
In This Issue
Revitalizing Chicago's south side
Investor interest in Bond Deals
Greening affordable housing
Tools for charting energy savings

Policy Notes 


 Amy Anthony 3

 (photo: M.Plati POAH)


Amy Anthony on the federal housing budget
With the recent news from Washington, it's clear that cuts in federal funding for housing are on the horizon. But the question is: What should we fight for?
Related reports:
The Center for Housing Policy Housing Landscape 2011
National Low Income Housing Coalition: Out of Reach


David Smith on Structural Changes in the Affordable Housing Industry

"Never let a good crisis go to waste." 

David Smith is Chairman of Recap Real Estate Advisors

   (photo: M.Plati POAH)


David Smith, Chairman and Founder of Recap Real Estate Advisors on the future of affordable housing financing in the United States read more

Smith talks about The Impediments of Aging Affordable Housing MultiHousing News Dec, 2010
Dept. of Treasury and HUD report to Congress: Reforming America's Housing Finance Market, Feb, 2011
 Temple Landing 
Affordable Housing Stimulates Job Creation
The renovation of United Front Homes (now Temple Landing) is creating jobs in southeastern Massachusetts and revitalizing an 11 acre parcel in downtown New Bedford, MA





 web linkWeb link
Executive Office of Housing and Community Development  Massachusetts Works


Take a video tour of Temple Landing (formerly United Front Homes) with POAH Senior Developer Rodger Brown  

United Front Homes

        (photo: M.Plati POAH)




 watch video

Watch 2 minute video 



news story

 Read New Bedford Standard Times story


read about Lewis Temple


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Preservation of Affordable Housing, based in Boston, is a mission-driven, entrepreneurial nonprofit committed to preserving affordable housing throughout the United States.  Significant elements of America's affordable housing inventory are at-risk due to mismanagement, neglect, financial misfortune or the threat of conversion to market rents.  POAH acquires, preserves and stewards these resources with creative financial restructurings, physical rehabilitation or redevelopment and long-term management.  POAH owns more than 6,600 apartments in nine states and the District of Columbia, serving the working poor, families, individuals, and seniors. see our Web site

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Greetings! Welcome to POAH's electronic newsletter

Amy Anthony is president of POAHLater this year, POAH will celebrate our tenth anniversary.  Like all major milestones, it triggers reflection on our work, which has been characterized by great successes and accomplishments in both a good market and the recent economic uncertainty.  To date, we have successfully preserved more than 6,600 units of affordable housing in nine states and the District of Columbia.  As we launch our newsletter, we'd like to share some of our observations and experiences with you.


Please feel free to forward this newsletter to your colleagues and friends by hitting the Forward button at the top. You can also get more information about our work by clicking on the tabs above to visit our web site.  If you do not wish to receive future issues, please click on the Safe Unsubscribe button at the bottom of this newsletter.


Thanks for your interest. We hope you find the resources below helpful and interesting.



Amy Anthony, President


"Wall Raising" Celebrates Revitalization on Chicago's South Side


 Chicago community leaders, tenants, investors and elected officials celebrated a "wall raising" marking the construction of the first phase of Woodlawn Park, a development that will revitalize a long troubled neighborhood on the south side.

read more on our newspage Woodlawn Park



top: rendering of future site


middle: supporters Andy Mooney,

Local Initiatives Support Corporation 

 (LISC), Ellen Sahli, City of Chicago Department of Housing and Economic Development and Patrick Nash, JPMorgan Chase Capital Corp.


bottom: Anton Seals, Administrative Assistant to Congressman Bobby Rush Dan Burke, POAH's Chicago area director


photos: M Plati/POAH



watch video

Watch 2 minute video

news story

Read Chicago Tribune article


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Are investors showing increased interest in affordable housing bond deals?



Patricia Belden is POAH's manager of development "We are finding that we can tie more attractive investments with those that might not be as attractive to an investor as long as the underlying real estate and economics of the deal are sound," says Patricia Belden, POAH's manager of development in a recent issue of Novogradac Journal of Tax Credits




ReadHUD's Biannual Report to Congress: Worst Case Housing Needs

 National Low Income Housing Coalition report: American Housing Data Show Rapidly Deteriorating Extremely Low Income Rental Supply




NY Times: Who Invests in Low-Income Housing? Google, for One 


 Bloomberg News: Apartment Rentals Surge in US as Foreclosures Rise 

Greening Affordable Housing:
POAH leverages competitive grant awards to green its portfolio

As a developer of affordable housing, POAH believes in the "social ROI" of greening its properties. Supported by a combination of public and private grants, federal funding and designated energy grants, POAH continues to retrofit the portfolio to be greener and more energy efficient.

This month, POAH is celebrating the completion of a green retrofit at our Garfield Hill Apartments in Washington, DC. We were honored last April when HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan visited the site to celebrate Earth Day   and to launch this effort - one of the country's first four green retrofits funded by the greening affordable housingHUD Green Retrofit Program for Multifamily Housing created by the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act.  This effort created over 6,000 labor hours of construction work to stimulate the building trades during this down economy.  Over the next five years, these investments will save over $100,000 in tenant-paid utility costs and avoid over 750 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Read more 

Affordable housing units at the historic Sugar River Mills building in Claremont, NH will be going green thanks to a $50,000 grant from the TD Charitable Foundation,TD Bank's charitable giving arm.


POAH has installed a solar panel array at the Salem Fairweather Apartments in Salem, Massachusetts with a grant from the MassHousing/MTC Green Affordable Housing Development Program. 


top photo: M Plati/POAH

bottom photo: T Ast/POAH





watch videoWatch Earth Day 2 minute video
web linkWeb GreenBiz.com The Social ROI of Green, Affordable Housing  

View Photos

Charting the energy savings: When it comes to utility savings, is the juice worth the squeezing? 

Toby Ast, POAH manager of energy initiatives


Toby AstAt POAH we have invested in the collection and organization of utility data for our property portfolio. Analysis of this utility bill data informs our understanding of the relative performance of the portfolio properties and helps point to the least efficient properties, but it is only the first step in the prioritization process.

Read more 



Cool Tools in Energy and Green Retrofit Planning

Live View! see real time energy performance of the Bridle Path Apartments solar panels and Salem Fairweather solar panels


http://www.dsireusa.org/ (database of incentives for efficiency and renewable energy)

http://visualization.geblogs.com/visualization/appliances/ (instant look at the energy usage of most common household appliances and electronics)

http://www.map-testing.com/about/maximum-performance/map-search.html (efficiency ratings for bathroom fixtures)

http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=products.pr_find_es_products (guide to the universe of Energy Star products)



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POAH � 40 Court Street, Suite 700 � Boston MA 02108 � 617-261-9898 � info@poah.org