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PAST 30 YEARS... ~Dr. Mercola 

Variety quote on Burzynski Movie
Burzynski Movie Press
Important! The producers of this powerful film are allowing a full and FREE preview through June 20th! Please tell everyone you know to watch this film in its entirety through June 20th, 2011.

Burzynski, the Movie is the story of a medical doctor and Ph.D biochemist named Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski who won the largest, and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the Food and Drug Administration in American history.


In the 1970's, Dr. Burzynski made a remarkable discovery that threatened to change the face of cancer treatment forever. His non-toxic gene-targeted cancer medicine could have helped save millions of lives over the last two decades had his discovery not been criminally suppressed by the US government, as his therapy, called "antineoplastons," have been shown to effectively help cure some of the most "incurable" forms of terminal cancer.


This documentary takes you through the treacherous 14-year journey Dr. Burzynski and his patients have had to endure in order to finally obtain FDA-approved clinical trials of antineoplastons.


His story is yet another testament that fact can be far stranger than fiction, as the film exposes the powerful, unscrupulous forces that work to maintain the status quo of the medical- and pharmaceutical industry at any cost-including the lives of millions of people.



About the Film
Dr. Burzynski

Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, MD 


Dr. Burzynski's victorious battles with the United States government were centered around his gene-targeted cancer medicines that he discovered in the 1970's called Antineoplastons, which have currently completed Phase II FDA-supervised clinical trials in 2009 and could begin the final phase of FDA testing in 2011-barring the ability to raise the required $150 million to fund the final phase of FDA clinical trials.

When Antineoplastons are approved, it will mark the first time in history a single scientist, not a pharmaceutical company, will hold the exclusive patent and distribution rights on a paradigm-shifting medical breakthrough.

Antineoplastons are responsible for curing some of the most incurable forms of terminal cancer. Various cancer survivors are presented in the film who chose these medicines instead of surgery, chemotherapy or radiation - with full disclosure of medical records to support their diagnosis and recovery - as well as systematic (non-anecdotal) FDA-supervised clinical trial data comparing Antineoplastons to other available treatments-which is published within the peer-reviewed medical literature.

One form of cancer - diffuse, intrinsic, childhood brainstem glioma has never before been cured in any scientifically controlled clinical trial in the history of medicine. Antineoplastons hold the first cures in history - dozens of them.

[ANP - PubMed 2003] [ANP - PubMed 2006]

[Rad & other - PubMed 2008] [Chemo/Rad - PubMed 2005]

This documentary takes the audience through the treacherous, yet victorious, 14-year journey both Dr. Burzynski and his patients have had to endure in order to obtain FDA-approved clinical trials of Antineoplastons.

Dr. Burzynski resides and practices medicine in Houston, Texas. He was able to initially produce and administer his discovery without FDA-approval from 1977-1995 because the state of Texas at this time did not require that Texas physicians be required to adhere to Federal law in this situation. This law has since been changed.

As with anything that changes current-day paradigms, Burzynski's ability to successfully treat incurable cancer with such consistency has baffled the industry. Ironically, this fact had prompted numerous investigations by the Texas Medical Board, who relentlessly took Dr. Burzynski as high as the state supreme court in their failed attempt to halt his practices.

Likewise, the Food and Drug Administration engaged in four Federal Grand Juries spanning over a decade attempting to indict Dr. Burzynski, all of which ended in no finding of fault on his behalf. Finally, Dr. Burzynski was indicted in their 5th Grand Jury in 1995, resulting in two federal trials and two sets of jurors finding him not guilty of any wrongdoing. If convicted, Dr. Burzynski would have faced a maximum of 290 years in a federal prison and $18.5 million in fines.

However, what was revealed a few years after Dr. Burzynski won his freedom, helps to paint a more coherent picture regarding the true motivation of the United States government's relentless persecution of Stanislaw Burzynski, M.D., Ph.D.


Note: When Antineoplastons are approved for pubic use, it will allow a single scientist to hold an exclusive license to manufacture and sell these medicines on the open market-before they become generic-leaving PhRMA absent in profiting from the most effective gene-targeted cancer treatment the world has ever seen.  

Click here to buy the DVD | Click here to watch the entire documentary instantly on your computer  


 Movie Film Show 
Tony Robbins quote on Burzynski 
 NY Times quote on Burzynski 

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Dr. Nancy White - Clinical Director of the Enhancement Institute
Dr. Nancy E. White - Clinical Director of the Enhancement Institute

Owner and director of The Enhancement Institute, Dr. White is a licensed Psychologist and licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.



