SADD logo red reverse
The SADDvocate


In This Issue
Drinking Age Debate
Reality Gap
Conference Recap
Free Resources
Speaker Series
SADD Store
SADD eMall
SADDvocate Archives
Don't Forget to Register!
We ask ALL chapters to register/update their information once each school year.

It's that time of year - please update your information now by clicking here.  You'll receive a membership certificate for the year and a free gift! 

Thanks for helping us keep our database current - we want to make sure you get all our important SADD information.
Did you receive this newsletter from a friend?  Click below to get your own copy!
Quick Links

SADD National Website

SADD Store

SADD eMall

National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS)

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)



Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)

Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)

Parents. The Anti-Drug


Leadership to Keep Children Alcohol Free

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

National Road Safety Foundation

Governors Highway Safety Association

Youth Service America

Do Something

UR the Spokesperson

Stop Impaired Driving

Stop Drugged Driving

Stop Bullying Now!

We Don't Serve Teens


National Sleep Foundation

National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy

Make Roads Safe

National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA)

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

NIDA for Teens
National Insurance Sponsor
Liberty Mutual logo


Stephen Winkler headshotHello, fellow SADD students and friends of SADD!  My name is Stephen Winkler, and I'm the SADD National Student of the Year.  I grew up in Seneca, Kansas, where I was an active SADD student for four years.  Now I'm attending Emmanuel College in Boston, Massachusetts, studying political science - and I have to tell you, New England is wicked awesome (I catch on fast to the local slang)! 

I'm sure you're all back in classes, getting ready for another exciting year of SADD activities.  Inside The SADDvocate you'll find resources and ideas you can put to use in your community.  Please encourage all students in your chapter to sign up - just have them visit the homepage to join!  If it's easier, you can send a list of names and e-mail addresses for your chapter to Chris Egan, SADD's Director of Field Services, at

Forward this issue to a FriendIf they want to see what it's all about before signing up, you can forward this newsletter to them by clicking this graphic.

facebook logoI want to especially encourage everyone to join the new SADD National official facebook group.  You can catch the latest news and network with SADD chapters across the country, sharing success and asking for help.  Check it out, and invite your friends! 

I am incredibly honored to serve as your Student of the Year and look forward to an eventful term.  As a student-driven organization, we have the power within each of us to continue empowering others across the country, so always remember that your voice counts, and never let anyone silence you or your beliefs. 

Good luck to you and your chapter in the school year ahead! 
Drinking Age Debate Continues...
Recently, a number of college presidents joined a group calling for considering lowering the minimum legal drinking age to 18 from its current 21.  You've probably seen extensive coverage of this topic in the media.

SADD's position is unequivocal - we oppose lowering the minimum legal drinking age.  Read SADD's official position statement on this issue from Chairman Stephen Wallace by clicking here.

We take that position for a number of reasons, all based on science and research.  Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation about the drinking age out there - perhaps you've heard that teens will drink less if the drinking age is lowered, since it's no longer a "forbidden fruit?"  Or that Europe has a lower teenage binge-drinking rate than the U.S. because they learn to drink responsibly at an early age?  Both of those statements are provably false! 

why 21 logoWe encourage you to educate yourself on the science behind the drinking age, so you can counter people who repeat the myths above.  SADD has a new U21 Tool Kit on our website, which has a useful Q&A, talking points, and a list of resources.  SADD also is part of a coalition of groups supporting the minimum legal drinking age, called Why 21.  You can visit the website at

We hope SADD chapters across the country will research this topic and stand up for the 21 minimum legal drinking age! 
Reality Gap Available Now!
reality gap cover
Reality Gap, the new book by SADD Chairman and CEO Stephen Wallace, paints an alarming portrait of a modern-day adolescence filled with potentially deadly behaviors carefully hidden by teens from the view of parents and other adults.  But it is also a book about hope and inspiration, pointing to the incredibly powerful role that parents and other mentors can play in the lives of young people and highlighting the tremendous contributions that many teens are making to their families, schools, and communities.
Combining stories from today's teens with original, groundbreaking research conducted by SADD, Reality Gap offers an intriguing analysis of the adolescent decision-making process and shares important conclusions.

Most critically, the book shares common-sense solutions and practical steps for parents and other important adults, such as teachers, coaches, counselors, and health care providers, to use in their relationships with teens.

