Vote for Temple Landing in the 2011 Affordable Housing Finance Magazine
Readers Choice Award!
Category: Preservation Development
Click on the word "Vote" to access the project descriptions. Type "newsletter subscriber" in the box to open the ballot. The deadline is Aug. 12. Thanks for your support! read about Temple Landing
Amy Anthony on HUD's Choice Initiative
Photo: M Plati, POAH
Building on the successes of the HOPE VI program and addressing many of that program's critiques, HUD's Choice Neighborhoods Initiative is an important new direction in federal housing policy. read more
Bart Harvey on the Future of Affordable Housing Finance, GSEs and more.....
Photo: M Plati, POAH
Bart Harvey is the retired Chair of the Board and CEO of Enterprise Community Partners. As a board member at Fannie Mae, he is involved in the organization's strategic planning even as it faces calls in Congress for its elimination. Read his views of the financial crisis and of the future of the housing market, the mortgage interest deduction, and government sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
About POAH |  |
Preservation of Affordable Housing, based in Boston, is a mission-driven, entrepreneurial nonprofit committed to preserving affordable housing throughout the United States. Significant elements of America's affordable housing inventory are at-risk due to mismanagement, neglect, financial misfortune or the threat of conversion to market rents.
POAH acquires, preserves and stewards these resources with creative financial restructurings, physical rehabilitation or redevelopment and long-term management. POAH owns 6,790 apartments in nine states and the District of Columbia, serving the working poor, families, individuals and seniors. see our Web site

It's been a busy quarter here at POAH, as we prepared our application for HUD's new Choice Neighborhoods Initiative and continue to green our properties. In this issue, Rochelle Beeks writes about instituting No Smoking policies at our properties and Fannie Mae Board Member Bart Harvey shares his views on the future of the housing market, the mortgage interest deduction, and government sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. You will also see photos from our greening celebrations below.
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Photo: M Plati, POAH |
Affordable housing providers that implement No Smoking policies can save lives and money |
by Rochelle Beeks, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Preservation Housing Management

By implementing No Smoking policies in their developments, affordable housing providers can help residents lead healthier lives with the added bonus of lowering the property's insurance rates. POAH is joining a growing number of affordable housing owners, including more than 230 housing authorities in 27 states, that have already implemented No Smoking policies in some or all of their buildings. There are many resources available for owners and property managers to institute the policy. read more

HUD newsletter encourages public housing authorities to become smoke free (2009)
Smoke Free Housing - a toolbox for landlords, tenants, organizations
National Center for Healthy Housing Reasons to Explore Smoke Free Housing Fact Sheet
HUD Optional Smoke Free Housing Policy Implementation notice
CDC resources to help communities address tobacco use and obesity through policy, systems, and environmental changes
Photo: M Plati, POAH |
POAH and project partner City of Chicago named finalist for HUD Choice Neighborhood Initiative |
POAH, with project partner City of Chicago, has been named a finalist for a HUD Choice Neighborhood Implementation Grant for the Grove Parc/Woodlawn Park revitalization. The Choice Neighborhoods Initiative promotes a comprehensive approach to transforming distressed areas of concentrated poverty into viable and sustainable neighborhoods. read more about Choice in Amy Anthony's commentary
Faculty from Macalester College , led by POAH Board member George Latimer (seated in middle), visited Woodlawn Park to study the revitalization project as part of its 2011 Urban Faculty Colloquium in May. read more
Chicago Alderman Willie Cochran spoke to the group. Seated to his right: Rochelle Beeks, Vice President and COO of Preservation Housing Management; D. Ann Conley, Regional Property Supervisor; Karen Rhodes, Grove Parc Property Manager; Felicia Dawson, Director, Resident and Community Engagement
visit the Grove Parc/Woodlawn Web page photos: M Plati, POAH
Greening the portfolio gets policy makers' attention |
Greening affordable housing is a smart investment and government officials are applauding these efforts. POAH is installing solar thermal systems, weatherization and green retrofits at eight properties across the country.
Massachusetts Energy Secretary Richard K. Sullivan, Jr. lauds solar panel array at Salem Fairweather Apartments in Salem, MA.
read the news article
Congressman Bass (R-NH) joins greening celebration at Sugar River Mills Apartments in Claremont, NH
read the news article
What's this?
This thermal image of the exterior recladding of 8330 on the River Apartments in Detroit, MI was taken this past winter with an infrared camera. The photo highlights the effectiveness of recladding the exterior, which is improving the weathertight quality of the building envelope and reducing heat loss from the units. The area of blue on the left hand side shows where the insulated metal panels have been installed and heated air is no longer escaping from the building. The area of reds and yellows (where the plates have not yet been installed on the right hand side) show the great amount of heat and energy still escaping from the building.
In the summer of 2010, our national association, SAHF won a competitive solicitation under the Department of Energy's Weatherization Innovation Pilot Program (WIPP) through which it was awarded $2,590,523, to assist affordable housing properties owned by SAHF members to access energy efficiency services and financing. This pilot is designed to test the viability of the Energy Performance Contract (EPC) model in privately owned affordable housing. read more

Related Link:
Weatherization hits high gear: Sustainable Communities
top and middle photo: M Plati, POAH
bottom photo, Julie Klump, POAH |