essential movement to enhance your baby's development in the first year
e-Newsletter 7
November 2010
If this is your first visit, we are delighted to introduce our new Amazing Babies Moving™ interactive website for parents, caregivers, educators and professionals. If you are a previous customer or have visited our Amazing Babies website before, you will notice that we have changed our logo to better reflect our focus on Movement. Our team has been working behind the scenes for many months to make this an informative and interactive learning experience for you.

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  • We are thrilled to announce our - Amazing Babies Moving - Five Day Program will be held in the San Francisco Bay area in Spring 2011. Stay tuned for details.
Parenting Through Movement for a Healthy Lifestyle
FloorMoves Tips for You and Your Baby

Parent-baby interactions spontaneously flow from your daily baby and momFloorMoves explorations. This is a fun way to encourage communication in movement play. In sidelying this mother makes sounds to interact with her baby. These are thrilling games for your baby and she may respond by smiling, vocalizing or she may turn away to absorb her experience and turn back again.

Tip: Let your baby set the tempo! Wait until your baby sends you a little cue, a special look, gesture, or vocalization that says she wants to continue. Your calm attention and ease tell her you are enjoying this fun vocal game.
Baby's Game in Tummy Time
Parents can also interact in special little games initiated by baby and momtheir baby. Facing each other in tummy time, this baby initiates a social interaction game. This is the second photo in a movement play sequence. We are looking at the baby's movement development, initiating action, and interaction behavior.

1. How is this baby initiating a social game?
2. What developmental movement capabilities does she have?
3. What else might she do?
4. How does this interaction strengthen bonding?

Start the Buzz - Post a Comment in our Baby Buzz Blog and tell us what you think.
New Experiences, Environments and Brisk Elements
When toddlers experience new environments and brisk elements for the first time, like walking in cold water or walking and running on land against high winds, many postural responses come into play.

baby beachWalking in cold water this baby runtoddler demonstrates flexed arm postures to stabilize his body in an upright posture while moving forward.

Running against brisk winds, with chest and arms reaching outward, he demonstrates a new center of gravity to maintain balance.

Cross-lateral walking with reciprocal arm swing at their sides is often seen when toddlers are about 18 months old. What movement patterns will we see before this toddler walks in a cross-lateral pattern when walking forward?

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© e-newsletter 7 Beverly Stokes amazingbabiesmoving.com Nov. 2010