Joyfully Living Wellness Services


Holiday Treats

The holidays are fast approaching: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years.


Think FOOD! An overabundance of food! Halloween candy, pecan and pumpkin pie, cookies and fudge! Not to mention the eggnog! All of this with the added stress of holiday travel and family reunions - oh yeah, and the pressure to spend $$ beyond your means...


How are we supposed to eat right, exercise and take care of our bodies in the midst of all this cheer?  It's hard enough to get through without losing our "cool".  


We've got 2 offerings in this newsletter to help you through this holiday season.  Whether it's challenges with Halloween candy or the eating and drinking at the holiday festivities or the stress of the travel and family gatherings, these offerings can help you to glide through the holidays with a heart full of love and cheer!


Read more about our offerings below.  Please reach out if you have any questions.  We're here to help, and we look forward to serving you.  



Peace and Blessings,

Debra Graugnard & Donna Jamila Crews Finney 


Harness Holiday Hunger Tele-Course
Debra Graugnard & Donna Crews Finney  

Holidays are right around the corner.  The Halloween candy has been in the stores for at least a month now.  This is only the beginning!  


You've worked hard all year to do the right things to take care of your body.  But why work so hard all year long just to blow it in the last 2 months??  Or maybe you never really got to the place you wanted to be this year.  It's no wonder so many people make New Year's resolutions to get in shape.    


If you tend to overeat, binge or generally lose control with food during the holidays, we would love to support you to make this year different.


My long-time friend Donna Crews Finney and I invite you join us for a tele-course, "Harness Your Holiday Hunger".  Just in time for Halloween and up to Thanksgiving - Weekly, Oct 25 - Nov 15.


In this 4-part tele-course, you will receive

  • Help to identify your pitfalls
  • Help to recognize the signals before you go off track
  • Guidance to set commitments you can stick to
  • Action steps to help you stay on track or bring you back on track
  • Tools you can use even beyond the holiday season
  • Strong support with lots of love and mercy to help you be successful this year!

If it were as easy as just "saying" we were going to do better this year, we'd all do it! But so many of us say it over and over again - why? Because it can be such a challenge!


Donna and I know what it's like because we've each walked our own path with this before.  Now we want to share what we've learned with you.

If your heart resonates and you would like to have a different experience with food and drink this holiday season, go to for more info and registration.  


Reach Out for Support and Claim Your Success for the 2012 Season!


2 Reasons to Register Now:

  1. Class size for this tele-course is limited to insure you will receive the support you need.
  2. Receive the early bird registration discount through October 18th.



Commit to a healthier experience with food this holiday season.


 Click here to hear Donna and me describe "Harnessing Holiday Hunger".

We invite you to join us for this exciting adventure!  And please forward to anyone you feel would benefit from "Harness Your Holiday Hunger"! 




Peace and Blessings,

Debra Graugnard & Donna Jamila Crews Finney  



Preempt the Holiday Stress with Healing Sessions
Energy Centers
It's never too early to commit to change.  If you'd like to get started now, I've set up some great packages for Distance Healing SessionsDistance Healing Sessions are healing sessions by phone. 

They are just as effective as in person, and we can work together no matter what distance is between us.  I even have clients in China! and we see fabulous results!

If you dread the travel and going back into the old family dynamics each year, personal Healing Sessions can make a big difference in your life.  I've learned to love my family the way they are and still be me.  It's been a huge gift!

Here's some info about Spiritual & Energetic Healing in general.
If you have questions feel free to email me.

I look forward to connecting with you!
Another year is almost over. I hope you'll take advantage of our offerings to end this year with the success and happiness you deserve. 

If you find this information helpful, please share this newsletter with the people you care about. 

Comments, questions, suggestions?  I'd love to hear from you.


Debra Graugnard 
Joyfully Living Wellness Services

P.S. Remember to register early for the "Harness Holiday Hunger" tele-course to reserve your space and take advantage of the early bird registration price. 
In This Issue
Harness Your Holiday Hunger!
Preempt the Holiday Stress
Holistic Hints

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"Debra is amazing. Her work is a stellar combination of intuition, deep wisdom, and wide learning along with superb skills. She created the conditions for healing of a condition I had endured for months without understanding or being able to change. I recommend her work and her integrity without reservation."

- Beth G. Raps, Ph.D

Holistic Hints
The Human Stomach
When you lie down to go to sleep at night, start out lying on your right side.  This positions your stomach to continue to empty its contents from your evening meal with the support of gravity.  Common sense, eh?
Debra Graugnard
Hi, I'm Debra Graugnard, Spiritual Healing Practitioner, Nationally Certified Licensed Massage Therapist and Nationally Certified Colon Hydrotherapist. I hold Masters of Divinity in Spiritual Healing & Counseling with a focus on healing the body with foods and proper eating habits. I am passionate about helping people to learn to recognize and care for their bodies, both inside and out, as the sacred vessels of their souls and spirits.  I look forward to serving you.