Vendor Ads
Run Your Ad Here, What A Deal!
Would you like to talk directly to almost 200 professional fundraisers and 150 organizations about your business?
We're now accepting advertisements in this e-newsletter! It reaches members and a few hundred more friends and supporters - all associated with the non-profit world, philanthropy, and more.
Design your business highlights, with logo, on a vertical business card-size template and send to Margaret.
You'll be glad you did! The cost is worth it - $200 for the ad to appear 3 months. |
Job Alerts

There is a small fee for listing job openings simultaneously in the newsletter and on the chapter website.
For jobs advertised by organizations with at least one AFP member, the charge is $50 for three months. That charge also applies to organizations with an opening due to the departure of an AFP member. Listings by organizations without an AFP member are $100 for three months.
The listing will be automatically removed after three months, unless there is a renewal. For more information, check the chapter's website or contact the chapter administrator.
Board of Directors
Welcome 2012 officers and committee chairs!
Do you have a question about AFP or an idea that you'd like to submit? Feel free to contact any of our committee chairs! Click on the name to send an e-mail.
Asst. Secretary
VP - Professional Advancement
Program Chair
Web Conference Chair
NPD/Conference Co-Chairs
CFRE/FR101 Co-Chairs
VP - Membership Services
Membership Recruitment & Orientation Co-Chairs
Membership Retention Chair
Hospitality Chair
VP - Community Relations
Newsletter Co-Chairs
Publicity Chair
Social Networking
VP - Outreach
Mentoring Co-Chairs
Youth In Philanthropy Co-Chairs
National Awards Chair
Legal Affairs Co-Chairs
Strategic Planning Chair
Chapter Administration
Jan Figart, MS, RN | Upcoming Meeting
Thursday, March 8
Tulsa Garden Center 2435 S. Peoria Ave.
11:30 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Monthly Meet
10 a.m. Board & Exec. Meet
What Fundraisers Need to Know!
Jan Figart will present the Tulsa area profile focusing on changing demographics, education and social trends, and the health and well-being of the social safety-net in our state.
Ms. Figart is the associate director and senior planner in maternal and child health at the Community Service Council of Greater Tulsa. This role includes the development of community collaboratives, staff support for coalitions, program development, grant writing, program evaluation and analysis of community trends.
She has been an educator at Rogers State University and the University of Phoenix, administrator with Northeast Oklahoma Area Health Education Center and the Margaret Hudson Program, and currently is analyst-advocate at CSC.
In the last 10 years, she has focused on children's issues, provided leadership to the Tulsa Healthy Start Initiative, early childhood programs, and services for the uninsured.
Thursday, March 22
noon - 1:30 pm
OSU - Tulsa, North Hall, Room 205
Bring your lunch!
Guests $15, members complimentary
Face-to-Face Basics - Integrating
Into Your Development Plan
This webinar covers how to identify, cultivate, solicit and steward individuals for the first time, and integrate face to face solicitations into your annual development plan. We will discuss how to identify prospects, how to get a first meeting, and how to cultivate and solicit gifts for your organization.
Amy M. Eisenstein, MPA, CFRE is the Principal and Owner of Tri Point Resources, a consulting firm for non-profit organizations and foundations.
2012 Webinars - Mark Your Calendars!
Wed., April 18 - Branding Strategies
Thurs., May 17 - Fundraising in a Crowded Field
Wed., June 20 - Secrets to a Well-Oiled Operation
Thurs., July 12 - Analytics
Wed., July 25 - 6 Steps to a Written Plan
Watch for upcoming webinars info in newsletters, on our chapter website, and email notices.
Please note: We are looking for an AFP member to volunteer as the Web Conference Co-Chair. Contact Susan Garcia if you are interested:
Pam Dose: The Pres Says
The Board and committees have been working diligently behind the scenes to provide opportunities for members to network and for new members to become involved.
Thank you to Brandi Moore and her dynamic Program Committee. What a great program in February and there are more excellent speakers lined up. You won't want to miss a month.
Tish Stuart has already done a new member orientation and the membership committee has met and is planning some social activities as well as another orientation to recruit members and keep existing members connected - more "Radical Hospitality!"
And, Marcia Scheideman has already scheduled our first six months of webinars that cover subjects requested by our members.
National Philanthropy Day will be held November 15 - Toni McGee and Steffanie Bonner have the speaker, the location and the date!
I encourage each of you to pick a committee to work on and volunteer! Smaller groups will give you an opportunity to get to know your colleagues better. AFP is your organization - come and let your voice be heard as you help with the planning and implementation of programs, conferences and other activities.
See you March 8 at the Tulsa Garden Center!
Your President,
Pam Dose
P.S. Your board members are listed in the left column, along with their email addresses. They'd welcome visiting with you about committee memberships.
News and Notables
Welcome New Members!

AFP International headquarters is creating new software for membership. A listing of our most recent new members is not yet available, but will be announced, along with their contact information, in the April newsletter. Welcome! |
Stuff To Know
Foundation DataBook
The Oklahoma Foundation DataBook and Software, 4th Edition is now available. This revised edition is based on the latest IRS data. The DataBook lists all 1,338 Oklahoma-based foundations with profiles of the state's largest foundations.
Each of the 304 profiled foundations has $500,000 or more in assets; or made $500,000 or more in income; or awarded $25,000 or more in grants. The combined assets of these 304 foundations represent over 99% of the combined assets of all of Oklahoma's foundations.
The Data Book and software (must specify CD as DVD is standard) is $200.
AWC Event - City's Legacy Stories
The Tulsa chapter of the Association for Women in Communications Mar. 1 event highlights "Tulsa Women: Telling Our Story." At the Tulsa Garden Center, 7:30 - 10 a.m., engaging conversations will be led by noted Tulsans Suzanne Wallis, Sharon King Davis, Sheryl Lovelady and Mary Beth Babcock, and panelists Alison Anthony, Ken Busby, Becky Collins, Jim Langdon, and LToya Knighten.
Interested in hearing about the historical impact of women in Tulsa and learning how you can share Tulsa's story today? For info and registration:
Our Chapter Earns Prestigious 10-Star Award
The Eastern Oklahoma chapter has been named a 2011 10-Star Chapter by AFP International for its leadership in ethical and organizational standards and professional programming.
Chapters receive the 10-Star Award for increasing professionalism within fundraising and public awareness of the importance of philanthropy.
Of the 213 chapters in AFP, less than half of those earned the 10-Star honor for 2011.
"This 10-Star designation confirms the commitment of our chapter to the promotion of ethical and effective fundraising and excellent programming," said Pam Dose, 2012 chapter president and executive director for Tulsa CASA.
"Our membership serves as an example to other chapters for its dedication to continuing education, professionalism and community advocacy. Congratulations to 2011 Chapter President Janet Gaskins and her exceptional leadership team for achieving this recognition."
The chapter will be recognized at the AFP International Conference April 2012 in Vancouver.
Save the Date
National Philanthropy Day
November 15, 2012
Kim Klein, Guest Speaker
Consultant (Klein & Roth Consulting) & book author "Fundraising for Social Change" and "Reliable Fundraising in Unreliable Times"
Volunteer members are invited to serve on this year's NPD committee and to work at the event, which includes an all-day conference and awards luncheon. Please contact Susan Garcia if you are interested. |