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The SADDvocate


In This Issue
SADD Speaker Series
Programs and Resources
Contests and Grants
Chapter Spotlight
SADD Store
SADD Conference
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It's Time to Register!
We ask ALL chapters to register/update their information once each school year.

Please update your information now by clicking here.  You'll receive a membership certificate for the year and a free gift!  

Thanks for helping us keep our database current - we want to make sure you get all our important SADD information.
SADD Calendar
All Month - Wipe Out
Smoking Month
Nov 2-8 - Drowsy Driving Prevention Week
Nov 10 - Mix It Up at Lunch Day
Nov 19 - Great American Smokeout Health Challenge

All Month - National 3D Prevention Month
Dec 1 - World AIDS Day
Dec 3 - It's Time to Talk Day
Dec 18 - Lights on for Life Day
Dec 18-20 - National Holiday Lifesavers Weekend

All Month - National Blood Donor Month
All Month - SADD Elementary School Campaign
Did you receive this newsletter from a friend?  Click below to get your own copy!
State SADD Events

Nov 13-15 - West Virginia
SADD State Conference

Nov 18-19 - Pennsylvania SADD Western/Eastern
Regional Conferences

Nov 20-22 - North Carolina
SADD Leadership Conference

Nov 23 - Vermont Governor's Youth Leadership Conference

For more information,
 click here.

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Welcome to The SADDvocate!  Please read below for valuable information you can use in your SADD chapter.

Please encourage all students in your chapter to sign up for The SADDvocate - just have them visit the homepage to join!  If it's easier, you can send a list of names and e-mail addresses for your chapter to Chris Egan, SADD's Director of Field Services, at

Sometimes school computer filters prevent students and advisors from seeing The SADDvocate with graphics and colors or from reading it at all.  Remember that you can read all issues of The SADDvocate at any time by visiting our online archive.  This issue will be posted to the archive later today.

We also want all advisors and students to join our social networks - click the links on the left!
SADD Speaker Series for Parents often have many questions when it comes to keeping their teens safe, and SADD can provide answers.  Through SADD's Speaker Series, Chairman and CEO Stephen Wallace discusses ways to improve family communication and provides parents with information about how they can be even more influential when it comes to the choices their children make.

The Parent Power presentation provides parents with information about the real world of today's teenagers and outlines concrete steps they can take to help keep teens safe.  Family Focus brings parents and their teens together to explore the "reality gap" that often divides them so they can strengthen their relationship. These dynamic, thought-provoking presentations can be tailored to meet the needs of your school or community.

For more information or to book a SADD Speaker Series presentation, contact Nicole Cheschi at 877-SADD-INC (723-3462) or
Programs and Resources
Mix it Up 2009 logoRemember that next Tuesday, November 10, is Mix It Up at Lunch Day!  Encourage students to "mix it up" by sitting with different people at lunch on that day.  This program helps increase awareness of other students, break down cliques, reduce bullying and harassment, and improve the school climate.

We encourage SADD chapters to take the lead in planning Mix It Up at Lunch Day.  You can register your school on the Mix It Up map and download the organizer guides for more information.

NAPPP logoOur friends at the National Association of Peer Program Professionals (NAPPP) asked us to make sure SADD advisors and others were aware of their Training Institutes.  These trainings are an excellent way for SADD advisors to enhance their skills and help make their SADD chapters more effective.  There are NAPPP Training Institutes coming up in late January in the St. Louis, Missouri, area and in late June in Indianapolis, Indiana.  Click here for more information.

Feed the NeedDo Something is running their annual November food drive called "Feed the Need" to collect nonperishable food for local food banks.  The goal is one million pounds of food collected nationwide!  Click here to visit the Feed the Need site - there's a searchable database to find a food bank in your area.

SADD logo tinyDid you know that you should never use periods within "SADD"?  There are lots of other useful tips in SADD's Graphic Standards Manual, which you can download here.

Remember that the SADD logo is available in high-resolution versions in a variety of formats on the website.  Chapters are free to use the logo in compliance with the Graphic Standards Manual, including in print and on t-shirts, websites, etc.  Click here to download the logo!
Contests, Awards, and Grants
drive to life logoDon't miss your chance to apply!  NOYS and the National Road Safety Foundation are sponsoring a public service announcement (PSA) contest in preparation for National Youth Traffic Safety Month next May.

Here's how it works: submit a script (NOT an actual video!) for a 15- or 30-second PSA.  The topic can be impaired driving, speeding or aggressive driving, drowsy driving, distracted driving, or seat belt use.  The winner receives a scholarship for $1,000 plus a trip to New York to see your PSA professionally produced!  The deadline to submit your PSA idea is November 21.  Visit for more information.

