Volume: 1 - Issue:  29731 August 2012
Iran Update - ISDCI Newsletter
Iran Update



We are delighted to present you with the current issue of Iran Update, a publication of International Solidarity for Democratic Change in Iran (ISDCI).  You can see ISDCI's latest events on our website at: International Conferences 

680 Ashraf Residents ready to Move to Liberty

Following the statement by the Spokesperson for US State Department on August 29, welcoming the arrival of the sixth convoy of Ashraf residents at Camp Liberty and reiterating to work towards resolution of humanitarian issues in this Camp and to support the safety and security of the residents, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, declared, "Around 680 Ashraf residents will be ready to move from Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty on September 12 and they could start loading their belongings from tomorrow even through hiring 100 trucks at their own expense.  Read On... 

Former U.S. Officials Call on Department of State to Delist MEK
Stop Fundamentalism

On August 30, 2012, 17 former U.S. Generals and elected officials of U.S. government issued a joint statement calling on the Department of State to remove the name of the Iranian resistance movement, the Mujahedin-e Khalq, MEK from its Foreign Terrorist Organizations list. Read On... 


Bi-Partisan Panel lauds Iranian dissidents in Iraq, urges Secretary Clinton to de-list the Iranian opposition, MeK, and ensure the peaceful resettlement of all Camp Ashraf residents in third countries
Bi-Partisan Panel lauds Iranian dissidents in Iraq, urges Secretary Clinton to de-list the Iranian opposition, MeK, and ensure the peaceful resettlement of all Camp Ashraf residents in third countries


In a symposium at the historic Willard Intercontinental Hotel on Saturday, former senior U.S. officials urged the State Department to delist the main Iranian opposition group, the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MeK), and protect its members in Camps Ashraf and Liberty in Iraq.  Read On... 
Persian interpreter tampers with Morsi's NAM speech

Media in Tehran claiming that Egyptian president's speech at Non-Aligned Movement summit distorted by simultaneous translator in bid to fit in with Islamic Republic's position. Read On... 

Iran at the brink
The Washington Post

FOUR MONTHS AGO, the Obama administration radiated optimism that a deal could be struck curbing the most dangerous parts of Iran's nuclear program. Read On... 

Please see links below for some more media coverage of Ashraf situation:


Thank you for your reading Iran Update. We welcome your comments. 





ISDCI News Group