Speak for Success Ezine
Helping You Speak and Be Heard
September 2009
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Dear Friend,

Vacation is over and it's back to school time. If you have kids you've probably taken them shopping for new supplies and maybe some new clothes.

What have you done to refresh and recharge your skills? Have you enrolled in a college class to brush up or learn something brand new to retool your career?

This month you'll hear from Stephanie Eubanks who has spent her career helping people write better. No need to go anywhere, just sit back and read her tips. If your team members need more help, we'd be happy to bring a customized program to you.

Speaking of retooling, I'll share some of my favorite online tools that help me manage tasks and projects. Have a great month!

Here's to your success!


ps - when you need a distraction watch this!

Break the Rules! Grammar Tips
By Stephanie Eubanks

Your teachers might have told you to avoid personal pronouns and contractions. While that's fine for academic writing, it's too formal for your busy readers at work.

In the workplace, you want your writing to sound more natural, as if you're talking to your reader in your best business voice.


1. Be personal with pronouns: No matter what your English teacher said, I is not a four-letter word. If you do or think something, you should say so. And the word to use to give yourself credit is I.

Instead of this...
The project was completed ahead of schedule.

Write this...
I completed the project two days ahead of schedule.

Use the other personal pronouns, too: we, you, your, our, and me. Research tells us they help keep the reader's mind on your message.

Warning: Avoid using myself. It sounds stuffy and is usually so grammatically wrong that it makes a bad impression.

2. Don't be afraid of contractions like don't, I'd, or you'll.
Sure, I'd is less formal than I would. And sometimes I would is appropriate. Most of the time, though, the more formal choice puts a distance between the reader and writer.

Contractions, on the other hand, help create the connection you want. How? They're conversational. They help your reader hear your voice as well as see your words.

If you have any questions that you'd like to ask Stephanie, our resident Business Writing Guru, send an email to: info@speakforsuccess.com

Do You Want to Be a Fearless Speaker?

Would you like to be natural, relaxed and confident in any situation? How about when giving presentations at the office, networking, marketing, or perhaps even speaking before thousands?

You'll be amazed at how fun and pleasurable public speaking can become. After your first Fearless Speaking session you'll feel more relaxed and comfortable!

When you're able to relax and be yourself you'll build better relationships. Better relationships always mean better business!

Join our San Diego Fearless Speakers Meetup Group and attend our bimonthly sessions.

Lunchtime sessions: 11:30 - 1:00 pm in Sorrento Valley
Thursday, September 10
Tuesday, September 22
Tuesday, October 6
Tuesday October 20

Fee: $20 in advance, $30 day of. Please RSVP via Meetup and email any questions to me: dana@speakforsuccess.com

Some of My Favorite Online Tools

I've found these tools helpful for easily working on group projects and having fun too!

Is there anyone who hasn't received an invitation from Evite? Evite is a great way to email invites and track RSVPs to events, parties, graduations, anniversaries and whatever else you can plan.

Free Conference Call
Ever need to get a virtual group on the line and don't want to spend any money? Free Conference call will help you schedule your call, invite your guests, track your RSVPs and gives you the option of recording the call.

Google Docs
Have a virtual team and need everyone to have access to spreadsheets, presentations, and Word docs? Google Docs makes it simple to upload and share your documents. It's free and easy --- what more could you ask for? Check out the Forms function in spreadsheets for a very cool automated way to poll groups and compile data. Here's a video that will tell you all about it.

What I love about Shutterfly is how easy it is to create a website from your photos from a special event. I created a site from photos that several attendees took at our Women Changing the World event. All you need is a free account, some photos, then voila! You can also order prints (very cheaply), create a photo book, and gift items. I love it!!!

Do you have any favorite online tools that you'd like to share? Please let me know.

So You Need a Distraction

I'll admit it, I'm a fan of So You Think You Can Dance. Here are one of my favorite couples from 2008, Katee and Joshua, doing a high energy Bollywood routine. Enjoy!

We help you speak and be heard by providing training in:

Presentation Skills
Are your leaders and key people presenting themselves with confidence and credibility? Are they making the right impression with your clients? Let us help polish the presentation skills of your people who are in the spotlight.

Business Writing
Are your employees writing reports and e-mail that enhance your company's professional image? We can help your employees write for success.

Dana Bristol-Smith, President and Founder
Speak for Success

Phone: 760.726.5272
Powerful Presentations Program 2 for the price of 1 special

This coupon entitles bearer to register 2 people for the price of 1. You must call to register and payment must be received before the program to attend.

Full price $495 - Savings $495! Not eligible for any other discounts.

Call 760-726-5272 to register. Only available to Ezine readers!

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