Pedestrian safety improvements afoot on Ponce de Leon
The Georgia Department of Transportation is moving forward on designing pedestrian safety improvements on Ponce de Leon between Piedmont Avenue and Moreland. Proposed changes include converting an eastbound lane to a two-way left turn lane with median refuge islands and HAWK signals, which will make it much safer to cross Ponce de Leon at locations that are not controlled by traffic signals.
To increase planners' and designers' awareness of pedestrian needs on Ponce, PEDS organized a two-mile walk that enabled pedestrian advocates, developers and neighborhood leaders to provide input on existing hazards. Representatives of the Georgia Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Governor's Office of Highway Safety, Midtown, Old Fourth Ward. Virginia-Highland, Poncey-Highland and other neighborhoods participated.
PEDS will audit pedestrian hazards on transit corridors
Thanks to a grant from the Federal Highway Administration and support from the Governor's Office of Highway Safety and people like you, PEDS will soon conduct pedestrian road safety audits on several of the region's most dangerous transit corridors for pedestrians.
These audits will increase awareness of hazards facing pedestrians who seek to access transit on multi-lane roads in metro Atlanta. The audits will also engage stakeholders in identifying needs and increase knowledge about and support for implementing potential solutions.
Andy McBurney and Eugene McGuinness, Georgia Tech graduate students who are pursuing joint degrees in regional planning and civil engineering, will begin work on this project soon.