Semper Fi Fund 
Marine Corps Marathon Newsletter
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September 2010
In This Issue
Top Fundraisers
Training Tips
Changing Lives
Pasta Dinner
Semper Fi Fund Update
Hotel Information

"Fund"raising Update"
Total raised so far... 
Our goal is $400,000...
Top Teams:
Two Foot Onion - $7,576.00
NU 1% - $4,588.00
Helping Hand - $2,786.91

Top Individuals:
Bob Panza - $4,420.00
William Dial - $3,575.00
Rebecca Packer - $3,410.00
Check out our new website and logos!
For the latest MCM information
MCM website
How can you prevent training injuries?Corey 
Coach Corey has some tips on how to avoid the common training injuries in the months article. 
Tips from Coach Corey
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Thank You To Our

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
We are still looking for businesses that would be interested in sponsoring our team.  Know of a business that may be interested?  Click her for more information 
Sponsorship Opportunities

In the next issue...
Details, Details, Details!

Expo, Check In, Charity Village and much more!

"Why are you running for the Semper Fi Fund?"

Michael Pitassi is running for Semper Fi Fund to honor "Our sons and daughters in the armed services have offered themselves as the instrument of our protection." He will run his heart out as a tribute to a young Navy Corpsman, James Ray Layton, from his home town of Escalon, California, who lost his life to try and save the life of Marine Lieutenant Mike Johnson. "Supporting veterans and their families should not be a divisive issue." Mikes own son is a Navy SEAL corpsman who recently served in Afghanistan

Marine, Seargeant Adam Bohlen has endured many physical setbacks during his military service.  This first time marathoner will endure one of his most difficult physical challenges when he runs the Marine Corp Marathon on October 31st.  . He never dreamed he would ever run a race of this magnitude. He is running for the Semper Fi Fund in honor of the his fellow service members he has served and fought beside. "Semper Fidelis, Always Faithful"

Crystal Hurley of Oceanside, California is a mother with three young children and whose husband is serving a year long deployment in Afghanistan.  First time marathoner, she has been keeping motivated throughout her training with the help of her training partner and friend Christine Morris who is 3000 miles away. Crystal is running for her Marine. "I want him to know how strong I am and that he doesn't need to worry about me and my girls while he is in Afghanistan."

How you are changing lives!
Athletic competition provides a powerful source of encouragement, motivation and peer support for wounded veterans everywhere. Injured service members make up the core of this team, with Semper Fi Fund providing coaches, training, uniforms and specialized sports equipment.
Over 70 members of Team Semper Fi will be joining you at this years Marine Corps Marathon!  Here is a great article on their latest accomplishment.
TriathalonSanta Cruz California, Sprint Triathlon
August 8, 2010

A triathlon is an individual sport. Team Semper Fi recently competed in a
sprint triathlon in Santa Cruz, consisting of a 750 yard swim, 12 mile bike
ride and a 5K run. Even the most physically fit able bodied athletes find a
sprint triathlon a physically and mentally daunting task, now imagine
competing with a spinal cord injury, or an amputated leg, or post traumatic
stress disorder. These are just a few of the injuries that Team Semper
Fi athletes have that were competing in this sprint triathlon.

They started out as 12 individuals in a field of hundreds of individuals
competing that day. Some of our TSF athletes competing had aspirations of
qualifying for nationals, some wanted to beat personal records, some just
came out to have fun, but all wanted to complete the competition.

By 9am all 12 TSF competitors were off and competing. The 12 athletes
competing were all of different skill and athletic levels. Some were the
head of the pack, and some were further behind. One by one they finished one
leg, came into the transition area and started off on the next leg. By 11am
11 of the 12 TSF competitors had completed their sprint triathlon and were
waiting for their final team member to come in for the final leg of his
triathlon. The remaining team member was Aaron McMihelk. Aaron has a spinal
cord injury and is paralyzed from the chest down. As Aaron came into the
transition area for his final leg, the 5K run, which he was completing in
his everyday wheel chair, the team was waiting for him cheering him on. They
helped his from his hand cycle to his wheel chair. As he was set to leave,
they all decided he was not going to go back out on the course alone. They
were 11 individuals who decided to come together as one team and complete
the 5K with their teammate.

Standing at the finish area were all of the sprint triathlon athletes. Word
soon began to spread that TSF had gone back out on the course to run with
their teammate, and the only remaining competitor left to cross the finish
line. All the competitors waited for the final competitor to come across the
finish line. As Aaron and TSF rounded the corner to the finish line, they
were greeted with loud cheers and applause. Team Semper Fi, started the
Santa Cruz Sprint Triathlon as 12 individuals, but finished as one team.
They crossed the finish line together, TSF banner in hand, showing that even
in an individual sport, Marines never leave a Marine behind!

by: Jennifer McMahon (Team Semper Fi Assistant)
Last minute fundraising ideas 

Haven't met your goal?  Here are some ideas of how to reach out to all your procrastinating friends and family before the Sept. 30th deadline.

(1) Three to four days before your fundraiser ends, send a mass email or a Facebook message to all your contacts encouraging them to make one last push before the deadline.

(2) To spice it up a bit, ask them to donate the same dollar amount as the day of the month (e.g. $20 on the 20th, $13 on the 13th, etc.)  Or alternatively, ask for donations ending in the number (e.g. $2, $12, $22, $52, $102)

(3) Lastly, make sure to send a friendly reminder email on the morning of the last day to remind them to donate.

(4) And finally, always remember the power of asking 3 times.  This strategy has worked well for many so hopefully, it will work for you too!

Oh, and one last thing - the actual fundraiser ends at the end of November.  We are just asking that you meet the minimum by September 30th.  This will allow the super-duper stragglers to make donations above and beyond your commitment.  Top fundraisers will be honored at the Pasta Dinner on the 30th! 

We are not even half way to our goal and we are a month and a half away from race day.  I know you can do this!
Thank you again for all your hard work!  See you in October!
Kathy Wise
Race Coordinator
Pasta Dinner
PastaPasta dinner tickets still available! Our top 3 fundraisers and top fundraising teams will be honored at the event.  The pasta dinner will be held at the Capitol Hilton on Saturday, October 30th at 6pm.  There is no cost to team members.  Guests are $20.  EVERYONE MUST REGISTER. Click here to register now: Pasta dinner
Semper Fi Fund Update

Unfortunately the Semper Fi Fund is extremely busy these days.  We currently have many amputees and seriously injured service members at Bethesda and Walter Reed Hospitals that we are assisting.  In a note recently received, a Marine stated "I would have given up a long time ago, were it not for agencies like the IMSFF that let me know I don't have to 'go it alone'."  We have been able to make a difference in this Marines life, and countless other service members, because of amazing donors and fundraisers like you! To date, we have given out 22,000 grants totaling $42 million.


Please pass on to your supporters that the need to assist our wounded has grown tremendously and any support that they can provide would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks you for all that you are doing to support the mission of the Fund.

Hotel Information

Still need to secure a room?  Join us at the Capitol Hilton.  We have secured a rate of $189 a night.  When making reservations, you will ask for the Semper Fi Fund rate.  Reservations can be made with the hotel directly or at 1-800-Hiltons.  

Capitol Hilton
1001 16th Street Northwest
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 393-1000
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