You'll also find advice for how and when to talk about drinking, impaired driving, sex, drug use, suicide, and bullying - including Stephen's five essential elements of successful communication.

Reality Gap is available now at the SADD Store for $16.50.  A portion of the proceeds benefit SADD.
Conference Recap and 2009 News
conference group shot
Thanks to everyone who attended, organized, and participated in our fantastic national conference this past June in Phoenix, Arizona!  More than 400 youth leaders and adults (pictured above at an off-site event) joined together to explore ways in which they could positively impact their schools and communities, as well as encourage their peers to make positive decisions.  The conference theme, Passion, Power, Identity: Soaring to New Heights, was captured throughout the week, and everyone left with a renewed sense of enthusiasm and energy for the upcoming school year!

Among the conference highlights:
  • More than 40 workshops focused on a variety of important issues, full of resources and ideas
  • Inspiring and motivating keynote speakers
  • Celebration of the 2007-2008 Student Leadership Council (SLC) and induction of the 2008-2009 SLC
  • Opportunities to network and connect with fellow SADD students and advisors
capitol dome graphicPlans are already underway for the 2009 SADD National Conference, which will be held in Washington, D.C.  Set aside the dates now - we're tentatively planning for Sunday, July 12 to Wednesday, July 15, 2009, preceded by a special two-day SADD SPEAKs advocacy training for a small number of students selected from an application pool.  More information and details will be coming soon! 
Free Resources for SADD Chapters
          Liberty Mutual logo
SADD's National Insurance Sponsor, Liberty Mutual, has unveiled a new website about teen driving.  Students at SADD's national conference in Phoenix got to check out some of the tools on the website, including a driving quiz that will help prepare you for your license test.  There are also useful tools for parents.  Visit to see for yourself! 

SBN logoSADD partners with the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) on the Stop Bullying Now! campaign.  This important campaign is targeted at students ages 9-13, helping them make positive decisions and increase their awareness of the seriousness of the problem.

HRSA is offering a Stop Bullying Now! DVD Toolkit to the first 100 high school SADD chapters that commit to using it to lead the campaign for middle school students (middle school SADD chapters can also receive it themselves).  The DVD contains cartoon webisodes, public service announcements, and video workshops that generate discussion about bullying.  Many high school SADD chapters are already working with middle school students - helping to mentor them or even starting middle school SADD chapters - so don't miss this opportunity.  Hurry - if your chapter is interested in receiving this free kit, contact Katie Reardon at

If you miss out, don't worry - you can download the entire content of the toolkit, including the webisodes, from the Web.  Just visit

ati posterThe Office for National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) has released some new posters and postcards in their "Above the Influence" campaign.  These materials are available for free by contacting the National Clearinghouse for Drug and Alcohol Information (NCADI) at 1-800-788-2800 or visiting  Note that they don't yet appear in the list of materials.  On the NCADI website, click "Quick Find & Order" and search for "Above the Influence" in "Title" to find the materials.  NCADI also has plenty of other free materials you can order - check it out today! 
Congrats to These SADD Chapters!
NYTSM ribbon logo
National Youth Traffic Safety Month (NYTSM), sponsored by the National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS), took place in May.  As part of the month, many SADD chapters registered their activities for a chance to be recognized with one of 50 $1,000 awards.  In the inaugural NYTSM in 2007, 15 of the 50 awards went to SADD chapters, and we hoped to improve on that total in 2008.  We're proud to announce that this year 18 of the 50 awards went to SADD chapters!  Congrats to all of you who won these awards.

We told you in June about the new NOYS/NHTSA Rural Youth Traffic Safety Message Competition, which involved creating a youth traffic safety project message campaign and getting the word out through television, radio, and print media.  Applications were due by the end of June, and ten finalists were selected in July. 

They each received $500 to put their proposed activity into action in September and October.  The winners will be announced on November 25, with the top three teams winning cash prizes and a trip for the advisor and one student to accept the award in person at the Department of Transportation in Washington, D.C., in December.

