Don't Forget to Register!
We ask ALL chapters to register/update their information once each school year.
Registration takes just a few minutes and can be done online by clicking here. At that link, you'll also find a downloadable registration form you can print out and mail or fax if you prefer to register that way.
Register now and you'll receive a chapter certificate and a free gift - a SADD poster!
Every chapter who registered or updated information this school year has a 2007-2008 Chapter Certificate (and a SADD poster). Don't have yours? Then you haven't updated your information this year - please do so today!
Thanks for helping us keep our database current - we want to make sure you get all our important SADD information. |
Did you receive this newsletter from a friend? Click below to get your own copy!
National Insurance Sponsor
It's National Youth Traffic Safety Month, and your chapter has the chance to win $1,000 for an activity conducted this month! (See below for more information.) We also have exciting news about the Act Out Loud competition and how you can support SADD chapters in the running for the grand prize. Here's a reminder to encourage all members of your chapter to sign up to receive The SADDvocate. Just have them visit the sadd.org homepage to join! If it's easier, you can send a list of e-mail addresses for your chapter to Chris Egan, SADD's Director of Field Services, at cegan@sadd.org. If they want to see what it's all about before signing up, you can forward this newsletter to them by clicking the link below.  |
National Youth Traffic Safety Month
 It's National Youth Traffic Safety Month (NYTSM), sponsored by the National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS). As a member of NOYS, SADD encourages all chapters to conduct traffic safety activities during May.
 As we've told you, NOYS will offer 50 $1,000 awards for the best NYTSM activities. Last year, 15 SADD chapters were recipients of a $1,000 award, and we're hoping for even more this year! All you need to do is register your activity on the NYTSM website before the end of May, and you're eligible for an award. It costs nothing to register your activity and takes just a couple of minutes, so don't miss this chance to win $1,000!
Need some ideas? You can download traffic safety activities by clicking here. Remember, the contest is competitive, so bring your best and most creative idea! Visit the NYTSM website for lots of other useful information. |
Vote for SADD!
 Part of NYTSM is Act Out Loud, a new competition with a $10,000 grand prize! Lucas Grabeel, better known as "Ryan Evans" from High School Musical, is the celebrity spokesperson for Act Out Loud and has been interviewed by media across the country. We told you about applications for this back in March, and we're pleased to report that of the 10 finalists, three are SADD chapters - Chelsea High SADD from Chelsea, Vermont; Dermott High EAST Lab TOPS/SADD from Dermott, Arkansas; and Notre Dame Prep SADD from Scottsdale, Arizona. We congratulate these chapters for being selected as finalists. Now it's your turn - the winners will be chosen through Internet voting, and we encourage all of you to vote for the SADD chapters! Let's show everyone the power of SADD's national network and demonstrate support for fellow SADD chapters. Voting happens only May 1-7, and you can vote once per day per unique e-mail address. An email will then be sent to that address, and you'll have to click a link in the message to confirm your vote. Please take a minute to vote every day from now through May 7. Click here to vote today!
New SADD Store Contest and Booth
SADD's attitudes for living: believe in yourself, strive to make a difference, inspire others, and laugh along the way.
How does your SADD chapter represent these attitudes for living? Tell us for a chance to win! SADD is sponsoring a multimedia contest for chapters to show how they express their attitude through a video or photograph.
First-place winners will receive $500, with $250 for second place, and $100 for third. To learn more, click here.
Also, make sure to check out the SADD Store at the 2008 SADD National Conference. The SADD Store will anchor the new Exhibit Hall. Stop by the booth and receive free shipping on your order of t-shirts, shorts, attitudes for living posters, and more. Your order could make it back home before you do! These items make great gifts for others, too. If you can't wait until June, visit the online store at saddstore.org today. You can also reach the SADD Store by phone at 1-800-394-0090 or by e-mail at saddstore@workflowone.com. Before you order, don't forget to ask your State Coordinator for a special code so your state SADD organization benefits from your purchase. Don't have a State Coordinator? No problem! Your purchase helps SADD chapters nationwide. |
Program Events and Resources
Don't forget that May 7 is the National Day to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy is asking SADD chapters to promote a special quiz in their schools on May 7. You can download a planning guide with suggested activities for the event by clicking here. Or visit thenationalcampaign.org to learn more about the event.
