Coaches Survey and Meeting Invitation

A reminder to read the message below and take the survey if you haven't already done so. Also if you have assistant coaches or know any other coach who did not get the original email, please forward this to them and ask them to take the survey. 



Pacific Masters believes one of the core strengths is its coaches. When a coach is successful, his or her club is successful and Pacific Masters and USMS gain members. The organization would like to enhance its coach development and support activities. The first step of this process is get a better understanding of our coaching community including their background, experience, club demographics and development needs. The link below will take you to a survey designed to collect this information (you may need to copy and paste the link into your browser). Some of the questions request you to prioritize items you may feel are equally important. We recognize this and request you do your best on the rankings. The survey should take no more than 10 or 15 minutes to complete; we would like to have all responses in by April 7. 


A coaches meeting will be held in Walnut Creek on the morning of Saturday, April 14 to discuss ways PacMasters can enhance its coach development and support programs. An important goal of the meeting is to recognize and categorize the different types of coaches we have in Pacific Masters and what types of programs would be most beneficial to each type of coach. The survey results will be presented and are expected to help guide the discussion.  


The April 14 meeting is open to all Pacific Masters coaches but due to space limitations we can only accommodate 16 attendees to be chosen on a first come first served basis. A few of our most senior coaches have already committed to come. We are particularly interested in having part time and new coaches attend. Please send an email to if you would like to attend. (Note: we can explore getting a larger meeting room if we there is sufficient interest.) If you can't attend but have some ideas or opinions you would like discussed, please send them to


Peter Guadagni

Chairman, Pacific Masters


Pacific Masters Coaches Meeting

Date: Saturday, April 14

Time: 9:30 am to 1:30 pm

Location: Clarke Pool Classroom at Heather Farms, 1750 Heather Drive, Walnut Creek


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Contact Information
Peter Guadagni
Chairman - Pacific Masters