essential movement to enhance your baby's development in the first year
e-Newsletter 14
June 2011
If this is your first visit, we are delighted to introduce our new Amazing Babies Moving™ interactive website for parents, caregivers, educators and professionals. If you are a previous customer or have visited our Amazing Babies website before, you will notice that we have changed our logo to better reflect our focus on Movement. Our team works behind the scenes to make this an informative and interactive learning experience for you.

Quick Links

News!    Amazing Babies Moving Workshop         New Dates - Level 1  Aug. 15 - 19, 2011

 Natural Movement Development in 

The Baby's First Year


Certificate Program

Level 1 - 5 Day Workshop

with Beverly Stokes 


San Francisco Area 

New Dates: August 15 - 19, 2011


Please visit Programs on our website for full Workshop details on these exciting new developments.

  • Download a Workshop Flyer at NEWS! Home Page 
  • Contact us to get answers to your specific questions. 

Sponsor an Amazing Babies Moving Program

If your organization is interested in sponsoring an Amazing Babies Moving Program - send an email or call our Toll Free: 866.300.BABY (2229) 



Parent-Baby Communication Cues

baby and momPreverbal babies communicate by looking, touching, smiling and babbling. Social interactions between a parent and baby has been described as 'turn-taking', a 'bonding dance', a 'two-way street' and 'serve and return'.  


The timing of these back and forth sequences depend on how parents interact with their baby.  A few questions to consider:

  • Is your baby attentive to your facial expressions?
  • Is your baby attentive when you are singing a song?
  • Are you observing your baby's subtle cues?
  • Do you pause and wait for your baby's response?
How will focusing on these nonverbal cues change how you interact with your baby?  How would this approach affect your baby's Self Esteem? 

Tell us what you think.  We have an international audience and look forward to hearing from parents world-wide. 


Independent Sitting - Without Props 


SittingAt the beginning of the lively locomotion stage your 7 month-old baby's desire is to move forward and up!  I am often asked if babies can come up to the sitting position by themselves. How do babies do this?


You may have noticed your 6 month-old baby when playing on his tummy on the floor, pushing with both hands together and to his surprise - his body slides backward.  Or your 7 month-old may be attracted by the family pet and he begins belly crawling forward. Maybe your baby is up on hands-and-knees - revving himself up by rapid repetitive rocking.  These are the precursors to come to independent sitting and creeping in a cross-lateral pattern on hands-and-knees. 

From sitting independently, how do babies reverse the sequence back to hands-and-knees?


Send us your questions and comments.


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Please send this newsletter to a parent, expectant parent, grandparent, and caregiver, who would be interested in our Feature Articles and Products that promotes Parenting through Movement for a Healthy Lifestyle. Our next e-Newsletter will be sent the first week of July. You can look forward to receiving your Amazing Babies Moving eNewsletter monthly.

© e-newsletter 14 Beverly Stokes amazingbabiesmoving.com June 2011