| USMS Swimming Saves Lives |
We have archived Pacific Masters Update. If you missed something or want to checkout what happened in the past, please check it out.
2011 2001- 2010 |
Greetings! Become a meet official or just learn the rules of Masters swimming. John King will be holding an officials clinic this week in Walnut Creek.
I noticed at the Alan Liu Memorial meet this past weekend that when swimmers hit the top of the touch pad, the touch pad did not respond. Swimmers should try to hit the middle of the touch pad - center top to bottom and center left to right - hitting the touch pad in the right spot could mean getting that time you have been working for (and beating your rival).
Pacific Masters Swimming welcomes anyone who would like to gain and maintain fitness through swimming and encourages programs to foster this mission.
Fun, Fitness & Competition Kind regards,
Michael Moore |
Become a meet official or just learn the swim rules this Wednesday
John King, the PacMasters Officials chair, is holding an officials clinic at Club Room at Heather Farms for the Officials Clinic on September 28 from 6:30PM to 8PM.
The location is the same as our (every other) face to face monthly meeting. The clinic is appropriate for both the beginner as well as the experienced official who would like to brush up on his skills. John will focus on the rules as they pertain to each of the strokes. There will be some video with examples of correct stroke technique as well as stroke infractions. He will also review the DQ slip. The clinic will count as a Pacific Masters Officials Clinic as a part of the certification process.
PacMasters Newsletter not in USMS Magazine
The Pacific Masters Newsletter is sent to all of our members as an insert to USMS Swimmer. Unfortunately, due to a mistake at the printers, the newsletter was sent to the Pacific Northwest and Utah LMSCs.
Open Water Results Hot August Chill Whiskeytown
End of Year Dues Reduction
The Pacific Masters registration fee decreases in September and October. The end of year registration fee is $32 instead of $44. All registrations expire 12/31.
For non-members who wish to swim in any of our events during the rest of the year, they can pay the reduced end of year fee.
Alan Liu Memorial Meet
The results of the seventh annual Alan Liu Memorial Swim are posted on the Pacific Masters website. Alan was the coach of Mountain View Masters and was killed by a drunk driver while he was riding a bike near Napa seven years ago.
Jim Mason was riding with Alan and was severly injured. Jill, with her new companion dog, was at the meet in her wheel chair . The meet has helped Jill and this year raised over $4,000 to help with some of her expenses.
Laura Val broke the world record in the 200 back, the 200 Fly and the 400 IM (60-64). Frank Zio broke the national record in the 100 IM (25-29), Anthony Ervin broke the national records in the 50 Fr (30-34).
Sacramento Masters 39th Annual Sprint SCM Pentathlon
Pacific Masters 2011 Short Course Meters Championships
The 2011 Pacific Masters Short Course Meters Championships will be held at the Clark Swim Center, Heather Farms 14-16 October. Besides being the championships, this will be final short course meters meet for the year.
Swimmers are encourage enter on line. The registration deadline is 11:59 PM 5 October. 2011.
Marin Pirates looking for a coach
The Marin Pirates Masters Swim Team in Novato is looking for a coach. Experience working with a broad range of adult swimming abilities with an emphasis on technique development is desired. Responsibilities include weekday morning, afternoon and Saturday workouts. Please send a current resume and/or contact MP Head Coach Warren Lager at lagersmith@comcast.net or 415-898-0249.
The Annual Meeting
The Pacific Masters Annual Meeting will take place at Walnut Creek's Shadelands Art Center on Sunday, November 13 starting at 12 noon. The Shadelands Art Center is located at 111 N. Wiget (corner of Wiget & Ygnacio Valley Road). The meeting includes a catered lunch featuring gourmet pasta selections, Rowdy Gaines as the keynote speaker, presentation of service award winners, and recognition of Pacific Masters Board Members.
Members are encouraged to nominate people for the Pacific Masters service awards. The service awards include: The Contributor of the Year Award, the Personal Achievement Award, the Distinguished Service Award and the Appreciation Award. The Pacific Masters Committee asks the PacMasters members look around to volunteers who have contributed to the success of Masters swimming, but have not been recognized in the past. Nominations will be accepted and voted on at the Pacific Masters October meeting.
Join Pacific Masters Linked in
The Pacific Masters Swimming has a group in Linked in. All Pacific Masters Swimmers are invited to join the group, however, you must be a member of Pacific Masters. This is a place where our members can network - so far over 300 members have joined
US Masters Swimming also has a Linked in Page where member can network. Pacific Masters has social media events in Facebook, Twitter and now Linked in. |
Bylaw Changes
At the Annual Meeting, Pacific Masters can consider any proposed changes to the bylaws. If you would like to propose any Bylaw changes, please send your proposal to any member of the executive committee. You can send to either Michael Moore or Nancy Ridout. Proposed bylaw changes must be received by 28 September 2011.