.  You'll receive a membership certificate for the year and a free gift!  

Thanks for helping us keep our database current - we want to make sure you get all our important SADD information.
Did you receive this newsletter from a friend?  Click below to get your own copy!
State SADD Events

Apr 27-30 - Indiana SADD Regional Trainings

For more information,
 click here.

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Regional Vehicle
Dealer Partner
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Welcome to The SADDvocate!  We're headed full speed into prom season, when many SADD chapters ramp up their efforts, and National Youth Traffic Safety Month is just around the corner.  What is your chapter planning this spring?

Please encourage all students in your chapter to sign up for The SADDvocate - just have them visit the homepage to join!  If it's easier, you can send a list of names and e-mail addresses for your chapter to Chris Egan, SADD's Director of Field Services, at [email protected]

Sometimes school computer filters prevent students and advisors from seeing The SADDvocate with graphics and colors or from reading it at all.  Remember that you can read every issue of The SADDvocate at any time by visiting our online archive.  This issue will be posted to the archive later today.

We want all SADD students and advisors to join our social networks - just click the links to the left.  We're close to 4,000 fans on Facebook, and want to break that barrier today!  You can visit our YouTube channel to see the "SADD: Then and Now" video made to celebrate our 25th anniversary - a great introduction to SADD that can be shown at an assembly.  You can order a DVD of the video for just $10 by clicking here

Hey, did you notice?  The SADD Calendar on the left bar is filled with upcoming events over the next few months - and even better, each event title is actually a link to the best website we could find on the topic.  Pick an upcoming event, visit the website, and begin your planning today!
Chapter Spotlight: Pepperell/Creekside
11Alive photo

In the Spotlight this month is Pepperell High School SADD from Lindale, Georgia, and Creekside High School SADD from Fairburn, Georgia.

Great Hang Up logoPepperell and Creekside SADD were featured on Atlanta NBC affiliate 11Alive recently as part of the station's "The Great Hang Up" campaign to encourage drivers of all ages to pledge not to text, e-mail, or talk on their cell phones while driving.

This is an issue that is gaining increased attention everywhere, including from celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, for whom it is a central focus.  Everyone should be aware that texting while driving is extremely dangerous, but research also shows that simply talking on a cell phone - even while using a hands-free headset - is distracting and dangerous as well.

Pepperell and Creekside SADD received terrific exposure in the piece that aired on 11Alive, which you can watch here.  Reporter Donna Lowery was live at Creekside High interviewing SADD students as they prepared to get their peers to sign the pledge, and she pre-taped a segment at Pepperell High which aired as part of the story.  At Pepperell High, SADD Advisor Alana Ellenburg reports that SADD students served hot beverages and the school jazz band played as SADD students convinced more than 100 students, teachers, and administrators to take the pledge.

Congratulations to Pepperell and Creekside SADD for addressing this issue and forming an important partnership with local media!

If you'd like to see YOUR chapter featured in the Spotlight, be sure to let us know what you're doing!  Send news and pictures to Chris Egan, SADD's Director of Field Services, at [email protected] or the mailing address at the bottom of this newsletter.
Programs and Resources
NYTSM ribbon logo Thanks to those SADD chapters that applied for the Act Out Loud contest, sponsored by NOYS (National Organizations for Youth Safety).  We'll have the announcement of the finalists in our April issue.

Remember to start planning your traffic safety activities for National Youth Traffic Safety Month (NYTSM) in May!  All SADD chapters are encouraged to devote some attention to seat belt use, distracted driving, or other traffic safety issues in May.  For some suggestions, NOYS offers a NYTSM toolkit full of activity ideas, templates, and more.

ALSF logoOur friends at Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer are holding a Student Leadership Academy this summer.

The Foundation was started by Alex Scott, a pediatric cancer patient who held an annual lemonade stand to raise money for cancer research.  Her dream was to raise $1 million -- a goal she achieved shortly before she passed away in 2004.  Since then, her foundation has raised more than $30 million for cancer research, much of it through volunteer-run lemonade stands.  SADD chapters across the country have held lemonade stands to benefit the foundation, and you can learn more about running a stand by clicking here.

