PEARL e-newsletter header #2
Electrical Industry News


OSHA Issues Hazard Alert for Eaton/Cutler-Hammer Circuit Breakers

August 2011 - The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently learned of a hazardous condition that may exist in certain molded-case circuit breakers modified by a third-party rebuilder. These breakers breakers were originally manufactured by Eaton/Cutler-Hammer, as part of its E2 mining series breakers...Read More

Selling Guide to the Electrical Utility Market

Utility companies are different from commercial and industrial electric customers. Their business is highly cyclical. They look for specific product lines, suppliers with unique performance benefits and utility expertise, and are doing more contracting work in-house. Learn more about selling to the utility market segment...Read More


Taking Care of the Family Business

This seminar to be held in conjunction with the 2011 SSA Annual Convention (October 13-16, Sanibel Harbour Resort & Spa, Fort Myers, FL) will focus on retirement and transition planning for family-owned businesses. According to recent statistics, only 40% of family owned businesses survive to the second generation, 12% to the third and 3% to the fourth generation....Read More


PEARL Past President Win's Triathlon...Almost

Electrical News chronicles Past PEARL President Brian Corekin's epic struggle to complete his first triathlon in honor of his sister-in-law Chris, a cancer survivor...Read More


Voyten Electric Uses PEARL Inspect & Test Standards to Save Manufacturer SubstationMonths of Downtime After Substation Explosion

On the Thursday before Labor Day, Voyten Electric (Franklin, PA) got the call that a leaky roof had caused an outdoor substation to explode at a nearby manufacturing plant in Western Pennsylvania, putting hundreds of people out of work for the indefinite future. OEM replacement switchgear would take up to 12 weeks to deliver, but using PEARL Inspect & Test (I&T) standards, Voyten was able to get replacement switchgear on site within two business days and the plant running again within a week...Read More


Want to sell more circuit breakers?  Here's the easy way to increase your sales. 

Give Us Your Best 'Shot' For Chance to Win an iPodPhoto Contest

Get out your cameras because PEARL is giving away an iPod for the best photo or video of an electrical product covered by PEARL Reconditioning Standard Section 1100. The photo must be an original photo, owned and copyrighted by the submitter. By submitting your photo, you agree to give PEARL free use of the photo. Send a digital copy of your photo or video to and good luck! A winner will be chosen at the end of the month and announced in PEARL's next newsletter.

Issue: 30, Sept. 2011
In This Issue
Electrical Industry News
PEARL Standards Save PA Manufacturing Jobs
Win An iPod!!

  PEARL Expands to Include Electrical Service Organizations  


PEARL expands membership categories to include electrical Service Organization companies with reconditioning facilities and redefines the Associate Member category. The new Service Organization category applies to all electrical service companies that have a permanent facility for electrical reconditioning. Members of the Service Organization class have full Voting Member privileges and rights. In addition to a permanent reconditioning facility, Service Organization members must meet all other PEARL member requirements, such as minimum of $1 million in annual sales, adhere to PEARL standards and Codes of Business Practice...Read More

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