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TWM eNewsletter 
SUMMER 2012 
[Please note: This may be your first email from The Women's Mosaic (TWM) after signing up at a seminar this past Spring.  If you only want to hear from TWM's founder Kristina Leonardi through her weekly Personal Growth Gab simply update your profile and change your subscriber preferences using the link at the very bottom of this email so you can still receive them, and add yourself to her list if you're not already on it. Thank you!] 

Well, hello there!  We hope you are enjoying the summer and making the most of the transformative opportunities this year has presented. It's been a while since you've heard from us, and we thought that doing so on the tail of the XXX Olympiad and right before UN Humanitarian Day and Women's Equality Day was as good a time as any!

Since completing our 10 year anniversary with our celebration last July, we've been in transition deciding what we want the next decade of our existence to look like. In the meantime, we've offered three Visioning Workshops and continue to interact with you on a virtual basis via CHICKS ROCK!, Facebook and Twitter, so be sure you are connected with us there.

When I started TWM in January of 2001, the world was a very  different place. It was pre-9/11, there were still plenty of people without email or cell phones, and the majority of women's organizations were only profession, ethnic or issue specific.  We set out to encompass and embrace all that a woman could be, discovering her own identity by connecting with, learning about and being inspired by the diversity of women around her - and we produced over 100 unique events to help make that happen.

We've come a long way in terms of women's leadership, organizations that have since been created and the more mainstream understanding and hardcore research demonstrating that the empowerment of women and girls are key to making the world a better place. In other words, it's now common knowledge that when women and girls benefit, the entire planet does. It's very rewarding to know that we were a grass-roots part of that effort!

So having accomplished much of what we set out to do, yet knowing there is much more work to be done, we wanted to ask you: going forward, what is it that you would like to see TWM do more or less of?  What kind of programs do you want to participate in, on or off-line experiences you would like to have and existing needs we might be able to fill?  Send us your suggestions, feedback and comments via email or on Facebook.

Until then, we hope to see you at our upcoming workshops and we'll be sharing some video clips of relevant past events with TWM Flashbacks both here and in emails to come. If you're new to TWM, there are plenty of links in this newsletter to catch up on what we've been up to thus far. 

And last, but certainly not least, if you've been on this journey with us especially as a TWM Member or donor- THANK YOU!  We wouldn't be here without you!
In unity and with gratitude,


kml signature
Kristina Leonardi
Founder, The Women's Mosaic�
Visioning Workshop: Using Your  Creativity and Intuition to Gain Clarity, Find Focus and Manifest Your Dreams!    
Our signature TWM Visioning Workshop will be happening at the end of September! 

The beginning of the 'school' year is a great time to re-assess where you're at and where you'd like to be going.
We've offered over 20 of these popular workshops that have helped attendees clarify and manifest their work, health and relationship goals and so much more!

Click here for photos of last year's sold-out Fall workshop

Click here for past posts about the workshop

Tentatively scheduled for Saturday, September 29th 11am-5pm. Stay tuned with invite with all the details coming soon.
Girls, God & Goddesses: Women's Relationship to Religion and Spirituality  
TWM's Girls God & Goddesses - Sikhism
TWM's Girls God & Goddesses - Sikhism
In May 2006, TWM gathered panelists of different faiths to talk about how their religion impacts their identity and everyday lives. Here is a snippet of our Sikh panelist, Manbeena Kaur.

For an extended clip, including our Muslim panelist Moushumi Khan click here.

For an article about this event please read the second edition of our INSPIRER Newsletter.

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Did you travel this summer? Are you starting school this fall? Have you switched careers? Have you recently married or divorced? Is there a personal story you've been needing to share?

All of these (and more) are great starting points for a guest post on
CHICKS ROCK!  Writing your story can be empowering for the writer, and it also gives readers a chance to realize that they're not alone. Our stories can connect us when we need it most -- wouldn't you love to be part of that connection? So take a look at our guest blogger guidelines and the range of posts our guest bloggers have contributed in the past. Then send us an email with your story.  

 The Women's Mosaic launched CHICKS ROCK!, our blog to provide women a vehicle to express themselves on topics related to diversity and personal growth!

 Learn more about us, and check out our posts on travel, stereotypes, personal growth, careers and much, much more!
Be sure to visit, read, write, comment and spread the word!

A big THANK YOU to everyone who has donated, joined or renewed as a member since our last TWM eNewsletter 

Kerry Cunniffe, Katherine England, Michelle French, Kerry Fristoe, Sheree Gibson, Sharon Joseph-Spence,Rory Kugler, John & Jen Lambrech, Luci Lambrech, Michele Lambrech, Fiona Lefkowitz, Kekla Magoon, Louise Magoon, Bob & Laura McKean, Linda Molinar, Katrin Mueller, Sunil Panikkath, Kevin Powderly, Ed & Felicia Quagliariello, Paola Quintero, Sharla Ricafort, Cassandra Ruanova, Maria Sacks, Ronni Siegel, Ruth Utley 

In This Issue
Update Your Profile
TWM Visioning Workshops
TWM Flashback Video
WANTED: Your Story
TWM Thank You's
Stay Connected

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Show Your Support

TWM is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that relies on the financial contributions of our community. Please help us to keep on keepin' on!

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TWM Member Button
In addition to supporting TWM with a tax-deductible donation, members in good standing receive discounts to events and other exclusive opportunities like members-only events, Off-Broadway shows, gym memberships, shopping discounts, spa services and other offers.

Advertise with TWM! 
Reach a targeted loyal audience of over 5000 via our eNewsletter and social media.  Click here for details and contact us for the most up to date information.


Click here for an archive of TWM eNewsletters 

   Ten Years of TWM!
Have a look at our four color printed INSPIRER Newsletter online for a more in-depth look at our programs! Read the PDF's here:

Message from March

KL Metro article


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                *Special Offer * 
DBGym Dianes Day
TWM Members also receive a one-week membership and free training session now until 12/31!

For more information contact Carolina Quiroga
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For more information visit or contact her at 516.524.1347 or [email protected] to receive a special 30-minute "Money Breakthrough Strategy Session."   

The Women's Mosaic� is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that educates, inspires and motivates women to express their full potential in all areas of life by providing opportunities to connect to themselves, each other and the world around them.  Since January 2001, TWM has offered over 100 unique activities and events that have enabled women to reach across borders and cultures, allowing them to recognize, refine and reactivate their individual and collective power and place in the world. In September 2008, we launched CHICKS ROCK!, a blog that provides a vehicle for women to share their experiences related to diversity and personal growth.

For more information please visit or www.chicksrockblog.comor contact us at: [email protected] or 917-816-0834
