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Electrical Industry News 

Online Workplace Electrical Safety Safe Assessment Tool

You know that a comprehensive electrical safety program is the key to preventing electrical injuries and fatalities in the workplace, but how do you know if your program is effective?  How do you communicate the importance of electrical safety to your managers and employees? The "How Do You Know?" program uses videos and other online tools to help you answer these important questions - and more...Read More  


Presentation Summarizes Electrical Standards for New Equipment 
How do IEEE and UL documents relate to ANSI standards? And which IEEE committee is involved in electrical switchgear standards? How do ANSI standrds compare to IEC and similar standards around the world, and what is NEMA's role in the development of these standards? Learn all this and more through this presentation from ABB. Registration is required to download the file...Read More

PEARL Conference Speaker William Davies Explains the Importance of Remanufacturing at U.S. International Trade Commission Hearing
William Davies, President of Davies Office and speaker at the 2011 PEARL annual conference, recently testified before the U.S International Trade Commission (USITC)  in Washington D.C. as part of a supplemental hearing to the USITC study of the U.S. remanufacturing industry, "Remanufactured Goods: An Overview of the U.S. and Global Industries, Marketing and Trade." PEARL supplied information to the USITC as part of the written study, which evaluates U.S. remanufactured goods industries and markets, U.S. global trade in remanufactured goods, and factors affecting trends in the remanufactured goods trade....Read More

Get the Most Out of Your Marketing Dollars
From in-house training seminars to customer newsletters, Electrical Wholesaling magazine looks at how distributors rate different marketing approaches in terms of return on investment (ROI)...Read More
        Circuit Breaker Sales
Conference Shooting Event

Electrical Safety, Reliability and Sustainability Conference & Exhibition Opens with Guns, Rock & Roll, and Electrical Safety 

What do the world's fastest electric car, an arsenal of U.S. military firearms, pig roasts, rock & roll, and cutting-edge research on electrical safety have in common? Attendees saw them all at PEARL's recent Electrical Safety, Reliability and Sustainability Conference & Exhibition held in Pittsburgh, PA, May 5-7. During the conference, association committee chairs discussed a proposed Technician Certification Program and ANSI standard submission process after a day of visits to local electrical reconditioning shops that included a trip to a gun range to shoot a .50-cal rifle, a pig roast, and evening concert...Read More


PEARL Member News  
PEARL congratulates BCS Switchgear, Inc. and Quality Switchgear, Inc. for passing their recent PEARL site certification. Way to go!

BCS Switchgear, Inc
203 E Chapman Drive
Sanger, TX 76266
phone: (888) 599-0486
fax: (940) 458-4122
Email Address:

Quality Switchgear, Inc.
P.O. Box 530
Quality Switchgear 13273 South Interstate 35
Valley View, TX 76272
phone: (800) 421-5082
fax: (940) 726-3429
Email Address:
Issue: 38, May 2012
In This Issue
Electrical Industry News
Guns, Rock & Roll, and Electrical Safety
    Shermco Industries
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     Lineal Recruiting January 2012
PEARL Appreciates the Exhibitors and Sponsors at the 15th Annual Electrical Safety, Reliability and Sustainability Conference & Exhibition

70E Solutions

Astro Controls, Inc.  

BCS Switchgear, Inc. 

Byerley Metals, Inc.  

Circuit Breaker Sales Co.

Copper Wire Stripper Ltd. 

Denver Breaker & Supply  

Eastern Electrical Liquidators

The Electrical Advertiser

Electrical Test Instruments

FirstPower Group LLC

Industrial Machinery Digest

Industrial Market Place

Intellirent Co.


Magnetics & Controls, Inc.

McQuin Electrical Power Consulting, Inc.

Monster Fuses

Mueller Manufacturing, Inc

The Motor Control Center

North American Switchgear

P&F Supply Co.

Phenix Technologies, Inc.

RG Industries


Scott Electric - Breaker Division

Shermco Industries, Inc.

Sunbelt Transformer

Syntronics, LLC

Technitrol, Inc.

Utility Relay Company

WW Components, Inc.