essential movement to enhance your baby's development in the first year
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News!- Amazing Babies Moving Workshop
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Natural Movement Development in
The Baby's First Year

Certificate Program
Level 1 - 5 Day Workshop
with Beverly Stokes
San Francisco Area
Dates: August 15 - 19, 2011
Please visit Programs on our website for full Workshop details.
- Download a Workshop Flyer at NEWS! Home Page
- Contact us to get answers to your specific questions.
- Send an email or call our Toll Free: 866.300.BABY (2229)
Parents & Babies Visit ABM Workshop
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The thrilling part of our upcoming 5-Day Workshop is when parents and babies visit each day. The Baby Sessions enhance our daily focus and refine our attunement and movement observation skills!
In appreciation, each parent receives a signed copy of Beverly's Book and DVD: Amazing Babies Moving: Essential movement to enhance your baby's development in the first year and Amazing Babies Moving DVD or Amazing Toddlers Moving DVD.
Hands & Knees - baby to adult | |

As you follow your baby's natural movement development during the first year, first lifting her head, crawling, sitting, creeping, standing and walking - you will learn to recognize
four Essential Movement Patterns.
In your ongoing movement interactions with your baby you are communicating that you value these fundamental movements that are the foundation of our adult functional and expressive movement repertoire.

Inside and outside, the environment provides babies and tots with exciting opportunities to explore and experience. These tots are mastering their Movement ABC's - Alignment, Balance and Coordination in motion.
In movement play, active parents and grandparents bond in new ways creating spontaneous, social interactions with these toddlers 'on the go'.
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© e-newsletter 16 Beverly Stokes August 2011 |