Steadman Hawkins Sports Medicine 


April 2012

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Spring is upon us and I am sure many of you are getting outside to enjoy this great weather here in the Upstate.  As we increase our activity level we often experience new overuse injuries and painful muscles and joints.  This 
month we will cover some common problems encountered this time of year and I am confident you will find this information informative and extremely helpful.


Please contact us if you have any questions or need our assistance in becoming a Game Changer.


Kyle J. Cassas, M.D. 

(click on Dr. Cassas' name or photo to view his web page)


Contact your school's Athletic Trainer or
email us at

Shin Splints

Athletes who run, dance or play soccer, football and lacrosse can experience the pain of shin splints occurring in the front of the lower leg around the 

tibia bone.  Shin pain and inflammation is the result of muscle overuse due to an increase in the intensity of your activity, lack of proper stretching before your activity and improper footwear. Successful prevention and treatment is available through the guidance of your athletic trainer and physician.  Learn more about the prevention and treatment by visiting our website article SHIN SPLINTS.

Knee Pain and the IT Band

If you experience pain on the outside of the knee and hip joint, you may have tightness in the Iliotibial (IT) Band.  What is an IT Band?  It is a thick layer of fascia in the body running from the pelvis to just below the shin on the outside of the thigh.  It's job is to provide lateral stability while the body is in motion and aid in knee movement. Pain can occur or increase while lying on your side, standing from a seated position as well as going up or down stairs.  Read our  IT BAND SYNDROME article for information on stretches and strengthening to prevent this painful syndrome, treatment options and determining when to see a Sports Medicine doctor.



Try these stretches for

 the IT Band using the foam roller mentioned in our article and available at most sporting goods stores.




Get Ready for Golf Season

from Proaxis Therapy 

Biomechanical research has confirmed the achievement of a successful golf swing starts with a specific movement sequence.  Faults, such as coming off plane or poor control of the club face, break the sequence.   Other breakdowns can be caused by muscle weakness and decreased flexibility.  Unlock the proper sequence and perform drills to improve your swing by reading our article GOLF PERFORMANCE. 

Hornet Hoops Charity Tournament 

To register, click the image above.

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APRIL 14, 21, 28

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Hornet Hoops 

Basketball Tournament
(Ben Johnson Arena, Wofford College)
see information below 

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