Global Youth Service Day (GYSD) took place April 25-27. Did your SADD chapter participate in a service-learning activity for GYSD? If so, make sure to register your project on the GYSD website by clicking here. Don't forget to put "SADD" in the "Organization" field!
SADD Speaker Series - Book Now!
The SADD Speaker Series is an exciting program available to help
students stay safe by empowering them to make positive decisions. The
series, comprised of three dynamic and interactive presentations, has
received wide acclaim in communities across the country. It's not too late to bring a presentation to your school this month or to prepare for the fall by booking a presentation for a back-to-school kickoff. SADD's familyfocus presentation brings young people and parents together to discuss the "reality gap" that often divides them. The schoolspeaker presentation reaches out to students, empowering them to make healthy choices. And teenstoday provides educators and parents with information from SADD's groundbreaking, original research about the real world of today's teenagers.  The presentations feature SADD Chairman and CEO Stephen Wallace, who has broad experience as a school psychologist and adolescent counselor. He is the author of the new book "Reality Gap: Alcohol, Drugs, and Sex, What Parents Don't Know and Teens Aren't Telling," available in August from Sterling Publishing/Union Square Press. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity. To request information or to book a presentation, contact Stacey Hart at 1-877-SADD-INC (723-3462) or e-mail shart@sadd.org.
Be Our Friend Online Today!
SADD National has recently launched its first-ever MySpace and Facebook pages. To stay current with the latest news and information from SADD National, add us as your friend! The SADD National Student Leadership Council (SLC) and SADD National Staff will be updating the pages and responding to questions and comments.  To view our MySpace page and add us as a friend, click on the logo or visit myspace.com/saddnational.  To view our Facebook group, you'll need to have a Facebook account first, which is free. Then click on the logo or click here to join our group. After you've joined up, invite all your SADD friends to join as well. Thanks! From the SLC Programming Working Group -- Emily Smith, Alex Boncek, and Joseph Laston |
Shop the SADD eMall!
Are you inviting friends and family over for Memorial Day? Keep everyone entertained with outdoor games, such as volleyball, croquet, bocce, or horseshoes. All these and more can be purchased at Dick's Sporting Goods through the SADD eMall.
When you order online through the
SADD eMall at sadd-emall.com, a
portion of your purchase will support SADD programs and activities. Retailers
automatically generate funds for SADD that average 3 percent - and up to 25
percent - of the purchase.
Will you be graduating this year and planning a party to celebrate the momentous occasion? If so, be sure to stop by the Oriental Trading Company store on the SADD eMall for all your fun decorations and party supplies. If you're not, but you know someone who is, purchase a gift at the Personalization eMall store. And for those who are superstitious, you might want to prepare for Friday, June 13. Look for a four-leaf clover or other good luck charm at Amazon.com.
Helping SADD while making your
everyday purchases is easy. Simply visit sadd-emall.com,
click on the store of your choice, and do your shopping.
Chapter Spotlight: Central Mtn. SADD
In the Spotlight this month is Central Mountain High School SADD from Mill Hall, Pennsylvania. Central Mountain High SADD prepared a variety of activities for Alcohol Awareness Month in April, which included publicity and outreach to elected officials. Some of the activities included a pre-prom assembly with drug and alcohol prevention messaging; a safe after-prom party at the local YMCA; an entire week of drug and alcohol prevention activities later in April; and assorted other efforts. Just working hard to make all of these activities happen is commendable - but Central Mountain High SADD went one step further, reaching out to the Clinton County Commissioners. They not only persuaded the Commissioners to issue an official proclamation for Alcohol Awareness Month, but they also worked hard to get publicity, which resulted in local press covering the presentation of the proclamation to SADD officers - and they even brought a SADD poster to display in the picture for increased impact. Wow! Central Mountain High SADD Advisor Gene Bennett reports that all the events were
successful and the students are even planning to reach out to other schools in the county without SADD chapters to help get them started! The combination of comprehensive prevention efforts with consistent messaging, the outreach to local officials, the securing of media attention, and the effort to establish new SADD chapters makes Central Mountain High SADD a role model for SADD chapters nationwide. Congrats to everyone at Central Mountain High School
SADD for their efforts to make an impact in their community! If you'd like to see YOUR chapter featured in The SADDvocate or in our print newsletter, Decisions, be sure to let us know what you're doing! Include a picture or two if you can. Send news to Chris Egan, SADD National Director of Field Services, at cegan@sadd.org or at the mailing address at the bottom of this e-mail. |
SADD Program Corner
SADD's Program Corner is written each month by a member of the SADD National Student Leadership Council (SLC). The Program Corner will bring you quick and easy ideas for activities to enliven chapter meetings, brighten your school, or reach out to recruit new members. This month we welcome SLC member Alex Boncek from Nags Head, North Carolina.  One great activity that any SADD chapter can do, at little or no cost, is to host a Quick Click Challenge. In this activity, teams of four will compete to rotate through all four car doors, sitting and buckling their seat belts each time. This activity gives students a fun and comptetitive opportunity to work in teams, and helps them to understand that all passengers need to buckle up and to see how quick and simple buckling up really is.
