Kansas Oklahoma Conference
 United Church of Christ
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        October 11, 2010
In This Issue

    Stay tuned in coming issues for news from the

 K-O Conference Annual meeting!


Established in late 1996 as a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization, Sheltered Reality (SR) has dedicated itself to being a youth-oriented project, where youth members in SR use music and education as a way to reach out to audiences, motivating them to advocate for those in need, especially children and families. The educational message presented focuses on facts, statistics, and real-life stories, and culminates with character education and ideas for action.  SR's unique percussive approach to performing music inspires the audience members to 'take on the world' and ensures that the message 'doing good is fun' is remembered by all in attendance. Believe in God


In 2003, SR had 75 members, all based in the state of Iowa.  However beginning in 2004, we began to branch out into other states. This has allowed our membership to grow exponentially within the last few years bringing us to early 2009 with over 300 members!


For more information, visit  Sheltered Reality's website 



Christine White (member of Central Congregational UCC) is the site director for the SR Topeka site.    The group celebrated their 5th anniversary by performing at Central on Saturday, October 9th.  It was an awesome show. 


 Central Congregational UCC participants....Adrianne Ralston (third from the left);

Andrew Ralston (third from the right) and Christine White (second from the right).

The two on each end are from Larned, Cherie and her son Ryder.  The young woman next to Cherie is from Souix Falls, SD.





There is a lot of coreography in thier shows.  What a committment these members have made and they will each tell you that it  has changed their lives.



Audience participation - drum lesson!



 Conga Line -- everybody  dance! 

PBS Presents "God in America" 

PBS and Frontline will be showing a 3 part series on your local PBS channel beginning Monday night October 11, 12, and 13.  The name of the show is "God in America".

Click here to view a video preview.  Check your local listings for the time.
  Ballet Magnificat!
I'm excited to tell you that Ballet Magnificat!, a professional, Christan ballet company from Mississippi is coming to Topeka next Tuesday, Oct. 12, 7:00 at TPAC- only $7 per ticket!

They will dance, "Deliver Us," the story of Moses with a twist to show that true freedom comes through Jesus Christ.  It is danced to the powerful music of Disney's "Prince of Egypt."  They will also dance "Freedom" which is based on King Jehoshaphat.  

A short sample can be seen at www.balletmagnificat.com; click on "promos," then on "Deliver Us."

We are trying to inform and invite the community, so please help spread the word by forwarding this e-mail, or asking others if they have heard of the program.

If you have any questions, call Heidi Wise, 969-4674  or Becky Linquist, 379-9792 .

This will be an uplifiting, inspirational experience, so we hope to see you at TPAC on Tuesday!
  Emerging Worship - Center for Progressive Renewal


October 20, 2010 -- 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM - Webinar Registration


Emerging worship engages communities in the art of everyday life.


Whether you are asked to start an alternative worship service, are exploring complimentary elements to deepen your existing worship offerings, or starting worship for a new church plant, you need to start with "How does worship connect to what we believe about church?" Of course, you also need on-ramp methods to get started right away: tips for how to find and train musicians, artists and poets; how to design the time and place; and maybe even some survival strategies for addressing the resistance you may encounter from within your congregation. We'll hit those, too.


"Emerging Worship," led by Troy Bronsink and Joshua Case of Church as Art, is about communities anticipating the dreams of God together by playfully sharing and trading narratives and rituals as prayer.


Troy Bronsink
Type caption text here.



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 A come and go event.  Local area crafters showing off their talents and selling their goods in the dining hall.  Activities include: Face painting, Hay maze, Hay rides, Hiking, Boating, Bobbing for Apples, Cake Walk, Haunted Building, Pumpkin Carving, Outdoor Cooking, Arts and Crafts, and other activities as well.

(If you are a crafter and would like to participate in the show let me know.  There is not a charge for booth space and you can stay overnight at camp free of charge; food is not provided.  Donations for participation in the arts and crafts show are welcomed and appreciated.)
We need the following items for the Octoberfest:  Volunteers to run the different areas at camp.  Pumpkins for pumpkin carving, apples, cookies, cakes, cupcakes for the cake walk.  Fog machines, black plastic, scary costumes or decorations for the haunted building, people to help decorate the haunted building and work that area.  Money is always welcome to help purchase supplies and things for this event.  
Other Upcoming events at WMC:

October 15 - 16 Spiritual Retreat - Open to all
Hosted by the First United Methodist Church of Manhattan
October 22 - 23 Teachers RCD workshop
October 29, 30 makeup date for Octoberfest
November 5 - Rainbow Camp
December 28 - January 1 Holiday Camp - Open to all ages 3rd - 12th Grade
For more information on any of these events or to schedule your own event please call the camp 620-767-5165

 Evangelism in the Community E.vent
  Evangelism in the Community E.vent this fall in Detroit,
November 3 - 7. 

