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Westminster World 

September 2012

Message from Dries  


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The reality for all of us is that the nature of Christian ministry never allows us to get too comfortable or leaves us unchanged. 
This is true for us here at Westminster as we are experiencing numerous staff changes.  This week members of Westminster received a letter from me informing them that Sue Brown is retiring as Westminster's secretary for over twenty years on April 7, 2013.  Earlier this summer Jill Shafer resigned her position as choir director, as she has experienced a life-changing event, becoming a grandma for the first time, and wanting to spend more time with her granddaughter Addison over weekends.  
In this newsletter we are not only celebrating the ministries of Sue and Jill among us, but we are also sharing with you how we will move forward in ministry as we are grow to embrace our future.  
We are moving forward in hiring a new Music Director.  Personnel Committee established a Search Committee consisting of Barbara Tartir, Bill Weiss, Elaine Smith Snyder, Jim Collier, Ken Shafer and Pastor Dries for the task of finding a suitable candidate.  We will be posting the position as early as next week and start reviewing applications as soon as we receive them. During this interim time we will continue to have the choir lead us in worship, thanks to the leadership of Ken Shafer.   
It also gives me great pleasure to announce that we have hired Carly Jones as our new Church Secretary.  The search for a new secretary was initiated by Session to ensure a smooth transition with Sue Brown's pending retirement. After a long search and numerous interviews Personnel Committee identified Carly as our candidate.  Carly comes to us extremely well qualified as she not only brings excellent administrative skills, but also an intimate knowledge of and a good working relationship with The College of Wooster community. 
For the next three months Sue and Carly will work together in the church office as Carly undergoes training and Sue shows her the ropes of being the administrative support for Westminster. During this time of transition some of their hours will overlap and some days either Sue or Carly will be in the office.  Come December Carly will be on maternity leave as she and her husband Scott are expecting their third child.  Early next year Sue will ease into retirement as Carly takes on the full responsibility of our office.  In the weeks and months to come I hope you will stop by the church office to support Sue during this time of transition and also to welcome Carly to our Westminster family!

In This Issue
Vegan Potluck
Trip to South Africa
Peace Workshops
Celebrating Barbara's 80th Birthday
Sunday, September 2nd

Barbara Norris

After worship this coming Sunday, September 2nd, we will be celebrating Barbara Norris' 80th birthday! Please join the Norris family and Westminster in celebrating this special milestone.
In the midst of unspeakable violence

Fighting in Syria threatens Christian community, creates acute humanitarian aid needs

Due Date For October Westminster World

September 25   

For contributions

please contact

 Sue Brown 

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Staff Changes at Westminster 

Carly Jones

Carly Jones & ChildrenHello! I am Carly Jones and I am very excited to be joining the Westminster Presbyterian Church staff! Here is a little bit about me and I look forward to meeting and learning more about the members of this community soon. 
I am originally from North Olmsted, Ohio which is a suburb of Cleveland. I studied Sociology at Baldwin-Wallace College (now Baldwin Wallace University) where I was a Varsity Diver and leader in the Greek Community. After undergrad I traveled to Athens, OH to study College Student Personnel and obtain my Masters in Education at Ohio University. My job search after Grad School landed me in Wooster and I fell in love with the community immediately. I spent 10 years in 3 different positions in the Residence Life Office at The College and really enjoyed my experience and the relationships I have developed during that time. 
On the personal side, I am married to a Fighting Scot from the class of '03 named Scott Jones. We have two daughters; Grace (5), Hope (2), and another little girl on the way in December! They keep us busy for the most part with swimming, gymnastics, ballet, and soccer. When we are not at practices, we love visiting family, catching a sporting event, or singing to the radio. Scott and I also love football season and training for whatever crazy event/race my brothers have us signed up for. 
Again, I am really excited about this new opportunity and meeting all of you! 

Thank You, Sue

This past week I mailed a letter to all Westminster members announcing Sue Brown's 
retirement on April 7, 2013.  As I stated in my letter; "Personally I am grateful for Sue's ministry among us as church secretary, a position she fulfilled with deep commitment and dedication for more than twenty years.  She has always been willing to help and serve all who enter the Church House and has been a wealth of information regarding The College and the Wooster Community.  Sue is well loved by our congregation and has been a source of continuity amidst all the pastoral changes in the past few years." 
For her years of service at Westminster, Sue said; "I have always enjoyed working at Westminster since the very beginning. It has been a very satisfying job with the people of the Church House, the College and, of course, the congregation being the most pleasant aspects. I know I will miss it." 
I hope that you will join me in the months to come to celebrate Sue's ministry among us. As a congregation we will show our appreciation for her many years of service at a time to be announced early next year.  Thank you, Sue, for all your years devoted to Westminster!