We're proud to announce that of the ten finalists, three are SADD chapters!  Congrats to Anoka SADD in Minnesota, Clifton Central SADD in Illinois, and Shelton High/Oaklan Bay Jr. High SADD in Washington state for their selection.  We wish all these chapters good luck as they compete to be one of the three prize-winners.
Book a SADD Presentation Now!
sgw headshotBring SADD Chairman and CEO Stephen Wallace, author of the new book Reality Gap (discussed above), to your school this year!  The presentations in the SADD Speaker Series feature Stephen, who has broad experience as a school psychologist and adolescent counselor.

There are several options: SADD's familyfocus presentation brings young people and parents together to discuss the "reality gap" that often divides them.  The schoolspeaker presentation reaches out to students, empowering them to make healthy choices.  And teenstoday provides educators, parents, and other adults with information from SADD's groundbreaking original research about the real world of today's teenagers.

It's not too late to book a presentation for this fall, so contact Stacey Hart at 1-877-SADD-INC or or visit the website for more information about the Speaker Series.  Don't miss this exciting opportunity! 
Think About It ... Own Your Choices
TAI red ribbonIs your chapter planning to participate in Red Ribbon Week in October?  If so, check out the Think About It ... Homecoming and Red Ribbon Season campaign, which you can download for free from the website.  You'll find comprehensive activity plans in the campaign kit, and the SADD Store is now offering a companion supply kit for pre-order.  The supply kit includes 1 roll of red ribbon, 25 red ribbon pins, 500 pledge cards, 50 table tents, 50 red balloons, 50 pencils, and a 2' x 6' indoor/outdoor banner.  The cost of the full supply kit is $128 plus shipping and handling.  For more information or to pre-order your supplies, call the SADD Store at 1-800-394-0090 or e-mail  Kit items will also be sold separately. 

afl posterSADD's attitudes for living campaign is going strong.  Believe in yourself, strive to make a difference, inspire others, and laugh along the way. How does your SADD chapter embody these attitudes?

We're sponsoring a multimedia contest to find out!  Your chapter can submit a photo OR a video showing how you represent these attitudes.  There are cash prizes for the winners, and the deadline is October 31.  To learn more and download the contest rules, click here.
Shop the SADD eMall Today!
SADD EMall buttonSummer's over, and students are back to school.  Still need to do some back-to-school shopping?  Check out Staples, OfficeMax, or Office Depot on the SADD eMall for school supplies!    

Remember, when you shop at online stores through the SADD eMall, a portion of your purchase will support SADD programs and activities.  Retailers automatically generate funds for SADD that average 3 percent (and can be as much as 25 percent) of your purchase - all at no extra cost to you! 

This month brings the start of the NFL season, so pick up some new gear to cheer on your favorite team at the NFL Shop on the SADD eMall.

Did you look through SkyMall magazine on a recent flight?  Perhaps you meant to buy something, but left the magazine on the plane.  No problem - visit the SkyMall store through the SADD eMall for all their unique offerings! 

Helping SADD while making your everyday purchases is easy.  Simply visit, click on the store of your choice, and do your shopping.  Check back often for new stores being added to the SADD eMall.
The SADDvocate Returns Monthly
After taking a break for the summer, The SADDvocate is now back to a monthly schedule.  Look for it early each month in your inbox.  This first issue was packed with important news, so look for the return of some of our regular features, such as the Chapter Spotlight, in the October issue.

Remember that past issues of The SADDvocate are now available online.  These archives are helpful to those whose e-mail systems block the newsletter or to those who can't see the images and colors of the newsletter - or if you want to show a copy of the newsletter to someone who might consider signing up.

To see the archives, click here.
Don't forget that the SADD National Field Services Department is here to provide help and support to chapters, especially those in states without State Coordinators.  Just call 1-877-SADD-INC or e-mail for service.

Please spread the word about this newsletter!  You can sign up to receive it
on the website, and we'd like as many students and advisors as possible to sign up.  The SADDvocate will be published every month during the school year, with no issues in July or August.

If you'd like to forward the newsletter to others, please DON'T forward it within your e-mail program, which distorts the formatting, links, and graphics.  Instead, use the "Forward This Issue to a Friend" link at the top or bottom left of this newsletter.

The SADDvocate is designed to be visually appealing and colorful, with graphics and photos throughout.  Make sure you are enabling images in your e-mail program to see it properly.  If you receive only a text version of the newsletter, ask your IT person at school how you can receive HTML messages to get the full benefit of this newsletter.

Thanks again for all you do for SADD! 

Christopher Egan, Director of Field Services