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Indianapolis Chapter CSI Newsletter

September 2012

winners circle skyline

The September issue of the chapter newsletter is here.

You know what all is going on this month, it is no secret that this is annually our biggest month and the time when we like to shine.

Brush up on what is going on and as always, please send comments, articles and suggestions to me as they may come up.


signature grey text 

 Indianapolis Chapter CSI Newsletter Editor

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Upcoming Events
Programs Committee

2012 Trade Show Seminar - Evidence Based Design

Thursday September 20, 2012 from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM EDT

Riverwalk Banquet Center - Lodge


Indianapolis Chapter CSI Trade Show - Exhibitor Registration

Thursday September 20, 2012 from 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM EDT

Riverwalk Banquet Center


Indianapolis Chapter CSI Trade Show - Attendee Registration

Thursday September 20, 2012 from 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM EDT

Riverwalk Banquet Center


2012 Standing Reservation List

Monday December 31, 2012 from 12:00 AM to 11:00 PM EST

Riverwalk Banquet Center

View from the Tower
Andy McIntyre, CSI, CCPR
new info   



Greetings fellow Indy Chapter members! It's that time of the year again - time for the Greatest Construction Products Show in Indiana! Yes, that's right it's the 38th Annual CSI Indianapolis Chapter Trade Show! Mark your calendars, tell everyone you know, put the kids to bed early, and put on your dancin' shoes! Thursday September 20th from 3pm to 8pm at the Riverwalk, see over 60 vendors with the latest and greatest in construction products and services that help you specify and build better buildings! There will be giveaways, a student competition, food and beverages, and oh by the way, networking!

This leads me to the 3rd reason (in a series of 12) that Chapter members should be proud to be members of the Indianapolis Chapter of CSI: Networking! The Indy Chapter offers some of the best networking opportunities in Indiana for construction professionals.  

  • In our network, a sub-contractor meets with an architect to help them better understand how specs impact the job.
  • In our network, a design professional can network meets with a peer to discuss best practices, and meets with a product professional to educate them on uses and applications of various products.
  • In our network, a product rep meets with an owner's rep to provide budget pricing and product solutions for their mutual client, the owner.
  • In our network, we have all this great interaction, and do it all while we eat, drink, and learn!
Come network with us on the Third Thursdays, and you can really make your net work!

If you've read this far, thanks! Now I will ask again for you to pay close attention! The first person that emails me with the subject heading Network and a response to the following question: What is the best way(s)  that you network? Please if you've won recently, give others a chance.

Thanks again for being a Chapter member and I look forward to seeing you at the Trade Show next week!

All the best,
mcintyre signature


2012 Trade Show
Exhibitor Registration

Trade Show Committee


Registration is now open for the 2012

edition of the Greatest Trade Show around!


Booth locations will be assigned on a first come first serve basis, with previous year's exhibitors getting first choice.


For more information about this opportunity, please visit the following link.  And remember, this event isn't just for the exhibitors, this is for the designers, specifiers and architects in the community to get in on the latest technologies and systems available for their projects. 


register now

2012 Trade Show

Trade Show Committee


For the first time EVER, you have the ability to pre-register for the trade show and gain yourself a complimentary drink on the Chapter.  ONLY those that pre-register will be given this complimentary beverage.


By pre-registering, it gives the chapter and the exhibitors a better idea of the audience that will be attending and will make the material that much better.


register now

Trade Show Education Seminar

Education Committee


Evidence-based design, or EBD for short, is a field of study that emphasizes the importance of using credible data in order to influence the design process. The approach has become popular in Healthcare Architecture in an effort to improve patient and staff well-being, patient healing process, stress reduction and safety. EBD is a relatively new field of study which borrows terminology and ideas from several disciplines including Enviroinmental Psychology, Architecture, Neuroscience and Behavioral Economics.


Attendees to this seminar will  learn about the history of EBD, how it originated and how the concept can be applied to the building design process. Attendees will learn about the research that went into developing EBD, as well as its goals and expectations. The speaker will also discuss projects that integrated EBD into the design process. Attendees will learn about the state of healhcare, key trends and challenges.


register now

iso booze

Education Foundation


Again, this year, the Indianapolis Chapter CSI Education Foundation will be holding a fundraising raffle to benefit scholrships awarded each year to college age students in the construction industry.