"I had a very agitated patient in for a pre/post quantitative EEG after exposure to the EESystem.  As a result of his flustered state, I was only able to get him to stay for a 45-minute session.  However, according to his queue, it is evident why he was so disturbed because he had very little alpha with his eyes closed and alpha is something we should have with our eyes closed and you will see where you stand with that particular frequency on the quantitative EEG color printouts.  It was amazing, that in just 45 minutes, how his brain began to normalize in this room (EES Chamber)."  ~Dr. White


The Energy Enhancement Chamber
Energy Enhancement System (EES)™

Harnessing Scalar Energy to Optimize Well-Being

Enhancement Institute EESystem

Experience a program that can improve your well-being and accelerate your personal growth. Enter an environment that provides a therapeutic energy field which has been shown not only to help balance your body's functions, but to provide anti-ageing effects, elevate mood and increase energy levels. Many participants experience rapid manifestation of desired outcomes when they meditate on them with intent during their Energy Enhancement Chamber experiences. As the core of a program designed around your individual goals it can help you achieve new levels of inner peace and outer effectiveness.

Their well trained and courteous staff at The Enhancement Institute will respond to your calls and emails promptly. Contact them for more information and/or to register for any of their services.

Phone 713-961-5243
Fax 713-552-0752

Enhancement Institute

Contact Us:

The Energy Enhancement System (EESystem) generates multiple bio-active life enhancing energy fields, including "scalar waves" which are proven to promote true cellular regeneration, improve immune function, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, assist in balancing right and left hemispheres of the brain, and increase energy levels.

EESystem has been recognized at dozens of medical, scientific, and professional conferences for maximizing full body health potential. EESystem is on the leading edge of Bio- Energetic Medicine and integrates quantum physics, science, and body-mind-spirit health. We invite you to try EESystem for yourself at one of our EESystem Global Network Affiliates. Then let us build an EESystem for you.

EESystem Video Library -- >Click Here

8 Unit EESystem, Before & After in EESystem


Energy Enhancement System

Phone: (863) 471-6820

The information presented herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Medical advice should only be obtained from a qualified health care practitioner. EESystem Inc. makes no claims regarding the above findings.

In This Issue
Burzynski The Movie
EESystem Perfect Adjunct for Cancer Therapy
Quick Links

The Energy Enhancement System ~ Presented at the Radiation Oncology Committee Meeting as an Adjunct Therapy for Cancer Treatments


Dr. Victor Marcial-Vega, acknowledged as being in top 1% of US physicians, trained at Johns Hopkins University, formerly staff radiation oncologist at both the University of Miami and Washington University Schools of Medicine.  This National Institutes of Health (NIH) and  National Cancer Institute (NCI) researcher has testified before Congress and presented his clinical outcomes  nationally and internationally: Radiation Oncology Committee meeting ~ Adjunct Therapy for Cancer; American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine; other neurological, nutritional and integrative medicine conferences.

"People experiencing the EESystem report an increased sense of well being, more energy, better sleep, and pain control.  Others have been healed of blindness, diabetes, trauma, cataracts and stress.

This is a powerful energy enhancer that promotes very deep states of ultimate relaxation - if we allow it -from which any and all healing can occur."   --Dr. Victor Marcial-Vega



Initial Clinical Studies Findings: Marcial-Vega (2001), Oncologist


Increased sense of well being, more energy, better sleep, increased libido


Relief of pain and side effects (cancer patients)


Very deep states of ultimate relaxation


Diabetics  had a drop in their blood sugar


Anxiety & Depression relieved


Strokes, blindness reversed


Sinus problems, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome improved


Infections, Arthritis, MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinsons, Stomach Ulcers resolved


Acute and chronic pain improvement



And much more!  See Dr. Marcial-Vega's Clinical Research on



"The level of tranquility, peace and love that you feel correlates with these healings."

"If you can go into a state of deep relaxation for a long enough period, there is nothing that the body cannot heal."  


Victor A. Marcial-Vega, MD




High Resolution Blood Imaging, Dark Field Microscopy
the Energy Enhancement System™

Dr. Victor A. Marcial-Vega, Oncologist, has performed High Resolution blood imaging and Dark Field Microscopy blood tests on patients before and after being in the chamber for 30 to 60 minutes and compared these specimens with previous blood samples.  Changes, such as increased levels of chylomicrons and triglycerides - which appear as tiny droplets floating in the blood on the slide and are considered abnormal findings - and reflecting detoxification of the cell have been cleared in 80% of the cases or more.

In cancer patients, Dr. Marcial-Vega has noted a very sever fibrin pattern, appearing as dark spots of small coagulations in the blood samples.  They are throughout the background fluid of the blood smear where the cells are floating, especially in those with end-stage metastatic disease.  According to Dr. Marcial-Vega, he has done hundreds of these Dark Field Microscopy examinations; he has never seen a situation where a cancer patient did not have this pattern.  After 30 to 60 minute sessions in the EESystem, 3 separate end-stage cancer patients no long showed this pattern.

EES Blood Profiles 


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