| USMS Swimming Saves Lives |
We have archived Pacific Masters Update. If you missed something or want to checkout what happened in the past, please check it out.
2011 2001- 2010 |
Greetings! The Pacific Masters Swimming Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday 13 November 2011 at the Shadelands Arts Center 11 N Wiget Lane, Walnut Creek. Rowdy Gaines is the Keynote Speaker.
Also 2011 Service Awards will be presented. If you have a nomination for a service award, please send your nomination to chairman @ pacific masters.org .
At the end of this email blast is Pacific Masters by the numbers. Congratulations to Stanford Masters and their coach Tim Edmonds for increasing their club size from 479 to 553; North Bay Aquatics who increase their club membership from 89 to 140; and Marin Pirates grew from 60 to 121.
Pacific Masters Swimming welcomes anyone who would like to gain and maintain fitness through swimming and encourages programs to foster this mission.
Fun, Fitness & Competition Kind regards,
Michael Moore |
Pacific Masters 2011 Short Course Meters Championships
The 2011 Pacific Masters Short Course Meters Championships will be held at the Clark Swim Center, Heather Farms 14-16 October. Besides being the championships, this will be final short course meters meet for the year.
Come cheer your friends and gutter buddies at the Championships.
End of Year Dues Reduction
The Pacific Masters registration fee decreases in September and October. The end of year registration fee is $32 instead of $44. All 2011 registrations expire 12/31/2011.
For non-members who wish to swim in any of our events during the rest of the year, they can pay the reduced end of year fee.
Marin Pirates looking for a coach
The Marin Pirates Masters Swim Team in Novato is looking for a coach. Experience working with a broad range of adult swimming abilities with an emphasis on technique development is desired. Responsibilities include weekday morning, afternoon and Saturday workouts. Please send a current resume and/or contact MP Head Coach Warren Lager at lagersmith@comcast.net or 415-898-0249.
The Annual Meeting
Members are encouraged to nominate people for the Pacific Masters service awards. The service awards include:
- The Contributor of the Year Award,
- The Personal Achievement Award,
- The Distinguished Service Award and
- The Appreciation Award.
The Pacific Masters Committee is asking PacMasters members to look around for volunteers who have contributed to the success of Masters swimming, but have not been recognized in the past. Nominations will be accepted and voted on at the Pacific Masters October meeting.
Pacific Masters Calendar
The 2012 Pacific Masters Swimming Calendar has been posted on our website. The Pacific Masters Championships dates are on the website as well as the local meets and other events dates.
Please use it to plan your 2012 swimming year. There are many great events planned, besides our very competitive championships, the US Masters Swimming Championships will be held in Greensboro, NC (SCY) and Omaha, NB (LCM). It is an even number year and FINA will be holding its FINA World Masters Championship 2012 in Riccione, IT.
Join Pacific Masters Linked in
The Pacific Masters Swimming has a group in Linked in. All Pacific Masters Swimmers are invited to join the group, however, you must be a member of Pacific Masters. This is a place where our members can network - so far over 300 members have joined
US Masters Swimming also has a Linked in Page where member can network. Pacific Masters has social media events in Facebook, Twitter and now Linked in. |
Pacific Masters by the Numbers
As of Sunday 9 October 2011, Pacific Masters had 10,772 registered swimmers. We gaining on our last years total of 10,842 swimmers. Below is the list of clubs that have more than 100 swimmers with their 2011 and 2010 number of swimmers listed.
Congratulations to Stanford Masters, North Bay Aquatics and and Marin Pirates for gaining a signification number of swimmers over last year.
| 2011 | | 2010 | DAM | 640 | | 655 | STAN | 553 | | 479 | TCAM | 474 | | 479 | WCM | 449 | | 499 | MELO | 378 | | 378 | SCSC | 359 | | 384 | USF | 342 | | 356 | CRUZ | 308 | | 292 | MVM | 260 | | 238 | TEME | 244 | | 218 | MAM | 224 | | 227 | MAAC | 221 | | 224 | TSUN | 218 | | 217 | SERC | 195 | | 204 | TVM | 188 | | 216 | TOC | 187 | | 184 | PCAM | 176 | | 172 | SMMM | 174 | | 178 | BAC | 171 | | 181 | DC | 166 | | 157 | SCAM | 166 | | 170 | SNM | 165 | | 191 | BAY | 163 | | 161 | RAMS | 152 | | 170 | NBA | 140 | | 89 | AAM | 130 | | 120 | MPM | 121 | | 60 | RINC | 106 | | 108 | SAC | 101 | | 106 |
Number of swimmers on The Update 14,950. If we register 71 more swimmers this year, we will surpass last years total. Be sure to send in any registrations you still have in your desk and have not yet sent in.
We are US Masters Swimming
US Masters Swimming released a new video "We are U.S. Masters Swimming." This video will give you a snapshot of who we are. The video is on the U.S. Masters Swimming YouTube channel.
Blue Seventy Wetsuit Clinic
Blue Seventy will be holding a wet suit clinic at the Sports Basement Presidio (610 Old Mason Rd, The Presidio, San Francisco) Thursday 20 October 2011.
They will discussing the differences between an entry level suit and a professional level wetsuit are and everything in between. They will discuss the different types of neoprene and which suits assist buoyancy and bilateral rotation as well as how a suit should fit. They will also talk about the proper care of a wet suit.
Chloe Sutton Freestyle clinic
2008 Olympian Chloe Sutton will be giving a freestyle clinic at the Swimstitute, Sacramento CA on 28 January 2012. It is restricted to the first 30 participants. www.swimstitute.com
USMS looking for Club and Coach Services Director
United States Masters Swimming is looking for someone to fill the new Club and Coach Services Director position. The position is full time and is located at the USMS national office in Sarasota, FL and reports to the executive director.
USMS updated Strategic Plan
At the United States Masters Swimming Convention in Jacksonville, FL last month, the House of Delegates voted to adopt the updated Strategic Plan as recommended by the Board of Directors.