


Shortfall in Administration's housing budget concerns providers

Toby Halliday, Executive Vice President, Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future


The Administration's proposed FY13 budget for the Project Based Rental Assistance Program is funded $1.5 billion below the FY 12 baseline funding level.  read letter to Congress 


Center on Budget and Policy Priorities:

Guest Commentary:

A Personal Reflection on Temple Landing's Transformation

Tom Dixon
Boston Capital Vice President Tom Dixon   

Tom Dixon remembers Temple Landing during some of its tough times and he shared his story at the Developments of Distinction award ceremony read about it 


About POAH


Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH) is a Boston-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to preserve and steward affordable rental housing to provide stability, hope and economic security to low- and moderate-income individuals and families.  POAH owns and operates close to 7,000 affordable homes at more than 50 properties in nine states and the District of Columbia. see our Web site 



job posting: Project Manager, POAH, Boston, MA

for earlier editions of this newsletter visit our Archives. 

                                                         Spring, 2012

Amy Anthony


This issue of our newsletter takes up health issues as they relate to the construction and operation of affordable housing. New building materials and construction techniques make it not only affordable to build healthier homes but cost-effective when you factor in the health care and other costs saved by residents living healthier lives. In addition, housing is a great platform for connecting residents with health care options.

In this highly political year, we're also tracking the Administration's housing budget proposal and share SAHF's letter to Congress.  Finally, you'll want to read Tom Dixon's commentary about Temple Landing which recently received a Novogradac Journal of Tax Credits Development of Distinction award. Tom is a VP at Boston Capital and shares a poignant and heart warming story about his personal connection to the property.



Amy Anthony, President

Photo: M Plati, POAH

Integrating Health Services into Affordable Housing


Jo-Ann Barbour POAH Manager of Resident Services 


"Housing is a vaccine" according to 

Dr. Megan Sandel, Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Public Health at the Boston University Schools of Medicine and Public Health. Numerous studies and research have linked the impact of healthy, safe and affordable housing to reducing the stressors that lead to poor physical, developmental and mental health.  read more 


Center for Housing Policy brief: The Impacts of Affordable Housing on Health

Research linking housing, nutrition, energy and other policies to children's health and development: http://www.childrenshealthwatch.org/page/PublicationsTopic 


The Kresge Foundation has generously funded POAH's work exploring potential collaborations between affordable housing and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), seeking to improve outcomes in both sectors through the health-housing connection.



Zarroa Conference
POAH will present at September mental health conference


2012 National Zarrow Mental Health Symposium & Mental Health America Annual Conference will address housing, recovery and community supports for people living with mental illness. www.fromhousingtorecovery.org


Building Healthy Homes Saves on Health Care, Other Costs

Julie Klump


Julie Klump, POAH Manager of Design and Technical Services 


Not long ago it was believed that building healthy homes and energy efficient homes were unaligned with affordability. That calculation failed to take into account the financial, social and health-related costs of not building healthy homes. read more


HUD Healthy Homes Program http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/healthy_homes/hhi

National Center for Healthy Housing: http://www.nchh.org/

Enterprise Green Communities Resident Engagement: http://www.enterprisecommunity.com/solutions-and-innovation/enterprise-green-communities/resources/resident-engagement 


Portfolio News

POAH's Temple Landing receives JTC Distinction AwardTemple Landing Award

POAH's Temple Landing has been recognized with a Novogradac Journal of Tax Credits Development of Distinction award for its turnaround of the 40-year old Massachusetts complex formerly plagued by crime, physical building deterioration and mounting deferred capital needs.


watch videoRead the JTC article and watch the video 

 (click on "Overcoming Significant Obstacles")



POAH continues revitalization in Chicago's Woodlawn neighborhood Renaissance Apartments Chicago

POAH has closed on the financing for the acquisition, preservation and rehabilitation of the 117-unit Renaissance Apartments in East Woodlawn just south of the University of Chicago.

The City of Chicago has awarded low-income housing tax credits and other financial support for the construction of two more buildings as part of POAH's redevelopment of the former Grove Parc Apartments on the South Side. read more


Mayor Emanuel announced 41 affordable housing projects facilitated by tax credit allocations.pdf 


Read the Woodlawn revitalization newsletter 


Photo: JKlump, POAH

POAH    40 Court Street, Suite 700   Boston, MA 02108   617-261-9898   info@poah.org

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