What we need from you is a donation to this effort in the form of a bottle of liquor suitable to go into a basket.  Bottles of wine, liquor and the like are encouraged.


Please bring any donations to the August Chapter meeting.

Table Tops

Jeremy Hoffman

Indianapolis Chapter CSI


The Indianapolis Chapter of CSI is accepting reservations for Table Tops for upcoming Chapter meetings.  The list of programs for upcoming Chapter meetings is published in this newsletter, the web site, or contact Program chairman Andy McIntyre, so if you would like to target a particular meeting, make sure to get your reservation in early.  We do have a limit of four spaces available for Table Tops in a standard meeting room and 10 if we have a double room.


Table Tops are an opportunity to promote your company, products, or services to all attendees of our regular chapter meeting during the social hour.  There is a maximum of 20 minutes for Table Top presentation at a regular Chapter meeting.  You have the floor for maximum of five minutes during the dinner to communicate to the entire group if there are four presenters. If there is a greater demand, the 20 minutes will be divided by the number of presenters and rounded down to the nearest 30 seconds.


The Table Top presentations are FREE, one time, to new members, and cost current Indianapolis Chapter members only $75.  Non-members get the same opportunity for $125.  A 30 by 60 table with a cover and skit will be included.  All proceeds go to support the Chapter.


Another opportunity for a Table Top is during an Education Seminar.  The cost is if you combine it with the Chapter meeting and Education Seminar the cost would be $100 for current members and $150 for non-members.


If you would like to schedule a Table Top for a future meeting or seminar, contact:


Jeremy Hoffman - CREW Technical Services

jhoffman@crewtech.com  or (317) 713-7777

Make sure to put 'Table Top Request' in the subject line  

Perfect Attendance Pins

What number are you? 


If you have received a Perfect Attendance Pin in the past and know what your last achieved number is, please contact Ken Schmidt, either at the chapter meeting or shoot him an email. 


In an effort to ensure we have accurate records, this would be greatly appreciated.

Certification Quiz
Jack Morgan - Quizmaster

1. The contractural relationship governed by the Conditions of the Contract is between:

a. Owner and Contractor
b. Architect/Engineer and Contractor 
c. Owners and Subcontractors
d. Architect/Engineer and Subcontractors

2. What is true concerning MasterFormat: 

a. It is used to establish the proper location of information within the fifty Divisions.
b. It contains a complete listing of topics covered in each Division
c. It contains a keyword index
d. All of the above

3. Keynotes and reference notes are used where:

a. The information required is more complex than can be reasonably shown in a typical drawing note.
b. The same note is to be used in multiple locations.
c. There is inadequate room for a fully written out note.
d. All of the above.

4. All of the following are major sources of proprietary information EXCEPT:

a. Manufacturer's product data, technical manuals, manufacturer's websites
b. Trade shows, television commercials
c. Guide specifications, SWEETS Catalogue File
d. Manufacturer's representatives, Product directories

5. Which is a true statement concerning substitutions proposed during the construction phase:

a. They are unfair to the unsuccessful bidders.
b. They should only be considered to replace unavailable products or remedy a situation where a specified product has proven unsuccessful.   

Answers located at the end of this newsletter....

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Chapter Photos
July 2012


We hope you have enjoyed seeing these previews of the latest images from our events.  To view more, visit our online photo album.
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Are specifiers weak in faith?
Sheldon Wolfe, RA, FCSI, CCS, CCCA, CSC 

Because of a CSI Specifiers Practice Group discussion in a couple of weeks, I'm moving this subject forward; we'll get back to changes in contract documents later.

About a hundred years ago, when AIA produced the document that eventually would become the familiar A201, much more work was done in the field. Reference standards had yet to be developed, and industry organizations did not yet offer the industry standards that are common today. And, because the architect was in control of the project, specifications were required to tell the contractor all that had to be done.

Since then, a lot has changed. We now have countless codes, industry standards, and references standards, which, together, set minimum requirements for just about everything. Much more work is fabricated off site, in controlled factory conditions, making today's materials and products far more reliable and consistent than they were a century ago. 


We often hear about the great quality of bygone days, and there is some truth to that, but the reality is that today's work is generally superior.

