Exchange Online
Strengthening Relationships, Building Community
June 2010
June is always a busy month for celebrations, which we love. We hope you'll enjoy our pictures and that they'll give you yet another view of our many partners and projects.
- Editor
In This Issue
Celebrating Partnerships
Current 2010 Headlines
On My Mind - Dom's Wanderings
Celebrating Partnerships
Staff members Prince Cobbina and Liz Bonici  and committee member Jon Del GiornoJon DelGiorno

Thanks to our sponsors, donors, and bidders. Thanks to the restaurants that fed us, and to the students who told us their stories. To the staff who worked on their own time and the volunteers who were the glue that kept it all together.

And to our honorees, we can never thank you and your organizations enough for partnering with us to build community relationships.

Read about and support our sponsors and donors here.
Honorees -- Four who make partnerships a pleasure

In this world, very little can be accomplished without partnerships. Sometimes you don't need someone to do much, but that little bit matters. Sometimes, a project just can't move forward without big help.

This year we honored four partners who contribute to helping our YABC and ACE students overcome the barriers standing in their way of success. You can read their full profiles on our blog, but here's a taste of why they're so important.

Honorees Tomas Morales, Joann Calabro, and John Tuminaro
Auction honorees

CSI President Tom�s D. Morales: CSI works closely with the NY Center on several initiatives designed to support young adults working toward a second chance. Whether it's a GED program or an internship in the gym, the CSI staff stand ready to help. And what better way to convince students that college is accessible than to have the staff become part of their daily lives? [more]

Tottenville Assistant Principal Joann Calabro
works hand-in-hand with Michael DeVito, NYCID's YABC Director. Together they lead a team of educators and youth development staff who make it possible for young people to turn their lives around. [more]

Tottenville Principal John T. Tuminaro:
Thousands of Staten Island YABC students who earned their diplomas benefited directly from the support Mr. Tuminaro provides the SI YABC. [more]

Staten Island Community TV:
Why honor SICTV? In addition to the service they provide the community, SICTV has been a longstanding internship site for the students at YABC. They contribute tremendous support to young people finding direction for their lives and learning about the world of work. [more]
Current 2010 Headlines

SI Business Trends highlights commercial mediation You read about it here first, but good news travels. Thanks, Business Trends, for helping us get the word out about this mediation specialty.   [more]

L to R: Northfield Bank Foundation ED Diane Senerchia and Chair Susan Lamberti; NYCID ED Dominick Brancato; and Supervised Visitation Director Erin Neubauer-Keyes
Northfield Bank Foundation
has given NYCID a significant grant to keep non-residential parents in their children's lives. All the research today shows that kids do best when both parents stay actively involved. But when violence, substance abuse, or mental health issues are involved, keeping children safe is paramount. Supervised Visitation -- parents visiting with children in a supervised setting -- makes it possible to do both. Kids get to see their parents and the courts, community, and the other parent know they are safe. Thanks, Northfield.

NYCID thanks Curtis Students
William Middleton, Dominick Brancato, and Rosemarie O'Connor
Curtis Students
Remember the Miniature Golf Fundraiser you read about here a couple of months ago? Well, this week Curtis High School students William Middleton and Rosemarie O'Conner brought NYCID a check
. For these students, philanthropy has already become a lifelong commitment. Thanks for your leadership, William and Rosemarie.

Summer Camp is filling up.Donation link

July 6 - August 13, 2010

If you want to know that your kids have spent the day in a safe and nurturing summer program, learn more about the summer camp we're operating at the SI School of Civic Leadership - a state-of-the-art, air conditioned facility in Graniteville. This unique summer camp will incorporate programming built on The 7 Habits of Happy Kids by Stephen Covey's son Sean. For details, click here.

First and Sixth Graders Learn Anger Management and Conflict Resolution Skills
Class Picture
Our partnership with the SI School of Civic Leadership is proving a model collaboration program. Our Training Institute worked with two classes to understand the nature of conflict and the personal feelings we experience in a conflict situation. That self-awareness, in concert with the new skills they learned, empowers people to resolve conflicts in ways that are mutually beneficial. [More]
Congratulations to Ivy Bilotti from our after school programs. Ivy had a baby boy, Joseph Thomas, on Monday, June 14th. 

Please help us expand our circle of friends. Use the "Forward E-mail" link below to send this newsletter to someone you think would be interested. Your friend's address is protected. We don't keep it and won't use or sell it.
Dom's Wanderings
Dominick Brancato
At NYCID, we like partnerships and collaboration; it's what we preach and how we work. We like the idea that there's room for everyone.

But, in this time of budget cuts, competition is fierce for the limited funding available. The survival of a program often depends on the outcome.

So if you were a politician, how would you divide a shrinking pie?

Would your answer be the same if you were an appointed commissioner?

Would you provide a smaller amount of funding to more agencies? Or concentrate your funding in programs that have proven their worth, even if that means some agencies have to close services?

Or, would you approach it from a geographic perspective? Ensure that every area gets some funding, even if a few programs are weak or the staff inexperienced? Would you fund based on merit? Track record? Who you know?

I'm wondering about it because I'm preparing a letter to a commissioner and a politician. Our Out of School Youth program, ACE, which has been so successful assisting high school dropouts to get their GED, develop goals, start college or technical training, and turn their lives around, has had its funding cut in half in order to fund a new program two doors away.

What would you say about the staff to be laid-off and the need to break our lease and lose the investment we just made in renovations?

If you were an executive director, how would you handle it?

Dom Brancato signature

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Parent ACT Classes
A 6-hour class designed to educate separating or divorcing parents about the impact of their breakup on their children, and teach them ways to protect their children from the negative effects of ongoing parental conflict.

NYCID holds classes once a month. Pre-registration is required.

Call our Parent ACT-Line for more information: (718) 947-4048
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Alternative Routes to Graduation

Class helps co-parents deal with their issues |

Giving the GED a good name

How to talk to teens about current events

Our Job-Keeping Kids in School

How to Encourage Your Child's Philanthropy

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