Here's how it works: participants start outside the car with the doors shut and windows rolled up. At the start of the clock, students open a car door, sit down, close the door, buckle their seat belts, and raise their hands. Once everyone is buckled, a SADD student supervising the challenge gives them a signal to change positions. Students then get out, switch seats, and repeat the process until they've entered through all four doors and buckled in each seat.
To find a vehicle to use, ask your SADD advisor, fellow students, teachers or school staff, local car dealerships or rental agencies. Make sure that they understand doors may be slammed shut, for this is a fast-paced activity. Ask a local restaurant to donate a meal for the winning team, or ask other local businesses for prizes.
Did you know there are lots of free activity ideas like the Quick Click Challenge at sadd.org? Click here to see a list of some of the great ideas for activities your chapter can do!And don't forget about the SADD Manual, which is filled with important information and helpful activity plans. Click here to learn more about the new SADD Manual. |
The SADDvocate Archives Are Online!
Past issues of The SADDvocate are now available online. These archives are helpful to those whose e-mail systems block the newsletter, or to those who can't see the images and colors of the newsletter - or if you want to show a copy of the newsletter to someone who might consider signing up.
To see the archives, click here. You can also access them from the sadd.org homepage by clicking on the button that looks like this:
Conference Reminder
Don't forget to register for the 2008 SADD National Conference, which will be held June 22-25, 2008, in Phoenix, Arizona! The deadline to receive the subsidized rate has been extended through May 9, so be sure to register right away if you haven't already! To learn more, click here. Or, if you're ready, click here to register.
School Supplies Drive Save room in your suitcase for some school supplies. We are
encouraging conference attendees to pack a donation of school supplies that
will benefit needy children in the Phoenix
school system. In addition, we will be collecting used backpacks in good
condition for the children. Donations should be dropped off at the SADD
Information Desk.
If you're not attending conference or if you have too many
donations to pack, school supplies can be mailed to Jessica Smith at Arizona
SADD, 5333 W. Misty Willow Lane, Glendale, AZ 85310. Community-Service Project In
addition to the school supply drive, SADD is organizing
an optional community-service project in which students will help at
different school sites with projects as needed. This project will take
place on Sunday
morning, June 22, so you'll need to make arrangements with your group
to come
in a day early to participate. We'll begin with a Saturday night
dinner and "meet and greet" event, followed by the service project Sunday
morning. For more information, call SADD National
at 877-SADD-INC (723-3462).
Don't forget that the SADD National Field Services
Department is here to provide help and support to chapters, especially those in
states without State Coordinators. Just call 1-877-SADD-INC or e-mail cegan@sadd.org or
kfrench@sadd.org for service.
Please spread the word about
this newsletter! You can sign up to receive it on the sadd.org website, and we'd like as many students and
advisors as possible to sign up. The SADDvocate will be
published every month during the school year.
If you'd like to forward the newsletter
to others, please DON'T forward it within your e-mail program, which distorts
the formatting, links, and graphics. Instead, use the "Forward This Issue to a Friend" link at
the top or bottom left of this newsletter.
The SADDvocate is designed to be visually appealing and colorful, with graphics and photos throughout. Make sure you are enabling images in your e-mail program to see it properly. If you receive only a text version of the newsletter, ask your IT person at school how you can receive HTML messages to get the full benefit of this newsletter.
Thanks again
for all you do for SADD!

Christopher Egan, Director of Field Services
 Kristin French, Assistant Director of Field Services |