essential movement to enhance your baby's development in the first year
e-Newsletter 23
 March 2012
If this is your first visit, we are delighted to introduce our new Amazing Babies Moving™ interactive website for parents, caregivers, educators and professionals. If you are a previous customer or have visited our Amazing Babies website before, you will notice that we have changed our logo to better reflect our focus on Movement. Our team works behind the scenes to make this an informative and interactive learning experience for you.

NEWS!   Publishing & Products  

Bev & Baby 

We will be announcing exciting publishing formats and platforms and new products coming soon.


FaceBook - Pages & Posts 

  • Our recent Baby Buzz Blog post hit a resonant note on FB: Dad's Humming Calms Baby and has many people talking about it....hmmmmm...
  • ABM is getting a new update and page on Facebook this month.

Dad's Humming Calms Baby


Baby sleeping on backA delightful feature at Amazing Babies Moving is talking to first time parents.  Recently I was talking to a new Dad.  Having a baby encourages new parents to develop sensitive communication skills so they can be more responsive to their baby's expressive communication cues.  Here's How:



7 ABC Tips for Dads - Attuning, Bonding and Calming your Baby

  1. Notice how you are holding your baby in your arms when sitting, standing or walking.
  2. Embrace your baby in a C-curve in your arms close to your chest.
  3. Gazing at your baby begin vocalizing a humming sound.
  4. Does your baby calm down as she/he listens to your voice?
  5. Experiment with other cooing and soothing sounds.
  6. Pause and observe your baby's responses.
  7. Your baby may be enjoying the sound vibrations from your chest.


You may also notice that when you are humming, you are relaxing too.  The more you use your body to sense, feel and become aware of your own responses, the more sensitive you will be to your baby's preverbal communication cues.  Let's hear from the Dads!



Babies Mimic Movement - Shaping Lips 


A baby's ability to focus on his parents' animated facial expressions is the foundation of the development of visual attention in these face-to-face interactions. In the early months babies respond to drawn-out vowel sounds and consonant combinations that grow in intensity.  


Parents can engage their baby by their:  focused attention, exaggerated facial expressions, smiling and vocalizing. This baby is only 2 months old and is already shaping his lips!  


A recent study published by Florida scientists discovered that around 6 months babies start to study mouths when people talk to them to figure out how the shape of their lips makes the sound they are hearing.  This new research appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 




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� e-newsletter 23  Beverly Stokes amazingbabiesmoving.com  March 2012