AEMC Test Equipment
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Electrical Industry News

NICET to Restart Electrical Testing Certification Program

With help from members of the InterNational Electrical Testing Association (NETA), the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET), Alexandria, Va., plans to restart a 4-level electrical testing certification program this year. NICET certification will not require NETA membership...Read More

Electrical Contractors: "Out of Inventory," Limited Selection Drive Them Nuts

A recent survey of electrical contractors by Electrical Wholesaling magazine asked professionals how they felt about their electrical distributors. Some of the results were surprising, including that 87% of contractors buy product from local suppliers versus online. Online purchases often included lights and fixtures, or products that distributors didn't have in stock. PEARL would like to add that's one of the reasons why an independent supply channel exists - to provide hard-to-find product when you need-it-now...Read more

Rising Raw Material Costs Drive Electrical Gear Up

Increases in the costs of metals and other materials are causing electrical OEMs to increase their prices, putting additional price pressure on electrical contractors...Read more

An OEM's Perspective on Refurbishing Medium-Voltage Switchgear

The pace of technology makes today's cutting edge seem old hat tomorrow, but age need not equate to obsolescence. Modernization can protect the customer's investment by extending the equipment lifespan while raising safety, reliability and performance standards. In ABB's refurbishment and retrofitting options for medium voltage switchgear, equipment is returned to as-new condition. The integration of advanced sensors, protection and control gear improves reliability and safety. The shorter downtime as compared to total replacement ensures a better protection of productivity...Read More


Webcast: Design, Retrofit, Remanufacture of Power Transformers

This online, archived webcast focuses on the environmentally-beneficial practice of designing, retrofitting, and remanufacturing power transformers.....View Now


PEARL Joins U.S. Remanufacturing Policy Council

To help shape U.S. government policy and public perception of remanufactured products, PEARL Vice President Malcom Frederick, Branch Manager of Coastal Switchgear & Controls, LLC (Angleton, TX), recently attended the Remanufacturing Industries Council (RIC) inaugural "Strategic Dialogue on Remanufacturing Policy" roundtable held in Washington, D.C., on January 24-25. ...Read More

Tech Talk: Answer the Challenge for Chance to Win iPod!!

How deep is your knowledge of safe electrical practices, testing and electrical reconditioning? Follow this link to see this month's question and email us your answer. Winner's will be drawn from all correct answers at the end of March. While you're answering this month's trivia question, you can learn the answer to last month's question and bask in the brilliance of last month's winner: James Dill of Multi-Craft Contractors, Inc., out of Springdale, AR.

How To: Inspect, Recondition, and Test Low Voltage Magnetic Starters Open

Magnetic motor starters are a slight misnomer because these devices are responsible for not only starting, but running, and sometimes staging an electric motor. 'Staging' refers to the starter assemblies that cause a motor to reverse direction, plug (install), jog (test), or change to another speed. The motor starter also possesses some integral overload protection. The magnetic motor starter is the heart of the control schemes for the magnetic (as opposed to electronic) control of electric motors, whether that control be found in wall mounted enclosure, part of a combination motor starter/circuit protector; part of some sort of reduced voltage starter; or part of a motor control center...Read More

PEARL would also like to extend a special appreciation to this year's Ways & Means Sponsors:

Byerley Metals, Inc.                       Thyritronics, Inc.

Issue: 24, March 2011
In This Issue
News: Elec Test Certification; ECs Speak Out; OEMs Hike Prices; Electrical Refurb Webcast
PEARL Joins U.S. Remanufacturing Policy Council
Win An iPod!!
How To Recon LV Magnetic Starters
   PEARL 2011 Conference

PEARL would like to thank the sponsors of this year's PEARL Annual Conference Raffle:


Magna Electric Corporation

The Motor Control Center, LLC

Pacific Coast Breaker

RG Industries

Southern Electrical Resources, Inc.

Southland Electrical Supply

Sunbelt Transformer

Voyten Electric

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