This event is being offered to resource the mission and outreach of urban, city, and town churches with a focus on smaller congregations.  There will be many dynamic & practical workshops, inspiring worship & preaching, and informative, helpful presentations. Speakers include:  Geoffrey Black, Marian Plant, Yvette Flunder, Jorge Morales, DaVita McCallister and Stephen Ray. 
Teams from congregations are encouraged to attend with a discounted price for 5 or more participants.
Go to http://www.ucc.org/evangelism/E.vents/ for more information and for registration by October 13, 2010.

       Gay by God: How to be Lesbian or Gay and Christian 
Rev. Michael S. Piazza updates his bestselling book, Holy Homosexuals:  The Truth
about Being Gay or Lesbian and Christian for a new generation struggling with shame, guilt, and fear as they come out to family and friends. 

The homo-hatred of the Religious Right has driven so many beautifully gifted women and men into the arms of suicide, alcoholism, promiscuity and self-destruction. It is impossible to overstate the damage done in human lives when people are made to believe they cannot be children of the God who created them.


If just one mother or father reads this book and is better able to accept her or his daughter or son, then this effort has been of value. Faith should not be a barrier between parents and their children.


Buy Here! 

 K-O Conference Prayer Calendar


Congregational UCC, Carrier, OK   Rev. Gordon Epps, Interim Pastor and the Congregation

Community Congregational UCC, Gaylord, KS  Rev. Linda Kemp, Interim Pastor and the Congregation

All Members-in-Discernment in the K-O Conference.

UCC Prayer Calendar October 10 - October 16

Interim Conference Minister Schedule 
October 17 - Midland Community UCC, Nickerson, KS for their 125th Anniversary Celebration
October 18-21 -  Denominational Leadership:  Transitioning into an Executive Role at Duke Divinity School, Durham, NC
October 24 Evangelical UCC, Marysville,KS for their OCWM Sunday and recognition as a UCC Global Mission Church (the first in the conference!)
October 25-28  -  West Central Regional UCC Conference Staff Meeting, Schuyler, NE
October 31 -  First Congregational UCC, Centralia, KS and First Congregational UCC, Onaga, KS for the retirement celebration of Rev. Deanna Lewis
 K-O Conference and Associations Coming Events

Here is the link to the K-O Conference Calender 


Cathedral of Hope, Oklahoma City, OK  Rev. Joe Meinhart is interim pastor
Congregational UCC, Carrier, OK   
Rev. Gordon Epps is interim pastor.  
Community Congregational UCC, Gaylord, KS
 Rev. Linda Kemp is interim pastor.
Fairmount UCC, Wichita, KS  Rev. Monte Gravenstein is interim pastor. 
Federated Church, Kingfisher, OK 
Rev. Sam Steele is interim pastor.  
First Congregational UCC, Anthony, KS
First Congregational UCC, Centralia, KS 
Rev. Deanna Lewis has announced her retirement.  Her last Sunday is October 31.
First Congregational UCC, Great Bend, KS Rev. Stan Crawford is interim pastor.
First Congregational UCC, Goltry, OK 
First Congregational UCC, McPherson, KS Rev. Connie Lunn is interim pastor
First Congregational UCC, Onaga, KS  Rev. Deanna Lewis has announced her retirement.  Her last Sunday is October 31
First United Church of Christ, Newton, KS Pastor Jerry Scribner is supply pastor.
The United Church of Norman UCC, Norman, OK  Rev. Warren Jensen is interim pastor.
St John UCC, Baldwin City, KS 
Rev Lewis Hinshaw is interim pastor
St. Paul UCC, Eudora, KS  Pastor Rodney Nix is interim pastor
United Church of the Good Shepherd, KC, KS Rev. Art Foster is supply pastor.
Zion United Church of Christ, Junction City, KS.  Rev. Patty Brown-Barnett is interim pastor

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If you don't want to mess around with the settings, there is a way around it!  All emails are archived about an hour after they have been sent.
You can view them outside of your email program by going to the link below.
Rev. Krista Betz, Interim Conference Minister
Kansas-Oklahoma Conference 
1245 Fabrique                                         
Wichita, KS 67218
Nancy A. Wolfe, Conference Communications Coordinator
3020 SE Virgo Ave
Topeka, KS  66605
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