This year, the Foundation created a Student Leadership Academy to help further Alex's inspiring example that one person can make a difference.  Held August 4-6 at Villanova University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Academy will bring together 60 students for three days of intense leadership training.  The Academy itself is FREE - if accepted, you'll only need to pay for travel.  You must be entering your junior or senior year this fall to be eligible to apply.  To learn more and get the application, click here.

SADD logo tinyDid you know chapters aren't permitted to use "Students Against Driving Drunk/Drunk Driving?"  Do you want to learn how to properly use "SADD" in your print materials?  Then download SADD's Graphic Standards Manual today!  And remember, high-resolution versions of the SADD logo are available for chapters to freely download and use.
emPOWER Your Community!
Wallace headshotMake a lasting impression this prom/grad season by bringing SADD Chairman and CEO Stephen Wallace, author of Reality Gap: Alcohol, Drugs, and Sex -- What Parents Don't Know and Teens Aren't Telling, to speak with your classmates, parents, and faculty.  An engaging and dynamic speaker, Stephen offers practical solutions to difficult issues and receives high ratings for his presentations.

Book now to take advantage of special spring discount rates!  For more information, click here.
Contests, Awards, and Grants
SADD Awards logoDid your chapter perform a phenomenal activity this year?  Do you have an amazing advisor who deserves to be recognized?  Do you think your chapter has what it takes to be the SADD National Chapter of the Year?

If so, listen up!  At the 2010 SADD National Conference in Orlando, Florida, we will recognize stellar SADD work.  Awards will be given in three categories: Activity of the Year, Advisor of the Year, and Chapter of the Year.  First-place winners in each category will receive a cash prize of $500!  Second- and third-place winners will receive $250 and $100, respectively.

Nominations must be related to work supporting the SADD mission between April 1, 2009, and April 1, 2010.  Completed nomination forms and supporting materials must be received by Monday, May 3, 2010.  Click here to download the nomination form.  Questions?  Contact Travis Helmondollar at [email protected]

That's Not Cool logoMarch 15 is your last chance to enter a contest for the Ad Council's "That's Not Cool" campaign, which focuses on teen dating violence through harassing texts, instant messages, Facebook posts, and e-mails.

Create a "Callout Card" to respond to someone who crossed your digital line and enter by March 15 for a chance to win a trip to Washington, D.C., to meet with NFL players, win NFL memorabilia, and more.  Visit to enter.
2010 SADD National Conference News
2010 Conference logo
Want to connect with your SADD peers?  Interested in learning about ways to improve your chapter and gain valuable knowledge?  Always wanted to visit Universal Studios in sunny Orlando, Florida?

Then you don't want to miss the 2010 SADD National Conference, Under the Sea: Changing the Tide.  The conference is designed and planned by youth and adults committed to SADD, just like you!  Make your plans to join us at the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress in sunny Orlando, Florida, June 27-30.  Space is limited, so register today!  Click here for more information and to register.
SADD Store Spring Fling
afl posterHave you got SADDitude?  believe-strive-inspire-laugh ... SADD's attitudes for living product line offers great, affordable gift ideas for this busy prom/graduation season: bracelets, notebooks, card sets (color and retro), tees and tanks, and even posters suitable for framing.
For more information or to place an order, visit, call 1-800-394-0090, or e-mail [email protected]
Don't forget that the SADD National Field Services Department is here to provide help and support to chapters, especially those in states without State Coordinators.  Just call 1-877-SADD-INC or e-mail [email protected] for service.

Please spread the word about this newsletter!  You can sign up
on the website to receive it, and we'd like as many students and advisors as possible to sign up.  The SADDvocate will be published every month during the school year, with no issues in July or August. 

If you'd like to forward the newsletter to others, please DON'T forward it within your e-mail program, which distorts the formatting, links, and graphics.  Instead, use the "Forward This Issue to a Friend" link at the top or bottom left of this newsletter.
  If it's easier, you can simply encourage them to read it online.  A link to the archive of past issues of The SADDvocate is available here.

The SADDvocate is designed to be visually appealing and colorful, with graphics and photos throughout.  Make sure you are enabling images in your e-mail program to see it properly.  If you receive only a text version of the newsletter, ask your IT person at school how you can receive HTML messages to get the full benefit of this newsletter.

Thanks again for all you do for SADD! 

Christopher Egan, Director of Field Services