YSA logoYouth Service America is once again offering $1,000 grants for service projects that begin on the Martin Luther King Day of Service (January 18, 2010) and culminate on Global Youth Service Day (April 23-25, 2010).  If you're interested in this grant opportunity, please hurry!  Grant proposals are due next Friday, November 13 - but you must begin the online application next Monday, November 9!  Click here to get started.

teen dating abuse logoWe told you last month about Do Something's Fight Teen Dating Abuse initiative and the $250 grants they have available to help get projects started.  If you're interested in that grant opportunity, you must apply by November 15Click here for more information.
Chapter Spotlight: Danvers SADD
Danvers SADD

In the Spotlight this month is Danvers High School SADD from Danvers, Massachusetts.

Camerena picMost SADD chapters held activities during Red Ribbon Week in October.  Red Ribbon Week was formed in honor of Enrique "Kiki" Camarena, a DEA agent who was murdered in Mexico by drug cartel members.  Across the country, SADD chapters and other groups hold drug education events in his memory.

Like many chapters, Danvers SADD planned a full week of events - decorating school grounds, conducting activities, and holding themed days, including one encouraging students to "buddy up" and dress alike to symbolize supporting each other to make healthy decisions.

Red Ribbon Week is one of the central yearly events for many SADD chapters.  Congratulations to Danvers SADD and all SADD chapters nationwide that held events during Red Ribbon Week!

If you'd like to see YOUR chapter featured in the Spotlight, be sure to let us know what you're doing!  Send news and pictures to Chris Egan, SADD National Director of Field Services, at or the mailing address at the bottom of this newsletter.

Material from the Danvers Herald was used in this report.
Custom SADD Calendars!
SADD calendar imageThe SADD Store continues to offer great deals and discounts on appealing SADD-branded merchandise.  Through the end of the year, you can find high-quality products on the "clearance rack" at up to 40% off!  There are plenty of appealing items available for less than a dollar each as well - you'll find bracelets, dog tags, pins, and more that you can use as giveaways.

As we enter the last two months of the year, your chapter might consider ordering custom SADD calendars from the SADD Store.  It's easy to customize the calendars with your own photos and dates for your SADD events, such as prom-related activities, homecoming, and other school dates.

Your chapter can use the calendars to raise funds or give them away to promote your chapter with a high-visibility item that hangs on the wall all year!  Customizing your calendar is easy and fun.  Just visit, choose purchase order or credit card shopping, and click on "Custom Calendars" on the left-hand bar.
For more information about any SADD Store product, visit, call 1-800-394-0090, or e-mail
2010 SADD National Conference News
2010 conference logo
SADD is seeking innovative workshop proposals for the 2010 SADD National Conference, Under the Sea: Changing the Tide, which will be held at the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress in Orlando, Florida, June 27-30.   

Do you have expertise in youth leadership, chapter development, or advocating for change?  Do you have extensive knowledge in the areas of alcohol and other drug use, teen driving safety, bullying and teen violence, healthy lifestyles, or suicide prevention?  If so, please submit a workshop proposal!  All proposals are due by Friday, January 22, 2010.  Youth, adults, SADD chapters, and other organizations are all encouraged to apply!  Click here to download the workshop proposal form.

Online conference registration will be posted shortly along with more detailed program information, but students should start fund-raising today.  As we reported last month, the price for the conference remains unchanged from last year at $699 for students (quad occupancy) and $799 for advisors (double occupancy).

For all the latest conference information, visit
Don't forget that the SADD National Field Services Department is here to provide help and support to chapters, especially those in states without State Coordinators.  Just call 1-877-SADD-INC or e-mail for service.

Please spread the word about this newsletter!  You can sign up
on the website to receive it, and we'd like as many students and advisors as possible to sign up.  The SADDvocate will be published every month during the school year, with no issues in July or August. 

If you'd like to forward the newsletter to others, please DON'T forward it within your e-mail program, which distorts the formatting, links, and graphics.  Instead, use the "Forward This Issue to a Friend" link at the top or bottom left of this newsletter.
  If it's easier, you can simply encourage them to read it online.  A link to the archive of past issues of The SADDvocate is available here.

The SADDvocate is designed to be visually appealing and colorful, with graphics and photos throughout.  Make sure you are enabling images in your e-mail program to see it properly.  If you receive only a text version of the newsletter, ask your IT person at school how you can receive HTML messages to get the full benefit of this newsletter.

Thanks again for all you do for SADD! 

Christopher Egan, Director of Field Services