All of these things suggest specifications should be shorter, and I believe that to be true. However, specifications are longer than ever, and seem to grow with each new version. The main reason is redundancy, a result of the specifier's lack of faith in the documents we use.


Let's start with the conditions of the contract, specifically the AIA documents, probably the most commonly used. Other general conditions are used, but they often are similar to those published by AIA.

Read what is said about the responsibilities of the architect and of the contractor. In essence, the architect is responsible for showing what the building should look like, and what materials should be used where, and the contractor is responsible for pretty much everything else. Note there is nothing that requires the architect to tell the contractor, or manufacturer, or installer how to do their jobs. In fact, it states "The contractor shall be solely responsible for and have control over construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures and for coordinating all portions of the Work..."


This makes sense; the contractor knows more about how to run a job, the manufacturers know more about their products, and the installers know more about their work than the architect can possibly understand. So why do specifications delve so deeply into these matters? Why do they tell the contractor how to schedule, how to install, and how to coordinate?


There are good reasons for some of this. For example, it may be that part of a project has to be done first, to allow the owner to move from one area to another, but beyond that, it is the contractor's job to figure out what gets done when.


In addition to the conditions of the contract, we have Division 01, which, properly used, can eliminate many of the requirements commonly found in specifications. In Division 01, we specify those things that apply to everything: selection of materials, storage, handling, installation, following manufacturers' instructions, compliance with standards, acceptance of conditions, and so on.


With just those basic requirements, we're well on the way to reducing the length of specifications. It requires faith, but it is logical, defensible, and enforceable. The basic rule is, if it's in the conditions or Division 01, take it out of the section. Think of it as "specification by exception." Rely on the documents, and all you need to worry about is how what you want differs from the standards or the manufacturers' instructions.


Part 1: Use "related work" as intended, a way to help the reader find something that normally would be expected in this section but is not.

Part 2: Remove substitution requirements. If you have specific products in mind, state what they are. If you're open to competitive products, specify the performance. Don't specify those things that are not essential, and may not be the same for all products.

Part 3: Unless you know more about installation than the manufacturer and the installer, there isn't much to say, except for quality control requirements.

Know your reference standards. If you specify insulation as ASTM C578, Type IV, there is no need to go on and specify the thermal resistance, compressive strength, water absorption, or vapor permeance. On the other hand, if the standard you are using has options, be sure to indicate which are required.

When you specify more than necessary, you enter into the "means and methods" area, and, in so doing, you assume the contractor's responsibility. If something goes wrong, the contractor can say, "I did what I was told" and you're on the hook.


With faith in the documents, it should be possible to specify almost anything in half a page (at least for architectural products, though I suspect mechanical and electrical specifications also can be reduced). Using roofing as an example, if I state the wind loads, the required fire-resistive rating, the type of membrane, applicable standards, required options, warranty, and field quality control requirements, what else do I have to say? The manufacturer's instructions cover all the related materials, and how it gets installed. Here's where the exception part comes in; if the manufacturer's standard flashing height is four inches, but I want eight, I say that.


The result? Easy to write, easy to bid, easy to enforce.


� 2012, Sheldon Wolfe, RA, FCSI, CCS, CCCA, CSC


Follow me at http://swconstructivethoughts.blogspot.com/, http://swspecificthoughts.blogspot.com/,




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Education Foundation 


You have the opportunity to donate directly to the foundation in a secure way in order to boost the number and financial quality of the scholarships.  The donations to this foundation are tax deductable.  If you are considering this good deed and have any questions about the tax aspect, please don't hesitate to contact the Foundation.




Board of Directors' Minutes

Online Archive 


Minutes of the Indianapolis Chapter CSI Board of Directors can be read here.  Please contact the president with any comments or questions.
Standing Reservations 
Meeting Arrangements Committee
For those of you who know you will be attending each chapter meeting and don't want to mess with making sure they have a spot each month, the Chapter offers to its members in good standing the Standing Reservation List.
Please review the terms of this program at the following link.
Quiz ANSWERS:  1. - a; 2. - d; 3. - d; 4. - b; 5. - a 
In This Issue
Trade Show!
Table Tops
Meeting Innformation

Sept. 20, 2012

Riverwalk Banquet Center
3-8 pm
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