TWM's Visioning Workshop!
Saturday, April 2nd, 2011
44 East 32nd Street, 11th Floor Btw. Park & Madison $85/$95 for TWM Members* $130 for Non-Members *TWM Members can bring a friend at the TWM Member rate! RSVP Here
 Thank you so much for an inspiring Saturday at the Visioning Workshop. You know I forgot how fun and POWERFUL that workshop really is. I have been looking at my collage all the time and loving it more and more each time I see it. I am so proud of myself that I could create something so strong and beautiful. In my eyes, it's perfect. My job doesn't allow for too much creativity, and I forget how much I enjoy being creative, and being able to pick up a pair of scissors and glue stick brings me back to the joys of childhood. My life will be going in a different direction soon and the college confirmed that it's the right thing to do. Thank you again for being such and inspiring diva...and I look forward to the next class with you! - Amanda M.




GET YOUR LIFE ON TRACK TODAY! Work with TWM's Founder One-on-One If you're unable to attend the workshop and are in need of some guidance and direction, consider working with TWM Founder and career/life coach Kristina Leonardi
Kristina can help you:
*gain clarity *discover new perspectives *understand your personal growth process
* identify your next career move or change
*strategize and brainstorm next steps to take in your job search or life transition *create balance in any area of your life
CLICK HERE FOR KRISTINA's LATEST EBLAST WITH MORE INFOAfter months of researching the job market, I became overly consumed with endless data and foggy ideas. Kristina helped me see that my resume reflected this uncertainty and it was working against me. In just a half hour we defined more sharply what my true goals are and how to best revise my resume(s). I now look forward to communicating - on paper and verbally - a clear message that will lead me to a new opportunity. - Linda M
If you would like to be in the loop with what Kristina is offering, be sure to check off "Seminar & Workshops by TWM Founder Kristina Leonardi" in your Subscriber Profile by clicking on the Update Profile/Email Address link at the bottom of this email. |
Using Your Intuition and Creativity to Gain Clarity, Find Focus and Manifest Your Dreams!
Due to popular demand we are now offering our Visioning Workshop three times a year! (Next one is not until the Fall) Saturday, April 2nd, 2011 11am - 5pm
Feeling a little confused with what's going on in your career or relationships?
Not sure what to do next with your life?
Maybe you're just a bit unsatisfied overall but can't exactly pinpoint what it is....
Our Visioning Workshop can help you sort it all out!
Come to our popular and powerful semi-annual workshop for a creative, transformative afternoon where you will make a collage to manifest your heart's desire - and you may be surprised as to what that turns out to be. It's not unusual for participants to start new businesses, relationships, families or career paths as quickly as weeks or months after the workshop.
If you are looking for both answers and results to help figure out where you are right now in your life and where you want to go next, this could be thing exact thing you need to push you forward and take you there!
Testimonials from the Visioning Workshop:
"The Visioning Workshop is a solid chunk of intense time spent thinking about what WE want and need as women, as individuals."- Laura A."I love looking at my collage. Whenever I look at it I feel inspired and strong, and I am reminded of the dreams I tell myself about my life." - Nicole L." Great! The workshop helped me to clarify what success looks like to me." - Sheraun B. REGISTER TODAY!
TWM MEMBER RATE $85.OO IN ADVANCE ( TWM Members can bring a friend at the member rate) NON-MEMBER RATE $130.00 IN ADVANCE
PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST BRING WITH YOU THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: 1. Magazines - any amount, any type - just bring lots of them even if you think you won't use them 2. Glue Stick 3. Scissors 4. Poster Board - large size, white or color of your choice 5. Journal or Notebook 6. Pen or Pencil or other writing instrument Optional: Glitter, ribbon; anything else you might want to put on your collage. Water, lunch, snacks. |
CHICKS ROCK! is a program of The Women's Mosaic® that provides a vehicle for women to share their experiences related to diversity and personal growth.
Please be sure to visit, comment, guest blog, and spread the word! chicksrockblog.com If you have your own blog, or know of a blog that we should link to, please let us know at chicksrockblog@gmail.com
Sharing Your Story
Did you travel recently? Have you switched careers? Has your culture or ethnicity or religion impacted your life in a direct way recently? Is there a personal story you've been needing to
All of these (and more) are great starting
points for a guest post on CHICKS ROCK! Writing your story can be
empowering for the writer, and it also gives readers a chance to
realize that they're not alone. Our stories can connect us when we need
it most -- wouldn't you love to be part of that connection?
So take a look at our guest blogger guidelines and the range of posts our guest bloggers have contributed in the past. Then send us an email with your story.
What are you waiting for?
The Women's Mosaic® is a 501(c)3
nonprofit organization that educates, inspires and motivates women to express
their full potential in all areas of life by providing opportunities to connect
to themselves, each other and the world around them. Since January 2001,
TWM has offered over 95 unique activities and events that have enabled women to
reach across borders and cultures, allowing them to recognize, refine and
reactivate their individual and collective power and place in the world. In
September 2008, we launched CHICKS ROCK!, a
blog that provides a vehicle for women to share their
experiences related to diversity and personal growth. For more information visit www.thewomensmosaic.org or www.chicksrockblog.com.