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                                                         Fall, 2012

Amy Anthony


I am delighted to share POAH's Tenth Anniversary Report with you.  In it you can read about our ten-year history, beginning as a small and enthusiastic start-up with 1,600 affordable housing apartments in one state and growing to our current portfolio of close to 8,000 units in 9 states and the District of Columbia. The report describes the "toolbox" of strategies and practices we have employed over the years, preserving this much-needed affordable housing and earning POAH a reputation as a highly-regarded, entrepreneurial nonprofit organization. I hope you enjoy it.



Amy Anthony, President


click on the report to view the full document

(on the cover: Woodlawn Center South, Chicago)




POAH    40 Court Street, Suite 700   Boston, MA 02108   617-261-9898   info@poah.org

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