Jill Shafer

Jill Shafer On Sunday, September 9th after worship we will have a reception to thank Jill Shafer for her years as our choir director. Jill began directing the Westminster Choir on an interim basis after the departure of Jeff Araluce. As is needed in these times of transition she brought with her the gifts to help our music ministry grown in new directions with her musicianship, warmth, spontaneity, humor, and her accommodating and loving nature. As pastor I am grateful that Jill gave us a solid four years of ministry in spite of being "interim".
Jill will be missed as Choir Director, but she has promised that we will still see her in worship from time to time. Jill's resignation was prompted by the birth of her granddaughter Addison, earlier this year, and having her weekends free will allow her to make the trek to Lima more often over weekends to play "grandma".
Although we are sad to lose Jill in this capacity, we celebrate with her that she can now embrace this new phase in her life. Please join us on September 9th to celebrate Jill's ministry among us after worship. If you would like to make a financial contribution towards a gift for Jill you may still do so by check, writing Jill Shafer in the memo line. 

Worship At Westminster 

Westminster Presbyterian Church is a safe place for all people  

to worship regardless of race, creed, age, cultural background  

or sexual orientation.   


Childcare is provided during worship 

The Epistle of James

This coming Fall we will embark on a new journey as I will present a sermon series from the Epistle of James. This letter with its everyday wisdom will inspire us to take up our full responsibility as Christians and embrace our future as a congregation grounded in Jesus and called to works of justice.  


Communion Invitation Dries

Sunday, September 2 at 10:45 am -  A Service of Shared Food (Communion)

Pastor Dries will be preaching and communion will be celebrated.  James 1:2-8 will be the reading of the day   




Kathy Matsushima

Sunday, September 9 at 10:45 am -  

Rev. Dr. Kathy Matsushima will be our guest preacher. She is an alumna from The College of Wooster and pastor recently retired from the Presbyterian Church (USA) who has served three congregations in the Chicago area and one in Tokyo, Japan over 39 years. She has also served as Director of Student Services at McCormick Theological Seminary and as alumni president and trustee there. In 2000, she and her husband Aki were mission volunteers in Tirana, Albania and from 2006-2008, she moderated the Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the PC(USA).



Westminster Mosaic

Sunday, September 16 at 10:45 am -  

Pastor Dries will be preaching from James 1:19-25; 2:14-26.     

Sunday, September 23 at 10:45 am -

Pastor Dries will be preaching from James 2:1-13.


Sunday, September 30 at 10:45 am -

Pastor Dries will be preaching from James 1:19; 3:1-12, 4:11-12; 5:12.


Living & Learning

Stories for Children 

Sunday School 

The theme for Sunday School this year will be 'Stories'. We will explore Old Testament stories in multidisciplinary ways, New Testament stories and parables, and stories of

people in our congregation. The objective is to provide a process to make connections from the past to the present and to create an understanding of how people are connected through their experiences.  Sunday School will start on Sunday, September 9th at 9:45am.


Christian Practices for Teens

Way To Live Join us this month in studying the book Way to life.  Christian Practices for Teens.  "Some ancient Christian practices provide us with creative ways to deepen our awareness of God's presence in our lives. In Way to Live you will discover how the exercises of Saint Ignatius enable us to engage our imagination when reading the Bible and learn to practice Brother Lawrence's way of tuning into God.  This book will start you upon the spiritual journey of a lifetime. You can find even more stories and conversations about Christian practices as well as a helpful Leaders Guide at www.waytolive.org, a web site for youth and youth leaders.



UKIRK @ Westminster for College Students 

UKirk @ Westminster
There is a new opportunity on the horizon. UKIRK (meaning University Church) is a network of ministries supported by the Presbyterian Church (USA). 

UKIRK @ Westminster is
  • an opportunity to connect with local Presbyterian congregations
  • fellowship, food, study, seeking and finding
  • intergenerational
  • about building relationships in Christian community

Beginning September 6, join us in The Meeting Place of the Westminster Church House at 6:00pm on the first Thursday of each month to commune over a meal, to dialogue and digest and discover what UKIRK @ Westminster can be.

Contact Beth Coetzee for more information at bcoetzee@wooster.edu 

UKIRK @ Westminster, co-sponsored by First & Westminster Presbyterian Churches with the Office of Interfaith Campus Ministries

Adult Study on Wednesdays     

Saving Jesus from the Church Experience Spiritual Growth by studying the book, Saving Jesus From The Church - How To Stop Worshiping Christ and Start Following Jesus by Robin R. Meyers. Pastor Dries will lead the study and a light supper will be served. Join us in The Meeting Place on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 - 7:00pm, beginning September 12. To order a book email Dries at  acoetzee@wooster.edu    



Sustainable Living

Vegan Pot Luck 
Thursday, September 20 at 6:00 pm  

Vegan Pot Luck: Beginning September 20, join us in Mackey Hall on the third Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. for the WPC Vegan Meal. This meal is a great opportunity for WPC members, others in Wooster, and College of Wooster students to enjoy delicious food and good fellowship while learning more about sustainable living. Bring a pot-luck dish containing no meat, dairy, or eggs (no need for students to bring a dish).

Enjoy being a "vegan for an evening" while building community through hospitality and shared mindfulness of sustainability, no matter what your regular eating style. In September, College of Wooster senior, Erika Takeo, will share her experiences as a 2012 summer intern assisting with food-sustainability programs at the Oregon organization, Adelante Mujeres.

