TMC Community Engagement (masthead)
In This Issue
TMC is one of KC Healthiest Employers
Community Partner Spotlight: Black Healthcare Coallition
Touchdown Family Fest
Bluford Named One of 40 Most Powerful People in Healthcare
Quick Links
by John W. Bluford 







TMC is one of KC Healthiest Employers


Forty Most Powerful in Healthcare Award


TMC Charitable Foundation Receives Grant from Grandma's Alzheimer's Fund 



TMC Public Relations and Marketing awarded two Platinum and two Gold Marcom Awards 





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Wellness Tip: Exercise Regularly


Regular exercise can helps relieve stress and anxiety. Being more fit can make you feel better about yourself which can lift your mood. Getting outside, even on cold or cloudy days, can lift you spirits - especially if you spend some time outside within two hours of getting up in the morning.


Welcome to


Truman Medical Centers is committed to improving the quality of life in Kansas City and the surrounding communities through its department of Community Engagement. 
Here is the latest news in our efforts to lead the way to a healthier community.

Healthiest Employers logo 
TMC is One of KC Healthiest Employers
Truman Medical Centers was named one of the Top Five Healthiest Employers by the Kansas City Business Journal in their second-annual Healthiest Employers program.


TMC was honored in the large company category (more than 3,500 employees). The other companies honored in this category include St. Luke's, Children's Mercy, Sprint and Cerner. The contest recognizes metro-area companies that do the best job of promoting wellness and good health.


The honored companies place a premium on wellness by helping create healthy employees, which in turn cuts insurance costs and absenteeism while boosting productivity and morale.


Healthiest Employers, a technology and data research company, evaluated the online submissions and ranked them to determine the winners in each of four categories based on a company's number of employees. The leaders in each category, along with all of the winners, will be recognized at a Feb. 13 luncheon at the Sheraton Overland Park. View the full article here.


Community Partner Spotlight: BlBlack Health Care Coalitionack Health Care Coalition 
The Black Health Care Coalition is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to reducing health disparities in the African-American community through advocacy, health screenings and health promotion activities. The Coalition has served the African-American community for 26 years. They host a multitude of programs and events that directly benefit the community like their Healthy Generations program, their annual 5K, Cancer screenings, and much more. They were recently featured in the Kansas City Star for their work. For more information, visit their website or follow them on Facebook.


Touchdown Family Fest is Coming Soon


It's that time again! Touchdown Family Fest is making its second run towards the end zone. This year, Touchdown Family Fest will take place on April 7 at Arrowhead Stadium from 10 am-3 pm. We also have some new partners here to help us - the University of Missouri-Kansas City Schools of  Nursing, Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry. If you or your organization is interested in learning how you can participate, please contact Jeannine Midgett at and Leo Prieto at You can also receive more information on Facebook or here.


Last year's Touchdown Family Fest was a huge success with more than 1,600 people in attendance. Guests enjoyed performances from groups like Denise's Dance Academy and Casa De Fitness. There was even a Flash Mob! Check out this video from last year's event. Hope to see you April 7!  




John Bluford Named One of 40 Most Powerful People in Healthcare
John W. Bluford III, CEO of Truman Medical Centers and immediate past chair of the American Hospital Association, has been selected as one of the 40 most powerful people in healthcare. Read the full article here. Congratulations Mr. Bluford!
Upcoming Community Events
  • Feb. 25 - Mini Health Fair 

    Lucile H. Bluford Library

    3050 Prospect Avenue

    Kansas City, MO 64128

    Noon - 2 pm


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