News! Amazing Babies Moving Educator New Dates - Level 1 Aug. 15 - 19, 2011
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Natural Movement Development in
The Baby's First Year
Certificate Program
Level 1 - 5 Day Workshop
with Beverly Stokes
San Francisco Area
New Dates: August 15 - 19, 2011
Amazing Babies Moving Educator - ABME | |
We are delighted to announce the first Amazing Babies Moving Educator Program ABM/E Level 2. Pre-requisite for this program is ABM Level 1, 5 Day Workshop (see New Dates above).
The Amazing Babies Moving Program from Birth to Walking is designed in two parts:
Pre-Locomotion Baby - newborn - 5 months
Locomotion Baby - 6 months - 12 months
Please visit Programs on our website for more information on these exciting new developments.
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If your organization is interested in sponsoring an Amazing Babies Moving Program - send an email or call our Toll Free: 866.300.BABY (2229)
APPPAH Birth Psychology Congress | |
Beverly will be Presenting a One-Hour Workshop at:
The Association of Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health
Nov. 17 - 20, 2011, San Francisco, CA
The Theme of the 16th International Congress is:
Echoes from the Womb - Applications for Lifelong Well-Being
Training Dynamic Balance | |
Look at our Toddler Now!

He is running for the sheer delight of chasing the pigeons and experiencing his body moving through space. Secure on his feet, he maintains his balance and postural control while running in a large circle. (Notice the lamp post in the photo - to appreciate his dynamic posture in motion).
Focusing on the pigeons, he is directing his movement through space. From standing and walking he speeds up to running in a large circle and at some point he will slow down to a walking pace or to stopping. Instantaneously, he aligns his body to vertical, balancing his body over his two small feet.
More about Training Dynamic Balance in eNewsletters and programs. Do you like this? We look forward to hearing from you!
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