New this year is an opportunity for those who like to cook or learn more about Vegan cooking to gather before the meal in the Mackey Kitchen to cook a dish or two with one of our members or friends.  Westminster will provide the ingredients and everything else, you just have to sign-up and show-up.  Also, we need help with set up and clean up. Sign-up on SignUpGenuis or contact the Beth Coetzee at bcoetzee@wooster.edu to be included on the September email list for those interested in attending or for any other information about the meal.


Westminster Missions 

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 International Mission 


SA Welcome Beth and I are inviting you to join us on a Westminster sponsored Travel Seminar to South Africa.  The aim of this trip is to experience the many facets of my country of birth, as we are still struggling to overcome the many years of apartheid and also living into its new-found democracy.  The itinerary will include the activities most tourists take advantage of when visiting South Africa, such as, going on a safari, experiencing the natural beauty of Cape Town, and being on top of Table Mountain, one of the new seven wonders of nature.  During this trip led by Pastor Dries you will also experience the apartheid history, reconciliation, the rebuilding of a nation, and the people who make up what Desmond Tutu calls the Rainbow People of God.  Personally I am looking forward to sharing with you a part of my life as you get to know my family and see some of the places where I lived before I came to the United States.  The dates for the trip are set for February 16 - March 2, 2013 with a possible extension through March 7.  If you are interested and want more information please see the proposed itinerary (pdf) or contact me at acoetzee@wooster.edu   divider

Gifts of the Heart;  Pack Hygiene Kits September 9th & 16th
Church World Services Disaster Relief- School Kits 
Plan to pack hygiene kits and school kits for Church World Service after worship and refreshments on September 9 and 16. If you wanted to contribute to this program but haven't, we can use packing boxes about 16" by 16" for both kits.

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National Mission   


Westminster supports Hogar de Esperanza y Paz (Home of Hope and Peace), a community center located in the Bella Vista neighborhood of Nogales, Sonora on the Mexico-U.S. border. The goal of the center is to enable residents to improve their quality of life in Nogales so that they don't feel forced to migrate to the U.S. in order to provide for their families. See this recently released video to experience HEPAC 





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Local Missions     


HOPE (2)

Thank you, Westminster!

With the support of the Mission Committee's Famous Soup Sale more than 65 GED Test Scholarships have been awarded to ABLE students. Two-thirds of ABLE's students qualify and nearly 100% of those who test get their GED!

As government funding is cut and unmet employment needs arise, HOPE Fund Initiatives help serious job seekers get jobs  

or better jobs.  

  • GED Test Fee Scholarships for high-achieving ABLE students with financial need.
  • Emergency Gas Vouchers for Adult Education students in career training so they can get to class to complete their training.
  • Emergency Book Loans for Wayne College students to buy books in time for classes.
Thank you, Westminster, for making a difference!

Upcoming Events

Peace Workshops with Paul K. Chappell
Paul Chappell Speaker Paul K. Chappell, 2002 West Point graduate and seven-year army veteran, will present two workshops on Thursday, September 6th at 7pm in the Hawkins-Concord Student Center Auditorium at Ashland University and on Saturday, September 8, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. The College of Wooster, Babcock Hall - Formal Lounge.  
He is the author of Will War Ever End?: A Soldier's Vision of Peace for the 21st Century, The End of War: How Waging Peace Can Save Humanity, Our Planet, and Our Future, and Peaceful Revolution: How We Can Create the Future Needed for Humanity's Survival (publication date: Feb 2012).  


 Sixth Intercultural Fiesta

open arms Open Arms Hispanic Ministries invites you to a service of worship which features Zenebe Adebe, Executive Director of MCC Great Lakes as guest speaker. Interact with Hispanic brothers and sisters and show your support.  Music by the Hispanic Worship team from Hilliard, Ohio, and Lee Heights Choral.
Where: Central Christian School, 3970 Kidron Road, Kidron, Ohio
When: Saturday, September 8, 2012
Time: 4 to 6 pm
For further questions please contact Haroldo Nunes at 330-933-9376.
A Note from the Wooster Friends Meeting
 Ashland center for Non-ViolenceThe Ashland Center for Nonviolence is sponsoring a symposium this fall entitled "The Cost of War." Paul Chappell is speaking on September 6 on "War is NOT Inevitable." The next two programs are directly related to budget. On September 18 the topic is "Code RED--The Cost of Fear." On October 4 the topic is "A Nation in Debt: How Can We Pay the Bills?"
All of these programs are on the Ashland University campus starting at 7 p.m. (Chappell will be speaking in Wooster On September 8, but the other speakers are at AU only.) 
While that is some miles down the road for nearly everyone, I would like to suggest that the folks from Wooster Friends Meeting and from the Wooster "peace churches" attend these presentations in Ashland--both for information and for supporting ACN's attempts to bring new thinking to the budget issues.
Perhaps we could reserve a space at a local restaurant one of those evenings for a pre-presentation meal together.  If you are interested in attending these opportunities and think the meal is a great idea, please contact Dries at acoetzee@wooster.edu

Contact Us

For more information please contact:

Sue Brown



Office Hours


9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

and by appointment

Ph: 330-263-2398

Fax 330-263-2228


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Westminster's website at www.wpcwooster.org  

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